

1.Have you been to that       (超级市场)?

2.Look!Some of the boys are swimming in the s    pool.

3.My sister has been to Tian’anmen S    twice.

4.Do you know where the C    Mao Memorial Hall?

5.There is an         (入口处) on the left.

6.Where can I do some         (shop)?

7.There are all        (kind) of bikes in the shop.

8.I’m going on for         (far) studies.

9.My English teacher is really        (friend) and kind.

10.Don’t be        (worry).Our teacher is coming soon.

11.The girl finished her homework all by       (her).

12.The old man has been        (die) for many years.

13.All of the girls sang and danced        (happy) at that party.

14.There is a        (strange) over there.None of us knows him.

15.Three years         (late) the man became a doctor.



1.Have you been to that supermarket(超级市场)?

2.Look!Some of the boys are swimming in the swimming pool.

3.My sister has been to Tian’anmen Square twice.

4.Do you know where the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall?

5.There is an entrance (入口处) on the left.

6.Where can I do some shopping(shop)?

7.There are all kinds (kind) of bikes in the shop.

8.I’m going on for further (far) studies.

9.My English teacher is really friendly (friend) and kind.

10.Don’t be worried (worry).Our teacher is coming soon.

11.The girl finished her homework all by herself(her).

12.The old man has been dead (die) for many years.

13.All of the girls sang and danced happily (happy) at that party.

14.There is a stranger (strange) over there.None of us knows him.

15.Three years later (late) the man became a doctor.



2.考察短语游泳池.根据前文is swimming(正在游泳)和pool(水池),以及首字母,可知此处为游泳池。故填swimming。


4.考察短语毛主席纪念堂。根据首字母及后面提示毛,纪念堂,可知此处为短语Chairman Mao Memorial Hall,故填Chairman。

5. 根据汉语提示,可知此处考察单词entrance。这个单词和enter有相通之处,可联系记忆。





10. 考察动词变形容词,一些描述人的心理活动或精神状态的过去分词可以转换为表示这一状态的形容词。Worry变过去分词的方法为去掉y变i在加ed,故此处填worried。









A young man was going to spend his holiday in a mountain village. That night he  1 at a small hotel ( 旅馆 ) near the train station.  2 going to bed, he went to the owner of the hotel and said, “ Excuse me, sir. Will you please   3  me up at four forty-five tomorrow morning? I’ll take the five o’clock   4  .”

“ Oh, sorry, ” the owner said in a hurry. “ I’m afraid I can’t. I won’t be able to get up so  . ”

The young man was going to return to his room   6  he stopped and asked, “ Have you got an alarm clock ( 闹钟 )? Maybe it can help me.”

“ Yes, here you are, young man, ” said the owner.

The young man thanked the owner  7  . But as he looked at the alarm clock closely, it seemed there was   8   wrong with it.

“ Will it  9  on time? ” he asked.

“ Sure! You just give it a good shake ( 摇晃 ) at a quarter  10  five, and it will do! ”

1.A. worked             B. stayed              C. studied

2.A. Before              B. After                C. While

3. A. wash               B. beat                 C. wake

4. A. ship                B. plane                C. train

5.A. early               B. late                  C. quickly

6. A. when               B. because               C. until

7.A. angrily              B. happily               C. sadly

8. A. something           B. nothing               C. anything

9. A. shout               B. cry                   C. ring

10. A. past               B. to                    C. of


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