Let's Explore(探究)The Nature!

Are you interested in animals and nature? Want to enjoy your summer holiday and learn something interesting and useful?

Here comes your chance! Youth Explore will prepare a three-day summer programme! You can take part in many activities and meet with animals — giraffes pandas tigers and so on! More information about the program is as follows:

Age: Students aged 8~14

Groups: There are 2 programs for you to choose from. Each program needs at most 15 students.

Program A

Dates: 14——16 July, 2018

Days: Monday to Wednesday

Time: 10:00 a.m.——4:00 p.m.

Program B

Dates: 5——7 August, 2018

Days: Tuesday to Thursday

Time: 10:00 a.m.——4:00 p.m.

Program cost: $230 for members; $250 for non-members

How to do: Simply come to our centre (135 Fifth Street)to get an application form(申请表)Notes: Send your form on or before 11th July, 2018(Friday)

1. No free lunches because of personal food differences, You may either bring a lunch-box or pay for lunch at our restaurants.

2. Both programs will start 1 day later if there is a warning(警报)of rainstorms.

Come and join us now! Don't miss this chance!!

1.The passage is probably from ?

A.a newspaper B.a magazine (杂志) about nature

C.TV news about animals D.a story book

2.Free lunches aren't provided(提供) because .

A.the lunches cost too much B.people have different tastes

C.there are too many restaurants D.they may bring lunch-boxes

3.What can we know from the passage?

A.Youth Explorer is the name of the program.

B.More than 15 students are in each program.

C.A students needs to spend at most $230 on the program.

D.We can see some college students in each program.

Welcome to Senior High. Your great experience is about to begin. It is a time when you can challenge yourself to improve. _______你越了解集体生活,你就会越早适应. Some current (在读的) seniors will share their secrets and advice for high school. Take a look!

Wang Zanduo, 17, Handan No. 1 Senior High School, Hebei.

The most valuable quality for seniors is independence. If you're in a boarding school, like me, you'll need to get used to the communal (集体的) living. We all know nobody is perfect. _______与别人相处需要耐心与理解. You should always respect others' difterences and make new friends with common interests. _______It's also a process of learning to keep your temper. A hot temper (脾气) cannot solve any problems, but patience can.

Sun Xiuyuan, 16, Shandong Experimental High School.

To enjoy your high school life, I would say that you don't want to stress yourself out. _______It provides you with more chances to discover what you are really good at. I really enjoy doing extracurricular (课外的) activities and community service. My experienees of joining a drawing club and a computer programming club, as well as volunteering have encouraged me to search for the unknown and find more fun and warmth in the world. Try things you are not familiar with. _______Remember no matter what your talents are, you can try to do what you like.






The Chinese are very generous when it comes to _________ their children. Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or foreign countries. They also make their children take after-school classes. They thought their children could _________ in this way, not knowing that their kids ended up having no grades. The Chinese always believe that the more expensive an education is, the _________ it is. In the countryside, even poor parents are willing to buy computers for their children _________ they ask for one.

But in fact, the best early education that parents can give their children is usually very _________. It almost cost nothing. As parents, they should teach their children the most important skills to help them become confident, happy and clever. Parents can achieve this by teaching children _________ skills like cooking, washing and doing other chores. Teaching children to cook will improve many skills that they will need later in life. Cooking needs patience and time. It's an enjoyable _________ difficult experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking skills, so he will learn to work hard and finish his job _________. His result, a great dinner, will give him much _________ and a lot of self-confidence.

Some old machines, such as a broken radio or a TV set that you give your child to play with, will make him interested. He will spend hours looking at them and trying to fix them. Perhaps your child will become an engineer __________ he grows up because these activities can teach a child to think. And that is the most important.

1.A.babysitting B.educating C.leading

2.A.make progress B.make friends C.have fun

3.A.better B.higher C.faster

4.A.as well as B.as long as C.as much as

5.A.cheap B.expensive C.professional

6.A.pleasant B.convenient C.practical

7.A.and B.but C.or

8.A.successfully B.quickly C.accidentally

9.A.attention B.satisfaction C.challenge

10.A.when B.if C.although

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