
      Shanghai Science and Technology Museum is the city's new landmark (标志性建筑). If you go to visit
Shanghai, people there will suggest you go to the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, which is
considered one of the world-class attractions in Shanghai.
      — Ready to fly. The design also represents (代表) the rapid development of Pudong as Well as the spirit
Shanghai's people and their search for new science and technology.
      Construction of the museum began in December 1996 and was completed in Mar 2001. The museum
covers an area of 68,000 square metres and has a floor space of 98,000 square metres. So far, the museum has
opened seven exhibition areas to the public- Earth's Crust Exploration (地壳探秘), Wide Spectrum of Life
(生物万象), Light of Wisdom (智慧之光) , AV Paradise, Cradle of Designers (凤计者摇篮), Natural History,
and The Science and Technology Garden for Children, — as well as three movie houses -an IMX 3-D Large
Format Theatre (立体巨幕影院), an IMAX Dome Theatre (球幕影院) and IWERKS Theatre (四维动感影院)
offering films in large-screen, 360 degrees, and four dimensions.
      Each exhibition hall has its own speciality (特点).
      Wide Spectrum of Life is an outdoor exhibition area. What greets your eye is a rainforest modeled after that
of China's southwestern province of Yunnan with waterfalls and tall trees.
      In the exhibition area known as The Cradle of Designers, visitors can see design creations from Shanghai.
They can star in their own music videotapes and make small gifts for their relatives and friends. And the best of
their designs will be collected and displayed in the area.
      The Science and Technology Garden for Children, which was designed for children aged from 1 to 12,
looks like a land in a fairy tale. There are two springs and a fountain that begins its display at the sound of a loud
cry. There is also a large tree that shows how green plants change carbon dioxide and water into food. Children
will not only have fun in the garden but also learn some simple and basic facts about science and technology.
1. The local people of Shanghai will suggest visitors go to the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum
    because ________.
[     ]
A. it looks like a bird ready to fly
B. it's in Pudong
C. it represents the spirit of Shanghai's people
D. it covers an area of 68,000 square metres
2. It took over ________ years to complete the construction of the museum.
[     ]
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
3. ________ exhibition areas have been opened to the public.
[     ]
A. Seven
B. Eight
C. Nine
D. Ten
4. When you come into ________, a rainforest catches your eye first.
[     ]
A. Wide Spectrum of Life
B. Cradle of Designers
C. Science and Technology Garden for Children
D. Earth's Crust Exploration
5. In The Cradle of Designers, visitors can ________.
[     ]
A. buy presents for their relatives and friends
B. act as a star and make their own videotapes
C. shout loudly to make the springs come out
D. read fairy tales
     This week we asked students at New Star High School about the best ways to learn more English. 
 Many said they  learnt by using English.  Some  students  had more specific suggestions. Lilian Li, for
example,  said  the  best  way to learn  new words  was by  reading English magazines.  She said that
memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little.  When we asked about studying grammar, she
said,  "I never study grammar. It's too boring. "
     Wei Ming feels differently.  He's  been  learning English for six years and really  loves it.  He thinks
studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.  He also thinks that watching English movies isn't
a bad way because he  can  watch  the  actors say the words. Sometimes, however, he finds watching
movies frustrating because the people speak tooquickly.
     Liu  Chang  said  that  joining  the English  club  at  school was the best  way to improve her English.  
Students get lots of practice and they also have  fun.  Sh e  added that having conversations with friends
was not helpful at all.  "We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese, " she said.
(     ) 1.  Lilian Li thought the best way to learn new words was by memorizing them.
(     ) 2.  Lilian Li never studied grammar.
(     ) 3.  Wei Ming has learned English for seventy-two months.
(     ) 4.  Joining the English club at school was Liu Chang's best way to improve her English.
(     ) 5.  Liu Chang thought having conversations with fricnds was helpful.
     As a teacher, I think it is right to tell my students to write about their pure feelings and real experiences. I always taught my students how to learn by experience. And I also found that it helped me a lot to get on well with the students.
     One day after explaining a text,I asked my students to write a passage about their families.I encouraged them to write about their  real  experiences  with  their closest family members. All the students wrote quite well  but  the  best one of them was written by a  little girl. She was Hao Fang. I was deeply moved by her
story. In  her  passage, she said her father  had died years  before  and  her mother  had to  work hard to
support the family. Many times she  had seen her mother work deep into night but never seen tears on her
face.  She also wrote that she needed to stay  strong  and  she would do the best to give her  mothe r an
easier life in the future. Like her mother, Hao  Fang also  worked hard  at  her  lessons  and she was really
good at any of them.  I didn't know anything about her unlucky family till then. She always appeared happy and 'never showed that she needed  anyone's help.
     In order to make her an example to the class, I read  this  passage to the class. When I finished reading
it, I found my throat choked  and  my students' eyes full of tears. After  class nearly  all  my  other students
crowded around Hao Fang and gave their money to help this girl. We knew her family needed money very much. Many students decided to offer her more help. To tell  the  truth, I was really proud  of my students.
But to my surprise, this student of mine didn't express her thanks to  her classmates and left school without even telling me the next day. I was puzzled about this.
     Was  it  right to  tell her sad story to the class? Why did sh e refuse to accept  the  donation? These
questions crowded my mind.
1. The teacher mentioned in the article always _      .         
A. made the students feel sad
B. asked the students to make up stories
C.  helped the students learn from the real life
2. Hao Fang wrote about her family's hard life in order to          .           
A. tell her real experiences
B. show how strong she was
C. ask her classmates for money
3. The underlined word "choked"  means          in Chinese.     
C. 疼痛
4. By reading the article, we know that Hao Fang _______ .      
A. appreciated the donation
B. was frustrated at her hard life
C. wanted to improve her family's life by working hard
5. We can learn from the article that       .             
A. the ways of helping people should be well chosen
B. it's wrong to ask students to tell their real experiences
C. donating money to the poor is the only better way to help them

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