Children are amazing! They pick up languages so naturally and easily. Have you ever wondered why? It’s not because they have great natural language abilities. In fact, studies 【小题1】  that an adult’s potential(潜能) to learn language is just as good as a child’s .
So why do children still 【小题2】  to acquire(学到) language more quickly than the rest of us? It’s because of the way they learn. Children learn by simply d 【小题3】 what comes naturally—they listen, copy and communicate. Let’s take a 【小题4】  look at how children acquire language. Perhaps we can discover a better, more “natural” way to learn English.
Children don’t practice grammar drills, but 【小题5】  language to talk about things that interest them. This helps them learn to express themselves. They don’t 【小题6】  about inadequate(不足的) vocabulary or poor grammar. They find w 【小题7】 to express themselves, and they do it successfully.
Students of English should also pay more attention to genuine(真实的) communication. Look for chances to talk with people in English. If you can’t find a foreigner to talk to, talk with other English students 【小题8】. Start an English discussion group and chat about music, movies or whatever interests you.
Don’t worry about m 【小题9】  mistakes. The aim is to learn how to communicate easily and comfortably. Remember that you can communicate successfully even with a small vocabulary.
Trust your own natural 【小题10】  to learn English. You’ve got more potential than you probably realize!
1990 was a significant year in world enents. In Febbruary, Nelson Mandela was set free after 27 years in prison. In October, East and West Germany became one country again. Then at the end of 1990, the World Wide Web was born. For this final event we have one man to thank, Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Web.
Berners-Lee was born on June 8, 1955 in London, England. His parents, both computer designers, encouraged him to think and work creativelhy as he grew up. He was an excellent student and naturally took an interest in computers and science.
After graduating from Oxford University, Tim went to work at a science research centre in Sfwitzerland. There be developed some of the different systems that would later become the Web. The first was HTML, the computer language used to make web pages. The second was an address system that let  computers anhywhere find each other and send and receive information. In 1990, while still at the science centre in Switzerland, he put them together to make the first Internet browser. It could run on any computer and allowed people to create  share their information with the rest of the world.
Tim knew that the more people used the Web, the more useful it would be. He wasn’t interested in money but knowledge, so he gave out his invention for free to anyone who was interested. Many were interested and the growth of the Internet began.
Today Tim works as a professor at the MIT in America, researching new and interesting ways to use the Web. He has received many awards from governments and organizations for his efforts. He is still not very interested in money. That is why he is so admired by his students and workmates. It may also be one of the reasons that few people outside the world of technology know his name.
【小题1】 The underlined word “significant” (in Paragraph 1) most probably means “       ” .
【小题2】Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.The address system was used to make make web pages.
B.The World Wide Web was created in Swizerland.
C.The fist web browser was very expensive to buy
D.Many people could use the Internet before 1990
【小题3】 What can we learn about Berners-Lee from the passage?
A.He was encouraged to be creative.
B.He didn’t do well at school.
C.He is a very poor businessman.
D.He is well-known all over the world.
【小题4】 Where does Berners-Lee live today?
【小题5】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The events that took place in 1990.
B.The history of the Internet.
C.The invention of the Internet browser.
D.The man who created the World Wide Web.

1990 was a significant year in world enents. In Febbruary, Nelson Mandela was set free after 27 years in prison. In October, East and West Germany became one country again. Then at the end of 1990, the World Wide Web was born. For this final event we have one man to thank, Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Web.
Berners-Lee was born on June 8, 1955 in London, England. His parents, both computer designers, encouraged him to think and work creativelhy as he grew up. He was an excellent student and naturally took an interest in computers and science.
After graduating from Oxford University, Tim went to work at a science research centre in Sfwitzerland. There be developed some of the different systems that would later become the Web. The first was HTML, the computer language used to make web pages. The second was an address system that let  computers anhywhere find each other and send and receive information. In 1990, while still at the science centre in Switzerland, he put them together to make the first Internet browser. It could run on any computer and allowed people to create  share their information with the rest of the world.
Tim knew that the more people used the Web, the more useful it would be. He wasn’t interested in money but knowledge, so he gave out his invention for free to anyone who was interested. Many were interested and the growth of the Internet began.
Today Tim works as a professor at the MIT in America, researching new and interesting ways to use the Web. He has received many awards from governments and organizations for his efforts. He is still not very interested in money. That is why he is so admired by his students and workmates. It may also be one of the reasons that few people outside the world of technology know his name.
【小题1】 The underlined word “significant” (in Paragraph 1) most probably means “       ” .

【小题2】Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.The address system was used to make make web pages.
B.The World Wide Web was created in Swizerland.
C.The fist web browser was very expensive to buy
D.Many people could use the Internet before 1990
【小题3】 What can we learn about Berners-Lee from the passage?
A.He was encouraged to be creative.
B.He didn’t do well at school.
C.He is a very poor businessman.
D.He is well-known all over the world.
【小题4】 Where does Berners-Lee live today?
【小题5】What is the passage mainly about?
A.The events that took place in 1990.
B.The history of the Internet.
C.The invention of the Internet browser.
D.The man who created the World Wide Web.

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