

Wang Guoqing from Hunan was happy to get a message on her mobile phone last year.said she had won 100 yuan from China Mobile, one of China's two biggest mobile operators(运营商).Wang replied to the message in the hope of getting the money.But she was trapped(落入陷阱)into paying for a service she didn't want.

"I didn't know how to get rid of(除掉) the service and paid two yuan a month for a long time:, said Wang.Wang solved the problem after she wrote a letter to China Mobile, She's stopping she'll be getting fewer junk messages after the company apologized(道歉) this month.She said it would put an end to short messages from online advertisers and conmen(骗子).

China now has more mobile users than any other country in the world.But junk messages have become a headache for many.A recent survey suggests users get eight junk messages a week on average.Most are advertisements and cons.

"People are drawn in by the 'prizes'." Said Zhang Xinfeng, an official(官员) in charge of public security(安全)."But when they reply, they find they have to pay lots of money."

While mobile operators are making an effort(努力) to cut down the number of junk messages, experts say mobile users should still be careful."They need to keep their mobile numbers and other personal information secret," said a China Mobile official.

How to fight junk messages:

Don't give your cell phone number to any companies or 1_______________, you feel you can't trust(信任) on the Internet.

 Think twice 2____________you reply to a message from someone you don’t know.Pay 3_____________to the number of the sender and check on the Internet  or with your parents 4_______________________if the sender can be trusted.

If you get a junk message,5_________it on the China Mobile hotline.The number is 10086999.

1.websites          2.before       3.attention           4.find out          5.report


     “If we don’t often wash our hands, we can pick up viruses(病毒)form many places and make ourselves ill,” a man from CDC says. Doctors always say every time when you touch your eyes, nose or mouth, you may be ill. In fact, one of the common(平常的) ways of catching a cold is by rubbing(擦拭)their noses or their eyes when there are viruses on their hands. If you don’t often wash your hands, especially when you’re sick, you may spread the viruses to others. You should wash your hands in these situations:

(1)    After using the washroom

(2)    After rubbing your nose or coughing.

(3)    Before eating or making food.

(4)    After touching animals.

(5)    After visiting a sick man.

(6)    When your hands are dirty.

There’re right ways to wash your hands. Follow these things to keep your hands clean:

1.       Use warm water (not cold or hot).

2.       Wash for 15 seconds.

3.       Wash well under warm running water and dry them with a clean towel.


Information Card

A way to protect against the spread of illness


Situations in which you must wash your hands

After using the   82 

Before making   83 

After visiting the   84   people

A correct way to wash your hands

Use   85   running water

Time needed to wash your hands


81.______________________   82.______________________   83._____________________

84.______________________   85.______________________   86._____________________

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
