
Mrs Green opened the door so hard that the door nearly broke. Then she looked 1  the window at her neighbour across the yard.(院子)“ She is in my __2__ again.” Those are my strawberries(草莓), not_3__. Maybe I should call the police.”
Her friend, Alice was sitting at the table__4__ a cup of coffee in her hands. “ You want to call the police because she picks your strawberries?” she asked.
“ Of course,” Mrs Green answered __5__. “ What would you do if your neighbour walked into your yard__6__ your permission(允许) and picked your strawberries?”
“ I would say, better her than bees(蜜蜂).”
“ The bees don't take my strawberries.”
“ But the ___7_ do,” Alice continued. “ That old lady only picks a few strawberries every year, and the only ones she picks are those you leave to the birds. Why __8__ you pick some of your good strawberries and give __9__ to her?”
“ Are you crazy? What are you thinking?”
“ I don't think so. Do you remember when you were ill in _10_  last year? She went to see you with some chicken soup. If you give her the strawberries, you can tell her you still __11__that.” Mrs Green was shocked(震惊 ). She almost __12_that little kindness because she was too angry. Then she 13__ a basket of good strawberries and went to her __14__. Through the window, Alice could see that anger on Mrs Green's face changed into a bright __15__.
A.beesB.birdsC.childrenD.the old lady
小题11:A. hate        B. know         C  remember     D. forget


小题1:此题考查固定短语look through the window表示透过窗户看。故选A。
小题3:此题考查名词性的物主代词,根据上文的She is in my __37__ again.可知,他的邻居是个女性故选D。
小题8:此题考查固定短语why don’t you do表示为什么不…故选A。
小题10:此题考查固定短语in hospital表示住院的意思,故选B,
People often complain they face too many problems. Every day and everywhere there are problems. Many times we find it hard to stay happy. When one problem is solved, another one comes up.
People have money problems, work problems, family problems, health problems..... the list goes on. And we usually think that people who are happy and successful are having fewer problems than us. Look at the successful people we often mention. They have money they need, they have jobs they love, they have good friends, they have obedient(孝顺的) kids, they have the successful business, they have loving families etc. Everything goes well with them. That is why they are happy and successful. But in fact, the more successful you are, the more problems you have to face. More success means more challenges they have to face, and more success means more risks they have to take.
Young and old, rich and poor, successful and unsuccessful, educated and uneducated, all have problems. The difference is that their problems are different from each other.  Rich and successful have big problems. Poor and unsuccessful have small problems. Still they all have problems which they can face. Successful people are successful just because they are ready to face challenges larger than ordinary people.
Winning the US elections(选举) makes Obama very happy. As a new US president, he has to face bigger challenges. He has to be more careful about his work he does, or he will lose his position(位置). Looking at him, we may say he is lucky, happy and successful. But, I think, as the US president, he has more pressure than an ordinary person.
小题1:You will be a/an ______ person if you are afraid to face more challenges.
小题2:From this article we know that President Obama ______.
A.has fewer problemsB.was born in a rich family
C.takes more risksD.is a successful businessman
小题3:The main idea of this article is _______.
A.why poor people are always poor
B.how many problems people usually have to face
C.how lucky and happy President Obama is
D.how to deal with problems in life
Bringing a giraffe into the world is a tall order. A baby giraffe is born 10 feet high and usually lands on its back. Within seconds it rolls over its legs under its body. Then the mother giraffe rudely introduces its children to the reality(现实) of life.
In his book, A View from the Zoo, Gary Richmond describes how a new-born giraffe learns its first lesson.
The mother giraffe lowers her head long enough to take a quick look. Then she puts herself directly over her child. She waits for about a minute, and then she does the most unreasonable(不合情理的) thing. She throws her long leg and kicks her baby, so that it’s sent sprawling(四脚朝天).
When it doesn’t get up, the process is repeated again and again. The struggle to rise is important. As the baby giraffe grows tired, the mother kicks it again. Finally, it stands for the first time on its shaky(摇晃的) legs. Then the mother giraffe kicks it off its feet again. Why? She wants it to remember how it got up. In the wild, a baby giraffe must be able to get up as quickly as possible to stay with its group, where there’s safety.
Another writer named Irving Stone understood this. He spent a lifetime studying greatness, writing stories about such men as Michelangelo, Vincent van Gogh, Sigmund Freud, and Charles Darwin.
Stone was once asked if he had found something that runs through the lives of all these great people. He said, “I write about people who sometime in their life have a dream of something. They’re beaten over the head, knocked down and for years they get nowhere. But every time they stand up again. And at the end of their lives they’ve realized some small parts of what they set out(着手) to do .”
小题1:What does the underlined part “a tall order” in Paragraph 1 mean?
A.A happy thing.B.A difficult task.
C.A big dream.D.A beautiful scene.
小题2:What does the book A View from the Zoo talk about?
A.A new-born giraffe’s first lesson.
B.A mother giraffe’s story.
C.The lives of some great people.
D.The way for a giraffe to stand up.
小题3:Why were some great people mentioned in the passage?
A.Because they all worked hard.
B.Because they all liked to read some special stories.
C.Because they were born with some illnesses.
D.Because they were similar to giraffes in some ways.
小题4:Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?
A.This passage is a description of giraffes’ living habits.
B.Baby giraffes can’t stand up until three months old.
C.Irving Stone spent a lifetime studying and writing stories about great people.
D.The great people can’t stand up after they’re knocked down for years.
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.How to Raise a Baby Giraffe.
B.Learning to Get Back Up.
C.Stories about the great people.
D.A Mother Giraffe and Its Baby Giraffe.
Have you ever complained why life is so tiring? Does the sky sometimes seem dark to you? Are your studies sometimes not successful? Well, friends, cheer up and smile all the time. If you see the world with your warm heart, you will find the whole world smiles to you.
While in school, sometimes you are tired of your lessons, but have you ever noticed the happy smile on your teacher’s face when you did a good job?
One day it is fine. Just before you want to go out, it suddenly starts to rain. Maybe you would feel very sad and start complaining about the weather. But dear friends, why don’t you sit down and listen to the concert that the nature offers you? And with the timely rain, crops in the fields will grow better and better and farmers will have a good harvest.
Although everyone wants to succeed in what he tries to do, sometimes failure can’t be avoided. I think failure is not terrible, and the terrible thing is what we are afraid of it and give up hope. When we face failure, we must be confident in ourselves, draw a useful lesson from it and try our best to finish what we have decided to do. As a popular saying goes, “Failure is the mother of success.”
Attitude decided everything. With an optimistic(乐观) attitude life is easy and pleasant. Let’s smile whatever we meet and the whole world will smile to us.
小题1:People sometimes complain_______.
A.the sky is always dark
B.their studies are successful
C.they see the world with their heart
D.life is tiring
小题2:If there is a timely rain, ______.
A.you want to go out
B.you can listen to the concert
C.crops in the fields will grow better
D.farmers can’t have a good harvest
小题3:When we face failure, we _________.
A.must be confident in ourselves
B.shouldn’t be afraid of it
C.shouldn’t give up hope
D.All of the above
Once upon a time, some children were playing at the seaside when they found a turtle. They began to beat the turtle. Just at that time, a young man came and shouted, “Stop!” The children ran   36  quickly. The turtle was very thankful and said, “Thanks for your kindness. I really would like  37  you to a wonderful place now.” 
The young man rode on the back of the turtle and was taken to the secret palace in the sea. When he   38  the palace, he was very surprised and said to the turtle, “What a nice palace!” To thank him, the king of the turtles gave him a very   39 . He had never seen such a dinner before. He received a warm welcome there and was very   40  everything.
After dinner, the king of the turtles said, “I am going to give you two boxes,   __41  you can open only one.” “You mustn’t open both. Don’t forget it!” the turtle warned him. “All right. I will open only one.” The young man promised. At this time, a large wave sent him out of the sea.
After he went back   42 , he opened the bigger one of the two boxes. To his surprise, the box was full of gold. “My God!” he cried, “I’m   43  now.” Then he thought, “Things in   44  box must be valuable, too.” He couldn’t wait any longer. He broke his promise and opened the other box. As soon as he opened it, he became an old man. His hair turned white. His face   45  an old man over eighty years old. It all happened in a moment. He was sorry for what he did, but it was too late.
A.wantingB.askingC.to letD.to invite
A.left forB.arrived inC.arrived atD.got away
A.big dinnerB.poor dinnerC.common dinnerD.small dinner
A.pleased withB.strick withC.angry withD.sorry for
A.to homeB.homeC.to the seaD.the sea
A.a poor manB.a rich manC.an old manD.a young man
A.anotherB.otherC.the othersD.the other
A.likedB.felt likeC.looked likeD.looked

Many people like to travel by plane, but l don’ like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off (起飞) and it is often late. You can’t open the windows. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast but they still take much time to go out of the airport and into the city.
I like traveling by train .I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows .You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.
I also like cars. You can start your journey whenever you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.
小题1:Why do many people like to travel by plane?                                                                     
A.Because it is fast.
B.Because it is safe.
C.Because you can walk around in the plane.
D.Because it is cheap.
小题2:Which is not the good thing about the train?
A.It is safe.
B.It takes a little more time.
C.You can open the windows.
D.You can walk around in the train
小题3:If you want to take a lot of things with you, what do you take to go out?
A.A bus.B.A car.C.A train.D.A bike.
小题4:What does the writer think of the plane, train and car ?
A.He thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport.
B.He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time.
C.He likes to take a car because he has a car.
D.He likes to take a plane because it’s fast.

It is very important to stay healthy. I have a neighbor. She is an old lady. She can do all the housework,   16  newspapers, watch TV and search on the Internet to learn something new. I often see   17  do taijiquan in the morning and dance in the evening. She looks young and beautiful   18  she is over seventy. Last week a reporter from a magazine interviewed her and asked   19  she kept so young and healthy. She replied with a smile:
I have a secret of staying young and healthy. It is quite   20 . Keep your mind active, take an interest in the world   21  you, and learn at least one new thing every day. Try to do different kinds of housework and do sports as   22  as you can. Don’t think you are too old to go back to   23  . I know a man who entered a medical college when he was 70 years old. He studied there for 6 years and now he is a doctor. Another man went to a tennis school at the age of 71 and now he is good at   24  tennis. Some people may say staying young is easy only for those who live in the future. In fact, no matter how old you are, you can make it.
Please tell the story to your family. It would be a good start to   25  the lady’s example. I hope all people will stay young and healthy.
A.look B.readC.seeD.watch
“Cool”is a word with many meanings.Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold.As the world has changed,the word has had many different meanings. 
“Cool”can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.
When you see a famous car in the street,maybe you will say,“It's cool.”You may think,“He's so cool,”when you see your favourite footballer. 
We all maximize(扩大) the meaning of“cool”.You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”.Here's an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used.A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall(瀑布)they had visited.On one student's paper was Just the one sentence,“It's so cool.Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt. 
But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏)of words.Without “cool”,some people have no words to show the same meaning.So it is quite important to keep some credibility(可信性).Can you think of many other words that make your life as colourful as the word “cool”? I can.And I think they are also very cool. 
小题1:We know that the word "cool" has had ________. 
A.only one meaning B.no meanings
C.many different meaningsD.the same meaning
小题2:In the passage,the word“express”means“________”. 
A.seeB.show C.know D.feel
小题3:If you are _______ something,you may say,“It’s cool.” 
A.interested inB.angry aboutC.afraid of D.unhappy with
小题4:The writer takes an example to show he is ________ the way the word is used.
A.pleased withB.strange toC.worried aboutD.careful with
小题5:In the passage,the writer suggests(暗示)that the word “cool”________. 
A.can be used instead of many words
B.usually means something interesting
C.can make your life colourful
D.may not be as cool as it seems

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