
报告内容 日期:2009  年5  月 6  日 天气:晴 出勤情况:满勤
福州概况 位于福建东部,风景优美;历史悠久.  人口 6700000 ;
这些年 发生巨大变化,新建了许多高楼、道路等;
有很多名胜.  如: 鼓山、三山俩塔等。
其他 一句祝福的话
提示词:history; population; places of interest; Mount Gu; Three Hills and Two Pagodas
要求:1. 必须用上所有的信息,语句通顺,书写规范;
            2. 词数80左右。
     Good morning, everyone ! I'm on duty today. It's May 6th, 2009. It's fine. Everyone is here. Now I will say something about Fuzhou. Fuzhou is in the east of Fujian. It's beautiful.
     It's a city with a long history and has a population of 6. 7 million. Great changes have taken place these years. We have built many tall buildings and wide roads. There are many places of interest, such as Mount Gu, Three Hills and Two Pagodas and so on. I hope my hometown will be more beautiful.
    That's all. Thank you!

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
