
I have a good friend and we are like sisters. But sometimes the things she does make me     I’m independent and I don’t depend on others. I like to be different      others. But she does everything the same      I do. For example, I have friends from        groups, because I want different friends. But she      them and tries to make friends with them. Also, I got a nice hat and she got the same one. I want to color my hair and she wants to color      ,too.  There are more things      that. I like her very much because she is a great friend, but I can’t      the things she does sometimes. I don’t want to say     to her because it ‘ll make things worse I don’t know      to do. Can you give me some advice?
A.excitedB. tiredC.angryD. cool
A.withB. asC.fromD.with
A.IfB. asC.soD.and
A.necessaryB.different C.importantD.famous


小题1:考查形容词及语境的理解。上文提到作者与她的好朋友形同姐妺,联系下文But sometimes the things she does make me     .但有时她做的事情让我感到……再联系下面的让作者恼火的几件事,故选C,生气的。
小题2:考查介词及语境的理解。上文提到作者很独立,联系下文I like to be different       others. 应是她喜欢与众不同,故选C。be different from与……不同。
小题3:考查介词及语境的理解。上文提到作者与众不同,联系下文But she does everything the same      I do. 可知,她做与我做的相同的事情,故选B。the same as 与……相同。
小题4:考查形容词及语境的理解。上文提到作者与众不同,联系下文For example, I have friends from      groups,故选 B different。
小题5:考查动词及语境的理解。上文提到作者有来自不同群体的朋友,联系下文But she     them and tries to make friends with them.故选A meets。只有见面才能交朋友,其它几项不合文意。
小题6:考查代词及语境的理解。上文提到作者买了一顶漂亮的帽子,朋友也也买了一顶一样的,联系下文I want to color my hair and she wants to color    ,too. 故选D hers,指的是her hair。
小题7:考查介词及语境的理解。上文提到朋友效仿的好几件事情,联系下文There are more things      that. 故选D,像。
小题8:考查动词及语境的理解。上文提到作者很喜欢她的朋友,联系下文but I can’t    the things she does sometimes.故选D 忍受。
小题9:考查不定代词及语境的理解。上文提到作者有时不能忍受朋友做的一些事情,联系下文I don’t want to say    to her because it ‘ll make things worse ,并且是否定句,故选B。
小题10:考查疑问词及语境的理解。上文提到作者不想对朋友说什么,因为会让事情变得更糟,联系下文 I don’t know    to do.应该是不知道做什么,故选D。
Have you ever heard of Back-to-Front Day? It is a festival in Britain. On that day, the adults have to go to school. And the children? They are the policemen and firemen; they sit in the offices and call New York and Paris; they are doctors and nurses.
“Stand in the corner, Mr. Bass!” said Mary. Mary was six and had a class of twenty-three men and fifteen women. They were making too much noise.
John was a policeman. Though his uniform was too big, he walked down the street with pride. “Hm, why are you not at school?” “Oh, I ... I have something important to do,” said the man.   “Fiddlesticks (胡说)!” said John angrily. He took out his notebook. “Name?” he asked. “Mr. Green.” John wrote it down and blew his whistle (吹口哨) and a police car appeared. “I have a truant here,” said John. “Drive him to school!”
At the hospital a small doctor climbed on one chair in order to examine (检查) Mrs. Brown’s throat, and Nurse Jenny took Granny Lisa’s temperature.
The best part of Back-to-Front Day is in the evening. The children put the adults to bed, very early. They tell them a story, too — after the adults wash their faces and brush their teeth.
How interesting Back-to-Front Day is!
小题1:The adults have to ____ on Back-to-Front Day.
A.look after their children well B.work in many different fields
C.go to schoolD.work harder
小题2:How many students were there in Mary’s class?
A.15.B.23.C.38. D.44.
小题3:The underlined word “truant” means “______” in Chinese.
小题4:Where were Mrs. Brown and Granny Lisa?
A.In the street.B.At the hospital.C.At school.D.In the office.
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE according to the fifth paragraph?
A.The adults sleep late on that day.
B.The children tell stories to the adults.
C.The adults help the children brush their teeth.
D.The children help the adults wash their faces.
One day, many years ago, when I was working as a psychologist in England, I brought David into my office. His face was pale and he looked at his own feet.
David lost his father when he was two years old and lived with his mother and grandfather ever since. But when he was 13, his grandfather died and his mother was killed in a car accident. His teacher told me that he refused to talk to others from then on.
David didn’t say a word. As he was leaving, I put my hand on his shoulder. “Come back next week if you like.” I said.
He came and I suggested we play a game of chess. He agreed. After that we played chess every Wednesday afternoon — in complete silence. Usually, he arrived earlier than we agreed. It seemed that he liked to be with me.

Maybe I gave David something. But I learned more from him. I learned that time makes it possible to get over what seems to be painful. David showed me how to help people like him.
小题1:When David came into the writer’s office, he___________.
A. said hello to the writer   B. seemed happy    C. looked at his feet
小题2:David’s father died when he was ____________.  
A. 13        B. 2         C. 5
小题3:To help David, the writer ________ every Wednesday afternoon.
A. played chess with him     B. told stories to him    C. played soccer with him
小题4:What club did David join?
A. A chess club    B. An art club     C. A bicycle club
小题5:Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Since his father died, David refused to talk to others.
B. David didn’t say anything to the writer at first.
C. David finally got friends in school.
“It’s over! Thank goodness!” school was _  and I was tired. I   _at the front of the school bus.
Janie, the driver, tries to      the uncomfortable atmosphere(气氛,氛围) by striking the match of talks. I try to listen     , but usually I am too      thinking about my day. On this day, however, her talk was worth      .
“My father’s ill ,” she said to no one in particular(特别地). I could see worry in her      . I had never seen her like this before. She always meets students       a smile.
With a sudden change of interest, I asked, “ What’s wrong with him?”
With her eyes wet and her voice     , she answered, “Heart trouble.” Her eyes lowered as she continued. “I’ve already       my mum, so I don’t think I can stand losing him.” I couldn’t answer. My heart ached for her.
I sat on the      thinking of the great pain my own mother was thrown into when her father died. I saw how hard it was, and still is, for her. I wouldn’t want anyone to go through that. Suddenly I realized Janie wasn’t only a bus      , that was just her job. She had a whole world of family and cares      .
I suddenly       very selfish. I paid no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver. I had judged her by her job and brushed her off as unimportant.
I shouldn’t have been so selfish and self-centered.       people is an art.
A.looking atB.agreeing withC.talking toD.listening to
A.usuallyB.usualC.unusual D.truly
A.alsoB.eitherC.tooD.at all
A.Looking atB.UnderstandingC.Getting to knowD.Watching
When my first wartime Christmas came, I was in basic training in New Jersey and not sure if I could make it home for the holidays. Only on the afternoon of December 23 was the list of men who would have three-day passes (通行证) posted. I was one of the lucky soldiers.
It was Christmas Eve when I arrived, and a light snow had fallen. Mother opened the front door. I could see beyond her, into the corner of the living room where the tree had always stood. There were lights, all colors, and ornaments (装饰物) shining against the green of a pine.
“Where did it come from?” I asked.
“I asked the Gates boy to cut it,” my mother said. “I wouldn’t have had one just for myself, but when you called--- oh, such a rush! He just brought it in this afternoon…”
The pine reached to the proper height, almost to the ceiling, and the Tree Top Krystal Star was in its place. A few green branches reached about a little awkwardly (难看地) at the side, I thought, and there was a bit of bare trunk showing in the middle. But the tree filled the room with warm light and the whole house with pleasant smell of Christmas.
“It’s not like the ones you used to find,” my mother went on. “Yours were always in good shape. I suppose the Gates boy didn’t know where to look. But I couldn’t be picky.”
“Don’t worry, ” I told her. “It’s perfect.”
It wasn’t, of course, but at the moment I realized something for the first time: all Christmas trees are perfect.
小题1: When the writer got home, ________.
A.it was December 23
B.it was snowing heavily
C.he found a Christmas tree in the living room
D.the Gates boy was cutting a Christmas tree for his mother
小题2: From the passage, we can conclude(推断) that ________.
A.the writer used to cut very beautiful Christmas trees
B.his mother didn’t like perfect trees
C.his mother didn’t want to have a tree
D.the writer wouldn’t have a tree cut by someone else
小题3:“All Christmas trees are perfect”, because they can remind you of ________.
A.the wartimeB.the green of a pine
C.the pleasant smellD.the sweet home
小题4: The best title for this passage would be “________”.
A.How to Choose a Christmas Tree
B.How Soldiers Spent Christmas
C.The Perfect Christmas Tree
D.The Christmas Without a Tree
My brother and I often fight with each other over small things. One day our father said to us, “Tomorrow we will take part in the Ray Home Sports Day. Both of you must go with me. Perhaps you can learn something from those children.” My brother laughed, “Dad, Ray is a home for physically disabled children. What can we learn from them?”
“You will see,” our father said.
Our father works as a volunteer at Ray. The children there have problems with their hands, speech, walking or hearing. Every day, he spends hours helping them to move or exercise their legs or arms.
The following day, he took us to Ray Home. When we got there, we found a nice place to sit down. Finally, the sports began. There was a 50-meter race to see who could run fastest. All the runners were physically disabled. As the race started, all the children moved as fast as they could. Just then, one of the girls fell over and hurt her leg. She began to cry at the top of her voice.
All the children stopped to help the poor girl. Then they all held hands and finished the race together. My brother and I were surprised to see this: the children weren’t interested in winning the race-they were more interested in helping each other to finish the race.
小题1:Why did the father take the writer and his brother to Ray Home?
A.The father wanted them to do something at Ray.
B.The father asked them to help the children at Ray.
C.The father wanted them to take part in the Sports Day.
D.The father wanted them to learn something from the children.
小题2:What does the father often do in Ray Home?
A.He works as a teacher there.B.He helps the children there.
C.He watches the games there.D.He does sports with his sons.
小题3: Why did all the children stop in the 50-meter race stop?
A.All the children were disabled.B.A little girl fell over and got hurt.
C.They stopped to laugh at the girl.D.They didn’t want to finish the race.
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The children there can help each other.
B.All the runners there can not run fast.
C.All the children don’t want to be winners.
D.The disabled children there were not smart enough.

I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago. Her husband died because of traffic accident. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insights with us.
The class was clearly over. She said,"Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you an important thought.”  “Each of us is on Earth to learn, share, love and *appreciate. We must *cherish every single day.”
Her eyes beginning to water, she went on, “So I would like you to make me a *promise. From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful. It could be a *scent----perhaps of freshly baked bread, or it could be the sound of the *breeze slightly *rustling the leaves in the trees.
“Please look for these things, and cherish them. For, although it may sound * trite, these things are the *stuff of life. They are the little things on Earth to enjoy. They are the things we often take for *granted. We must try to notice them because it can be easily taken away at any time.”
The class was completely quiet. We picked up our books and went out of the room silently. That afternoon I noticed more things on my way from school than I had that whole semester.
I often think of that teacher and try to appreciate all off those things that sometimes we *overlook.
Take notice of something special you see on your lunch time today. Walk *barefoot along the beach at *sunset. For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we regret, but the things we didn’t do.
小题1:In the writer’s eyes , the high school teacher was ________________________.
小题2:The words “insight” in the first paragraph means_____________________.
小题3:From the underlined sentence in the third paragraph we know the writer’s teacher suggests ____________.
A.cherishing every single day
B.finding something beautiful
C.cherishing even very little things
D.taking for granted
小题4:The best title for the passage may be __________________________.
A.My high school daysB.Making a promise
C.My teacher’s insightsD.Little things in life

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