
In England people can go to see a doctor nearby when they are ill.When the doctor see them, they usually ask about their troubles and soon give them a prescription(处方)for some medicine.
Usually, when people feel ill, they go to see their doctors.But when they only have a cold, they don't go to see their doctors.They usually go to the medicine shop to buy some medicine.Only when they are terribly ill, the doctor will go to their houses.In an emergency(紧急), people can call 999 for an ambulance.The ambulance can take them to the hospital very soon.When they are in hospital, their friends or families can go to see them at a certain time, but they can't stay long.
Usually people have to pay for the doctors' prescriptions.And the price is the same for any kind of medicine.But when children, students, old people or people without jobs go to see their doctors, they don't have to pay for their prescription.
小题1:When people are ill in England, they’ll _________.
A.go to see the doctor nearbyB.go to the medicine shop
C.ask the doctor to their housesD.call 999 for an ambulance
小题2:If people have a cold, they usually ___________.
A.go to see a doctorB.buy some medicine themselves
C.ask to be in hospitalD.go to the hospital at a certain time
小题3:What does the underlined words "ambulance" in the second paragraph mean?
小题4:When people without jobs go to the doctors, they
A.get free (免费的) medical care at home
B.get free prescriptions
C.get free medicine in the hospital
D.get free medicine in the medicine shop
小题5:Which of the following is not true?
A.If people lost their jobs, they'll get free prescriptions.
B.In an emergency, people can call 999 for help.
C.People can see friends in the hospital at a certain time.
D.All the medicine has the same price in England.


Spiderman is one of the most famous comic book heroes of all time. He was created by Stan Lee in 1963 and was first introduced to the world in the pages of Marvel Comic Books.
Spiderman’s story is the story of Peter Parker, a child who lost his parents and lives with his aunt and uncle. Peter is a shy, quiet boy wearing glasses and has few friends. One day, on a high school class trip to a science lab, he gets bitten by a special spider. Soon Peter realizes he has amazing powers: he is as strong and quick as a spider and also has a type of sixth sense. He no longer needs his glasses and he can use his super power to fly through the city streets! Remembering something his Uncle Ben has told him that with great power, there must also come great responsibility(责任),Peter decides to use his powers to fight against enemies who do cruel things to people. And so, Spiderman is born.
Life is not easy for Peter even though he is a superhero. He is in love with Mary Jane but he can’t tell her about his amazing powers. Besides, his best friend Harry hates Spiderman! Peter is also short of money and time. He has to sell photos of Spiderman (himself!) to a newspaper and he keeps losing his other jobs because he’s so busy saving people! Yet he has to fight against different kinds of cruel enemies.
小题1:Who created spiderman ?
A.Stan Lee.B.Marvel.C.Peter parker.D.Superman.
小题2:What do you know about Peter Parker?
A.He is loved by his parents.B.He is outgoing.
C.He has a few friend.D.He is an orphan.
小题3:What happened to Peter Parker after he was bitten by the spider?
A.He could not see with his eyes.
B.He became a spider.
C.He developed spider- like powers.
D.He was sick.
小题4:What does“With great power, there must also come great responsibility”mean?
A.Powerful people can do whatever they like.
B.People with power are always good.
C.Powerful people should have a responsibility to do good.
D.Powerful people are to blame for all the bad things that happen.
小题5:In what areas does Peter have problems that are similar to normal people?
A.Money, time, studying, reading
B.Money, work, time, relationships.
C.Relationships, sport, money, work.
D.Money, work, time, sleep.
A Christina from Spain
On the last day of the year, the 31st of December, people wait till 12 pm. Everybody must have 12 grapes(葡萄) to eat at midnight. At each sound of the clock, we must eat a group. But we can’t ever finish eating the grapes on time! Usually when people still have some grapes in their mouths, they look at each other and start to laugh. This tradition started in Spain long ago. One year, when there were a lot of grapes, the king of Spain decided to give grapes to everybody to eat on New Year’s Eve.
B Cordon from Britain
On New Year’s Day in Britain, people have parties. At 12 o’clock, the music stops, and we listen to the radio. On the radio we hear Big Ben, the famous clock in London. Then everybody sings a song about friendship and kisses their friends. We say “Happy New Year” to each other. It’s lucky if a tall man with dark hair is the first person to come to the house in the new year. So I go and visit as many friends as I can. They all give me a drink.
C Angela from Brazil
In all cities in Brazil, we have a big party on New Year’s Eve, especially in Rio de Janeiro. People in this city go to the beaches to watch fireworks(焰火)。We put flowers in the sea and think about things we want for ourselves or others. We usually wear white clothes for good luck during the New Year.
小题1:Picture___________ is about paragraph 1.

小题2:Who have parties on New Year’s Day?
A. People in Spain.  B. People in Britain.
C. People in Brazil.  D. Both B and C.
小题3:From the 2nd paragraph, we can infer (推断)that___________.
A.People listen to the radio at home.
B.Cordon can’t drink much.
C.Cordon is a tall man with dark hair.
D.there are no people near Big Ben.
小题4: On New Year’s Day, Brazilians usually wear white clothes because_________.
A.that reminds them of their happy life
B.they hope that can bring them good luck
C.they think that they look beautiful in white
D.that’s what they have to do during the New Year
小题5:This article mainly tells us ________________.
A.what people in Britain do on New Year’s Day
B.when and where people have New Year parties
C.why people in different countries like the New Year
D.what people around the world do on New Year’s Day

Long ago, people lived on wild animals, fruits and other plants and they didn’t need to use money.
As time passed, families had more products(产品) than they needed, such as animals and crops. So they needed to trade(交易) with others. They began to use money to make it easier. However, it was not like the money we use today. They used shells, rice, salt or large stones.
During the 600s BC, people began using coins as money. Because they were easier to carry than goods(货物), countries began to make coins as their money.

The Chinese were the first to use paper money, probably in the 11th century. An Italian traveler, Marco Polo, saw the Chinese use paper money when he visited China in the 1200s. After his travel, he told the western people what he saw. But European countries didn’t start using paper money till the1600s.
Today we have many ways to pay for things, such as coins, paper money and cards. Some prefer to pay by card. That’s because paying with a card is easier and safer than carrying around a lot of “real” money.
小题1:People began to use money because they ______.
A. lived on plants           B. raised animals        C. needed to trade
小题2:People used ______ as money during the 600s BC.
A. shells                    B. coins                 C. cards
小题3:Which country used paper money first?
A. Japan.                    B. USA.                  C. China.
小题4:The passage tells us the ______ of money
A. history                   B. use                   C. collection
Cars are very popular in America. When the kids are fourteen years old. They dream of having their own ____1___. Many students work after school to ___2___ a car. In most places ____3___ people learn to drive in high school. They have to take a ___4____ test to get a license. Learning to drive and getting a driver’s ___5___ may be one of the most exciting things in their lives. For many, that piece of paper is an important symbol(象征)that they are now grown-ups.
Americans seem to love their cars almost more than anything else. People almost never go to see a doctor when they are ____6_____. But they will take ____7____ cars to a “hospital” at the smallest sign of a problem. At weekends, people ___8___ most of the time in washing and waxing(打蜡) their cars. For some families it is not enough to have ___9___ car. They often have two or even three. Husbands need a car to go to work. Housewives need a car to go shopping or to take the children to school or ___10____ activities.  
( )1. A. cars     B. computers  C. bikes    D. houses
( )2. A. borrow  B. buy     C. lend     D. sell
( )3. A. old     B. tall      C. strong    D. young
( )4. A. language  B. listening  C. driving   D. body
( )5. A. address  B. book    C.name     D.license 
( )6. A. sick    B. healthy   C. pleased  D. angry
( )7. A. his     B. her      C. your     D. their
( )8. A. cost     B. take      C. spend     D. pay
( )9. A. no      B. one      C. some    D. several
( )10.A . other   B. another   C. others   D. else

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