
    People say that being good at Chinese helps foreigners in the job market. The Australian Prime Minister
Kevin Rudd is a good example.
    In China, Rudd is (A) famous for his Chinese name, Lu Kewen. He is the first Western leader who can
(B) _____ Chinese. "China is becoming one of the world's superpowers (超级大国). (C) I think few Australian
politicians know more about China than me.
" Said Rudd during the Australian election.
    (D) 陆克文十岁时开始了解中国。In university, he chose Chinese history as his major and studied (E)
almost everything about China. After graduation, he joined the Australian Foreign Office and worked in Beijing
for two years.
    "I went to China with my wife and daughter. We have a special love for Beijing," Rudd once told the
Chinese President Hu Jintao.
    (F) He impressed the president with his language skills when Hu paid a visit to Australia. The two became
friends and Hu even asked Rudd and his family to be his guests at the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
    Rudd said his (G) _____ members were also fans of China. "This year, my daughter married a Chinese
Hong Konger. My oldest son is studying at Fudan University," said Rudd. "Our youngest son, who is in high
school, is really naughty. He doesn't like doing his homework. But he has begun to study Chinese, too."
1. 分别写出划线部分(A)和(E)的同义词或近义词:___________;___________。
2. 在(B)和(G)的空白处分别填入适当的单词:____________;_____________。
3. 将划线部分(C)改写成:I think I know ____________ about China than ___________ Australian
4. 将划线部分(D)译成英语:____________________________________
 5. 划线部分(F)在文中指代的是:____________________________________
1. well-known; nearly (答案不唯一)
2. speak; family
3. more; most
4. Lu Kewen got to know China when he was ten. (答案不唯一)
5. Kewin Rudd.

In today’s world many people seem to be hungry for money. Money does have its most useful effect on the poor. But even if a person has already got plenty of money, he can’t get everything.

If money were everything, all millionaires would have real love, true friendship, good health and a long life. However, this is not always correct.

Since the beginning of time no three words have ever invited more pleasure than “I love you”. But can love be bought? I’m afraid not. Love means to give, not ________ (78). To every person, health and a long life are probably the best things. Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is “No”.

(79) Of all the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires. True friendship can’t be bought, either. In a word, where money is dreamed too much, it can cause brothers to quarrel, marriage to end, lovers to hate, and strangers to fight. No matter how much money you have, it is still not enough to make a happy person if you have no one to laugh with, no one to cry for.



It seems that a lot of people want money very much now.



What are probably the most important things to everyone?






5.给短文拟一个合适的标题。(within 10 words)



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