
 I think Hangzhou is one of ________ in China

A.more beautiful cities

B.most beautiful cities

C.the most beautiful cities

D.the more beautiful cities





试题分析:根据题干,本句的意思是“我认为杭州是中国最漂亮的城市之一。”“one of+形容词的最高级+名词复数”表示“最……之一”是一固定用法。所以本题选C。


点评:本题实际上考查的是一个固定句型:one of +形容词的最高级+名词复数,表示“最…中的一个”。应该注意其中固定用法。




Chinese love to eat because food is thought to be the most important way to communicate. So some people often order so many dishes that they can’t eat them up. China has taken on a national way to reduce food waste by the public. Restaurants have also joined the fight. Zhong Shushu,a famous woman, said, “I think we need to order something we like to eat and easy to finish. And maybe a half so that we won’t waste.” Once Zhong Shushu ordered ha;f a Beijing duck and some vegetables. She believed that saving food doesn’t mean just being cheap. The managr(经理) of some restaurants is doing what he can to help the people to reduce food waste. If customers(顾客) order more than they can eat, our waiters should remind them to cut the number of dishes kindly to reduce waste. “(their plates, some people, finish, everything, on, eating). Xu Zhijun has done it for years. He call it “cleaning the plates”(光盘行动). The day we interviewed him, he cleared he plate within 20 minutes. Xu Zhijun said, “there are still a lot of people who don’t have enough to eat, but many people have thrown away a whole chicken of fish.” For over a year, Xu Zhijun has done a ot against waste at the dining table. Xu said, “The ‘clear the plates campaign(行动)‘ is not only to save food, but also to protect the environment and our health.”

69. Why do Chinese like to eat?

70. Does Zhong Shushu think saving food means just being cheap?

71. 将括号内斜体部分的词语按正确的顺序排成一个完整的句子。

72. 将划线的句子翻译成汉语。

73. What should you do in the “clear the plats” campaign?

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