
News 1
     Have you ever thought of being able to fly around the world in a few hours though it is about 40,000
kilometers? One day, maybe you can. Last Saturday, the American X-43A airplane made its first flight.
It reached a speed of 8,000 kilometers an hour. This makes it the fastest plane in the world. The X-43A
is only three to four meters long, but it's very heavy: it weighs 1,270 kilogrammes.
News 2
     Have you ever got angry at books that are full of mistakes? Don't worry, things will get better soon.
Last week, China started checking textbooks, dictionaries and children's books all over the country. The
government said the results of the checking would come out at the end of June.
News 3
    There will be a new "star" in the sky soon. China plans to send a satellite into space by December 2009.
It will stay in space for one year. It will go around the moon and take pictures. It must be very expensive,
right? That's for sure-1.4 billion yuan!
News 4
     Floods across the northern Mexican state of Coabuila killed at least 32 people and left 100 more missing.
It was reported on Monday. The heavy rain hit the state all night last Friday, so some banks of the river
were broken. Along the river about 3,000 families were seriously affected.
1. News 1 talks about _____.
[     ]
A. the American X-43A airplane is the fastest one in the world
B. the American X-43A airplane traveled around the earth in a few hours
C. people can't go around the earth in a few hours
D. only Americans can make such a fast plane
2. If the X-43A goes around the earth, it will take about _____ hours to finish the trip.
[     ]
A. 3
B. 5
C. 8
D. 12
3. Which of the following about New 2 is true?
[     ]
A. There are many mistakes in most of the textbooks, dictionaries and children's books.
B. All the students have to use the books full of mistakes till the end of June.
C. A few mistakes are not serious for children.
D. After the checking books will become better and better.
4. Which of the following about the new "star" is NOT true?
[     ]
A. It will help us know more about the moon.
B. It will cost 1.4 billion yuan.
C. It will go around the earth for one year.
D. It will be sent up by the year 2009.
5. Many families were affected because of _____.
[     ]
A.the heavy rain on Monday
B. the floods across Coabuila
C. the broken banks of the river
D the death of 132 people
     New York city: It's a cold day in December. A little boy about 10-year-old was standing in front
of  a  shoe store on Broadway, barefooted  (光着脚),peering(凝视) through the window,  and  shivering (颤抖着) with cold. A lady walked to the boy and said, "My little boy, why are you looking so seriously
in that window? "
     "I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes. " The boy replied.
     The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get  six pairs of socks
for the boy.
She then asked if he could give her a basin(盆)of water and a towel. The clerk quickly
brought them to her. She took the little boy to the back part of the store and, taking off her gloves, knelt
down,washed his little feet, and dried them with the towel. By this time the clerk had returned with the
socks.Placing a pair upon the boy's feet, she then bought him a pair of shoes, and tying up the rest pairs
of socks gave them to the boy.
She patted him on the head and said, "My little boy, do you feel more
comfortable now?"
     As she turned to go, the surprised boy caught her by the hand, and looking up iii her face! with tears
in his eyes, answered the question with these words, "Are you  Good's wife?"
1. What's the season in this passage?
2. Why was the boy looking so seriously in that  window?
3. ________________________________________.
4. ________________________________________.
5.   ________________________________________.
     New rules and behavior standards (行为规范) for middle school students came out (颁布) in March.
Middle schools are going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won't only
have high marks. The following are some of the new rules.?
     Tell the truth. Have you ever cheated (作弊) in an exam? Don't do it again! That's not something honest
students should do.
     Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird Loving Month in
China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate it? You should join! In that way, you can learn more about
animals and how to protect them.?
     Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought people could live on the moon? Maybe you'll find another
earth in space in the future. Everyone's new ideas are important.
     Protect yourself. Has a thief ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don't let it happen to you.
If you have to go back home late, you should let your parents know.
     Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your study. But some things on the Internet
aren't for kids, so try to look at the good web pages. You can use the web pages for fun or homework.?
1. When did the new rules and behavior standards for middle school students come out?
2. What should the best students do in an exam? ?
3. What should you do if you have to go back home late?
4. What can the children use the good web pages for? ?
5. What is the right attitude (态度) to new ideas?
     New rules and behavior standards for middle school students came out in March. Middle school is
going to use a new way to decide who the top kids are. The best students won't have high marks. They
will also be kids who do not dye (染) their hair, smoke or drink. Here are some of the new rules.
     Tell the truth. Have you ever copied someone else's work on an exam? Don't do it again! That is not
something an honest student should do. If you've played computer games for two hours in your room,
do not tell your parents you have done homework.
     Do more at school. Good students always love animals and care for other people. April is Bird-loving
month in China. Are your schoolmates doing anything to celebrate? Join in it! In this way, you can learn
more about animals and how to protect them. When more people work together, it makes it more fun
for everyone. Have you ever quarreled with your teammates when your basket-ball team lost? Only
working together can make your team stronger. Be friendly to the people around you. Try to think of
others, not only yourself.
      Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe you'll
discover another Earth some day. Do not look down on new ideas. Everyone's ideas are important.
You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better for everyone.
      Protect yourself. Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don't let it happen
to you. If you have to go home late, you should take care of yourself and let your parents know.
      Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But some things on
the Internet aren't for kids, so try to look at Web pages that are good for you. You can use the Web
for fun or homework. Can't you find any good Web sites for children? Here are some: http:// kids.
east day.com; http:// www.chinakids.net.com.
1. The school new rules will help kids by telling them _____.
[     ]
A. how they can study well  
B. what they should do only at school
C. what is right and what is wrong 
D. how they can protect themselves
2. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
[     ]
A. Take care of yourself when you are out.
B. Tell the truth, even when you are wrong.
C. Keep some animals to protect them.
D. Use the Internet, but keep away from bad things.
3. The main idea of the fourth paragraph is about _____.
[     ]
A. making the team stronger     
B. working together each others
C. learning from each other     
D. being strict with others
4. Good Web sites for children can _____.
[     ]
A. be a waste of time       
B. help them with their studies
C. do homework for them     
D. make their life easier
5. The passage tells us how to _____.
[     ]
A. be top students      
B. do more at school
C. care for others    
D. use the Internet
     New rules and behavior standards (行为规范) for middle school students came out in March. Middle
school is going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won't only have
high marks. They will also be kids who don't dye (染) their hair, smoke or drink. The followings are some
of the new rules.
     Tell the truth. Have you ever copied someone else's work on an exam? Don't do it again. If you have
played computer games for two hours in your room, don't tell your parents you have done homework.
     Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. You should learn more about
animals and how to protect (保护) them. When more people work together, it makes it more fun for
everyone. Only working together can make your team together. Be friendly to the people you are with. Try
to think of others, not only yourself.
      Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe you'll discover
earthⅡsomeday. Don't look down new ideas. Everyone's ideas are important. Protect yourself. Has someone
ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don't let it happen to you. If you have to go home late, you
should let your parents know.
      Use the internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But some things on the
Internet are bad for kids,so try to look at Web pages that are good for you.
1. This passage tells us how to _____.
[     ]
A. be top students
B. do more at school
C. use the Internet 
2. The best students shouldn't _____.
[     ]
A. have high marks
B. smoke
C tell the truth
3. How many new rules does the passage mention (提及)?
[     ]
A. Five
B. Three
C. Eight
4. Good Web pages for children can _____.
[     ]
A. be bad for kids.
B. be a waste of time.
C. help them with their studies.
5. If you have to go home late, you _____.
[     ]

A. should let your parents know.
B. needn't tell anyone.
C. should call the police.

          New rules and behavior standards (行为规范) for middle school students came out in March. The Middle
School is going to use a new way to decide who the top students are. The best students won't only have high
marks. They should not dye (染) their hair, smoke or drink because they are students. The following are some
of the new rules.
         Have you ever copied someone else's work in an exam? Don't do that again! That's not something an
honest student should do.
         Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird-loving Month in
China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate it? You should join! And you can learn more about animals
and how to protect them. Be friendly to the people around you. Try to think of others, not only yourself.  
          Be open to new ideas. Do you think people can live on the moon? Maybe you'll find another earth
someday. Don't look down on new ideas. Everyone's ideas are important. You should welcome them, because
new ideas make life better for everyone.
          Protect yourself. Has someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don't let it happen to
you. If you have to go home late, you should let your parents know.
          Use the Internet carefully. The Internet can be very useful for students. But some things on the Internet
aren't for children, so try to look at web pages (网页) that are good for you.
1. What's the meaning of "look down on " in the passage?
[     ]
A. 向下看
B. 轻视
C. 在……上面看
D. 上下打量
2. If you go home late, you should tell your             about it.
[     ]
A. father and mother
B. teachers
C. children
D. classmates
3. Good web pages for children can                 .
[     ]
A. be a waste of time
B. help them with their studies
C. do homework for them
D. make life difficult
4. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
[     ]
A. Tell the truth, even when you are wrong. 
B. Keep some animals to kill them.
C. Look down on new ideas.
D. Everything on the Internet is good for children.
5. The passage mainly (主要地) tells us how to               .
[     ]
A. care for others
B. do more at school
C. be top students
D. use the Internet