

 1.一How often does Cheng watch TV?

    一He watches TV t_________ a week

 2.一What’s the matter with Gina?

    —She’s s_____________ out

 3.一What’re they doing for vacation?

    —They’re r___________ at home.

 4.一How does Mary get to school?

    一She t___________ the subway.

 5.Jane isn’t very o___________.She likes to stay at home and read.

 6.一How m___________ honey do we need?

    一One teaspoon.

 7.一Did Tina meet a famous actor?

    一Yes,she did.She met Jake Dean.She got his a____________

8.—When did she b____________ a movie star?

    一When she was three years old.

9.一What’s she going to be when she g_________ up?

    一She’s going to be all actress.

 10.一What’s the best movie theater?

     —Town Cinema.It has the f__________ service.

1.twice   2.stressed    3.relaxing     4.takes   5.outgoing

6.much  7.autograph    8.become    9.grows  10.friendliest


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