In today’s world many people seem to be hungry for money. Money does have its most useful effect on the poor. But once a person has a rich life, a lot more money doesn`t mean more happiness.

If money were everything, all millionaires(百万富翁) would have real love, true friendship, good health and a long life. However, this is not always true .But can love be bought ?I`m afraid not . Love means to give , not to take . To every person , health and long life are probably the most precious things . Well , can health and a long life be bought with money ? The answer is “No”.

Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires. True friendship can’t be bought, either. In a word, where money is dreamed too much, it can cause brothers to quarrel, marriage to end, lovers to hate, and strangers to fight. No matter how much money you have, it is still not enough to make a happy person if you have no one to laugh with, no one to cry for.


1.According to the passage , which of the following do you think is right ?

A. Money is everything            

B. Money isn`t necessary

C. Money is important , but not the most important

D. with no money ,with no success

2.What are the most precious things for every person according to the writer`s ideas ?

A. Only money    B. Health and a long life

C. Only friendship D. A, Band C

3.Which sentence of the following is true according to the passage ?

A. If you haven`t much money , you can`t get more happiness

B. You may live a long life even if you are poor

C. Every year many people die in the world because their family is poor

D. If you are rich ,you`ll have less friendship

4.In fact , few of millionaires _____________

A. have much money B. have the longest living

C. love their money D. have true love

5.what does the sentence “Love means to give , not to take ”mean in the passage ?

A. 爱意味着给你,而不能带走 B.爱是可以得到的,不要走开

C. 爱意味着奉献,而不是索取 D. 爱是可以索取的, 而不必付出


Exhibition(展览) at the Palace Museum

The Palace Museum is a wonderful place to visit. There are lots of fun and interesting things to see. Come to visit the Palace Museum.

Closing Time


 Things to See

10:00 a.m.

Taihe Palace

Golden Throne

10:30 a.m.

Zhonghe Palace

Works of Art

11:00 a.m.

Baohe Palace

Works of Art

1:00 p.m.

Jingren Palace


1:40 p.m.

Yonghe Palace


2:30 p.m.

Huangji Palace

Chinese Paintings

4:00 p.m.

Fengxian Palace

Clocks and watches

Tickets:  Adults: ¥15.00

Children: Over 12:¥10.00

Under12: Free

Discount: 20% on Saturday

Opening Time: 9:00a.m.~ 4:00 p.m.

10:00a.m.~ 3:00p.m. on Saturday

Not Open on Sunday

Notices(注意事项): Keep quiet.

Keep the museum clean.

Don’t forget to buy some souvenirs for your friends and family.

Do not take any photos.

Do not touch anything.

1.How many kinds of things can you see at the exhibition ?

A.Four             B.Five              C.Seven            D.Eight

2.When can you see clocks and watches?

A.At 1:40 p.m. from Monday to Saturday

B.At 4:00 p.m. on Saturday

C.At 4:00 p.m. every day

D.At 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday

3.Mr Wu wants to visit the exhibition with his two students this Saturday. The two                students are both 14. How much are the tickets together?

A.¥35.00          B.¥28.00           C.¥15.00           D.¥7.00

4.The Palace Museum opens ________ days a week.

A.Five              B.Two              C.Seven            D.Six

5.Which of the following can you do at the exhibition?

A.To talk to each other                     B.To take a few nice photos

C.To buy some souvenirs                   D.To touch golden throne


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