Miracles(奇迹)will happen if you don't give up trying. Even if you have 1  for one hundred times, you may succeed when you try for the 10lst time.
When I was born, my doctor told my mother that there was something wrong with my 2  .  They were too soft to be able to walk. Although the news was bad, my mother didn't become  3  . She didn't believe what the doctor said  4  started to look for other ways.
My mother kept looking for other doctors for me, and finally she  5  . The doctor and his team in the hospital did  6 they could to help me. They also asked my parents to teach me to do some  7 to help me walk. One day when my mother came to pick me  8   . I crawled(爬) towards her. She was so surprised and happy that she couldn't believe  9   eyes. Crawling was not walking, but it was a good  10  . Day by day, I could walk by myself.
When I grew up, my mother  11   told me these stories. She said that if I thought of what she said whenever I met  12  , I could do anything successfully. I have been working hard and I have turned out to be a very   13  person.. I get best grades in school and I am a good dancer and swimmer.   14  my mother's strong resolution, I live a happy life now. What the story tells us, as my mother always says,   15_: Never give up.
A.According toB.Instead ofC.Thanks toD.Together with

When I was five years old, my mother first asked me a  41   . “What’s the most  42 Part(部分)of one’s body(身体)?” she asked me. At the moment, I  43   listening to songs very much, so I answered, “My  44  , Mom.” “I don’t think so,” said my mother. She always asked me this question, but I  45  gave her the right (正确的) answer.
Last year, my grandmother  46  the world. For the first time, I saw my mother  47  so sadly. All the people in my family were very 48  . That night, my mother asked the  49 question again. “You need to  50   this important lesson today, my dear,” she said to me. “The most important part of one’s body is the shoulder (肩膀).”
  51   ?” I asked.
“Because your shoulders can hold the head of a friend or one of your family,” my mother said. “Everyone  52   a shoulder to cry on when he or she  53   something sad. I hope that you have  54   love and strong (强壮的) shoulders. Then your friends and family can cry on them.”
“My shoulders are  41   strong now,” I said. “You can cry on each of them, Mom.”

A.interesting B.importantC.expensiveD.dangerous
A.enjoyed B.stoppedC.forgot D.disliked
A.feetB.ears C.arms D.hands
A.see B.cryC.runD.dance
A.Who B.WhyC.How D.What
A.needsB.buys C.sellsD.rents
A.keepsB.meetsC.takes D.believes
A.no B.a fewC.any D.lots of
A.only B.notC.very D.hardly

When I was in my first year of middle school, my father died. And my mother was ill just after I started high school, I had to stop   1  school because my mother had no ___2___ to pay for my school bills.
We started working in people’s gardens to save up enough money  3  me to go back to school. After some time, I returned to school. Unluckily, my mother died the next year. Suddenly my world went  4 . I asked my headmaster  5  I could work for the school so I could pay my bills. He was a nice man and let me  6  in the school garden during the  7 . I had not been able to study well because of my mother’s  8 .   9  the end of my second year,   I  10  most of my exams and was told I would have to repeat (重复) the year. After  11  summer working in the school garden, I went back to lessons again. But suddenly I fell  12 .
Because of my illness, I was weak and couldn’t work at school. I was hopeless. My headmaster told me not to give up (放弃). And my teachers  and  classmates  helped me  a   13  . Now I’m feeling better and will finish my third year.
My life is still not  14  . A few students  15  my poor clothes. They also call me ‘farmer’ because I work in the school garden. But I know I have to do with such problems.

A.to go toB.going toC.living inD.visiting the
A.workB.to workC.workingD.study
A.afternoon B.holidaysC.nightD.morning
A.passedB.went through C.failedD.had
A.anotherB.otherC.the otherD.more
A.little B.fewC.lotD.lot of
A.the sameB.hardC.difficultD.easy
A.laugh atB.likeC.put onD.laugh

Once I spoke at a high school. After the speech, the principal asked me to see a special student. An     1   had kept the boy home, but he had expressed an interest in meeting me, and it would mean a great deal to him. I agreed.
He was Matthew.   2  he was born, the doctor told his parents that he would not live to see five, then they were told    3  would not make it to ten. Now he was thirteen. He wanted to meet me because I was a gold-medal weight lifter.
I spent over an hour talking to Matthew. He spoke about   4  and succeeding and seeking(追寻)his dreams.
When we finished talking, I went to my    5 and pulled out the first gold medal I won and put it around his neck. I told him he was more of a winner and knew more about    6   and overcoming obstacles(克服障碍)than I ever would. He looked at it for a while, then took it off and handed it   7  to me. He said, “You are a champion. You earned that medal. Someday when I get to the Olympics and win my own medal, I will show it to you.”
Last summer I got the news that Matthew had   8   and a letter Matthew had written to me a few days before:
Dear Rick,
My mom said I should send you a thank-you letter. The doctors are   9  to tell me that I don't have long to live any more. But I still smile as much as I can.
I told you that in the future I was going to the Olympics and win a gold medal. But I know now I'll      10   . I know I'm a champion, and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven, God will give me my medal and when you get there, I will show it to you.
Thank you for loving me.
Your friend

A.went awayB.passed awayC.stayed awayD.moved away

I remember my maths teacher Mr Young very well. He stood out because the kids made fun of him. He was missing one of his fingers. In school Maths was my worst subject. I don’t think there was ever a day I went to school that I was not afraid.
One day, I was told that if I got one more E on my report card, my parents would be called to school.
I tried really hard for weeks to learn Maths. I just couldn’t understand how to make different parts of numbers into whole things; my brain just couldn’t do it, no matter how hard I tried.
The day before report cards were to come out, I knew that Mr Young would give me an E, just like he always did.
After class ended, I went to Mr Young and told him what would happen if I got another E. He told me there was nothing he could do; it would be unfair to the other kids if he gave me a better grade than I had actually earned.
I looked at the teacher and said, “Mr Young, you know how all the kids make fun of you because you’re missing your finger?”
He looked at me, and said nothing.
“They shouldn’t do that to you because you can’t help not having a finger, Mr Young. Just like I can’t help not being able to learn numbers and matters like that,” I said.
Again, he said nothing as he looked down at his desk, and began grading papers.
The next day, when I got my report card, I looked at my grades: Geography: B- , English: D-  , History: C- , Gym: B+ , Art: C, Maths: D- .
That Math grade was the most favorite one I ever received in my whole life. I knew that someone in the world finally understood what it was like for me to be missing a finger inside my head.
【小题1】Where was Mr Young different from others?

A.He had only nine fingers in all.
B.He played jokes with students.
C.He usually gave higher mark to students.
D.He taught Maths in an interesting way.
【小题2】What would happen to the writer if he got another E?
A.He would be asked to leave school.
B.He might be punished by his parents.
C.He would not be allowed to play any more.
D.He would be laughed at by other students.
【小题3】The writer got a Math D- at last because            .
A.he achieved a higher level after working hard
B.Mr Young was afraid of being made fun of again
C.Mr Young knew the trouble of being poor in mind
D.Mr Young thanked him for telling him the opinions of students
【小题4】The story tells us that              .
A.students should respect(尊敬) the disabled teachers
B.teachers should treat all the students fairly
C.students need to be cared for in their study,
D.teachers should have an understanding of the students

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