A shark is a large, fierce fish that eats other fish.What will you do if you meet a shark while you are swimming? One man who knows all about sharks has given some rules to help you swim safely.

Don't swim in water where there are sharks.But if you do, stay close to shore.Sharks in deep water are the hungriest, and hungry sharks are dangerous.
If you see a shark, swim slowly to the shore.He is one of the fastest fish in the sea.You could never swim faster than a shark.
If Mr.Shark comes too close, put your head under water and shout,“Go away, get lost!”He can't hear what you say, but the sound under water makes him afraid.
But what to do if he still keeps coming after you? Then you should try to hit him on the nose.You see, it hurts him the most.If he comes back, do the same thing again.
Sharks are found mostly in the warm water of the sea.And there are sharks big enough to ride on in deeper water almost everywhere.But if you want to go for a ride, jump on your bike.It will be much safer.
1.Hungry sharks aren't dangerous, are they?
2.What should a swimmer do when he meets a shark?
3.What may make a shark afraid according to the passage?
4.Where can we mostly see sharks?
5.Why should a swimmer try to hit a shark on the nose when a shark keeps coming after him?
1.Yes, they are.
2.He/She should swim slowly to the shore.
3.The sound under water.
4.In the warm water of the sea.
5.It hits him the most.
