

  If someone asked you to draw a picture of a robot,how would it look? Like a person? That's how we often picture robots in our minds.But real robots look many different ways.

  Some robots have TV cameras for eyes.Some have special parts that help them touch.Many have computer brains.How robots look depends on the job they have to do.Some can even have their parts changed,so they can do different jobs.

  Some robots look like huge insects.America sent some robots to Mars(火星)in 1976.They moved on the surface and did experiments there.

  Robots can do boring jobs.They can do dangerous jobs with fast-moving machine.They can do dirty jobs,such as painting things with oil colours.They can do jobs no person could do,such as picking up hot metal.

  Robots don't get bored.They don't get tired.They don't mind getting dirty.

  Some people are worried because they think robots will take jobs away from people.But that doesn't have to happen.After all,people are able to control robots.People must remember that robots are good at some things and humans are good at others.

  Some robots often tell people they don't have to be afraid of robots.These robots help people understand that robots can do boring,dangerous and dirty jobs and people can do better ones.


1.All robots look like real persons._________

2.In 1976,the robots to Mars moved on the surface and _________.

3.What jobs do robots do besides jobs people couldn't do?


4.Why are some people worried about robots?





  2.did experiments(there)

  3.They do boring,dangerous and dirty jobs./Boring,dangerous and dirty jobs.

  4.Because they think robots will take jobs away from people.




  What’s your idea of a perfect mom?In America, moms of the 1950s and 60s in the TV plays were the“perfect”examples.They always made freshly cooked meals and had a tidy house.It was their full-time job to care for the children and the home.It meant that the home was the real centre of mothers’ lives.But that was 40-50 years ago.Times have changed, and so have the roles of moms.

  In the U.S., in 1960s, society began to change.The women’s liberation movement(妇女解放运动)caused women to question their traditional and solid roles.And women began leaving their homes to get jobs or go back to school.Society changed in Asia, too.Fifty years later, it becomes normal for mothers to work outside the home without the exception(例外).This is true in both America and Asia.

  Mothers today serve as presidents, CEOs, university teachers and airline pilots.In fact, they can be found in every profession(职业).But most people will tell you, their most important job is still being a mom.


1.Moms work outside the home in both America and Asia now.


2.Do mothers only work in some special professions today?


3.When did women begin leaving their homes to get jobs in the U.S.?


4.According to the passage, what is the most important job for a perfect mom?


5.Put the underlined sentence in the passage into Chinese.



  One of my friends once said, “high income(收入)is not as good as high age, and high age is not as good as high spirits.”

  Usually, people think high income is a sign of success.With money people can live a good life.The more money they have, the happier they will be.Nowadays, money seems to be the only thing that drives people.Some people are trying different ways, even some bad ways to make money.Money makes the mare go.This saying shows the power of money.However, crazy pursuit(追求)of money can drive valuable lives to black prisons(监狱).

  High age is what many people dream of.There are many books and programs that tell people how to live longer.Dancing, walking, even singing and shouting together are thought to be good for people's health.

  What about high spirits? This is important to people's lives.If you are in high spirits, you can find everything pleasant and comfortable in life:warm sunshine, blue sky, white clouds, happy birds and sweet smiles.You will be happy all the time.When you are happy, you will be in good health.With a healthy body, you can live longer and make more money.

  So why not keep yourself in high spirits and live longer and enjoy a pleasant income at the same time?


1.The most important to the writer's friend is high spirits.________

2.If we are in high spirits, we can find ________ in life.

3.What do people often think as a sign of success?


4.What does high age mean?




  Cyril Dick's house is neither a modern house nor a house of the future.It is 40 years old.There are more houses like that in the south of France.They are called “bubble houses”, and you can see why!

  Cyril Dick is a designer and he loves round things.He collects old records and clocks.He also collects round furniture.And now he has a completely round house.

  Everything in the “bubble house” is round.The centre of the house is one very big bubble.This is both the living room and dining room.There are round armchairs, a round table, and a big round rug(地毯)in front of a round fireplace.Around the living room are three small bubbles.One bubble is a kitchen with round shelves, another bubble is the garden room, and the third bubble is a music room.Upstairs there are two more bubbles-a bedroom and a bathroom.

  The doors and windows are also round, of course.The window are like eyes.There aren't any curtains(窗帘)in the house, because Cyril likes to see the garden all the time.

  Bubble houses are the idea of a Hungarian architect(建筑师), Antti Lovag.“A lot of modern houses are bad for us, especially tall buildings of flats,” says Lovag.“Because round homes are more natural, people feel happy in them.” Cyril agrees with this.“Some people think my house is funny,” he says, “but for me, this is the perfect home.”



You can find more “bubble houses” in the south of France.

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Cyril Dick is a designer and he loves ________.



What is the third bubble around the living room?









  We often make a handshake in business and in life in China.It often takes place when you meet someone new and when you leave a party or a meeting.

  People are supposed to shake hands in many countries.But every country has its own custom of shaking hands, so you need to know something about another country's handshaking custom before you visit it.

  Here are some of the most usual handshaking customs around the world:

  ★In England you shake hands whenever you meet someone, even if you know them well.

  ★Russians shake hands often.However, they never shake hands while wearing gloves.

  ★A strong handshake and holding hands closely are signs of welcome in South Africa.

  ★Men in Arabian cultures prefer a long handshake.At the same time, they will say a few words to greet the other person.

  ★The French always shake hands in business meetings.In social situations, they kiss each other on the face.

  ★People in India and Pakistan shake hands by holding your hand in both their hands.

  It is considered impolite to refuse to shake hands with someone.But don't worry if someone refuses to shake hands with you, because there may be some special reasons.For example, maybe they have a cold or don't feel very well.A person that is unable to shake hands should always say sorry and explain for it so that the other person does not feel unhappy.


1.People are supposed to shake hands in many countries.

2.Russians never shake hands while ________.

3.In social situations what are the French supposed to do when they meet people?


4.Who prefer shaking hands by holding your hand in both their hands?



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