
Some things can carry messages, for example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take.Signs on the door tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time?

People can communicate on many other ways.An artist can use his drawing to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.

Books, magazines, TVs, radios and films all help us to communicate with others.They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.

1. What can help you if you want to know which bus to take?


2. What do the signs on the door do?


3. People can communicate in many other ways, can’t they?


4. What can help us to communicate with others?


5. What do they help us to do?


1.A sign at the bus stop.

2.Signs on the door tell us where to go in or out.

3.Yes, they can.

4.Books, magazines, TVs, radios and films all help us to communicate with others.

5.They all help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.



Many kids think they are   36   . They think they aren't the prettiest or the smartest. At the same time, they think they aren't even the ugliest or the silliest, which would at least make them stand out.  Everyone feels that way sometimes,  37  in middle school. Kids  38   realize how special they are.

It is   39   growing up. Growing up means understanding what you can offer the world. When you're young, you realize that just by being yourself, you do offer   40   to other people. Maybe you aren't the best, but that doesn't make you "not amazing".

Do yourself a favor. Think about your friends carefully. Write down a list of things that you like about them. Think about   41   you make friends with them. You will   42   know that in the end, no matter if they aren't the smartest or the prettiest or   43  talented, they are great in their own way. And they feel just the same       44  you!

Remember, it gets easier as you grow older. If you try your best, you are still pretty   45 .

36. A. special       B. ordinary          C. unusual         D. ugly

37. A. especial      B. especially         C. more often       D. often

38. A. often        B. more often         C. not often        D. seldom

39. A. part of       B. one of            C. some           D. about

40. A. anything      B. everything        C. something       D. some thing

41. A. reason       B. season            C. where           D. why

42. A. get to        B. got to             C. have to         D. getting to

43. A. /            B. more             C. most           D. the most

44. A as           B. to                C. about           D. for

45. A. smart       B. amazing          C. clever           D. well

Homesick is a compound(复合的) word made up of HOME and SICK. You know what each   46   means on its own, of course. But do you know the meaning    47   they are used together? The definition(定义) of homesick is SICK FOR HOME. It means you miss your home.
Now think for a minute   48 SEASICK. If you change the word HOME in the definition to the word SEA, would the definition   49 SEASICK? Does seasick mean SICK FOR SEA? It means something quite   50 . Seasick means SICK BY THE MOVEMENT ON THE SEA. When you are    51   ,the only place you want to be is at home. When you are seasick,    52   you want to be is at sea.
Have you ever   53   a person being heartsick? Heartsick doesn’t mean that something is wrong with a person’s heart. People are heartsick when they are    54  deep inside as if their hearts are broken.
And we also have other compound words, such as handshake and    55  . Perhaps you may write definitions for them. It must be helpful to know some thing like this in your English study.

【小题7】A. the first place  B the last place C. the only place D. the safe place                                                                                                    
A.thought overB.thought outC.heard fromD.heard of


through      angry     kind     take     that      good

make        how      cry      why      do      kill

    "Mommy, what are you doing?" asked Susie.

    "I   76   a dinner for Mrs. Smith next door.”

    "Why?" asked Susie, who was .only six years old.

    "Because Mrs. Smith is very sad; her daughter   77   in an earthquake and she has a broken heart. We need to look after her. "

    "Why, Mommy?"

    "You see, Susie, when someone is sad, they have trouble   78   the little things like cooking dinner or other chores. Because Mrs Smith is our neighbor, we .need to do some thing to help her. Mm Smith won't ever be able to talk with her daughter or do all those wonderful things   79     mommies and daughters do together. You are a very smart girl, maybe you'll think of some way   80   care of Mrs Smith. "

    Susie thought seriously about    81    she could care for Mrs Smith. A few minutes later, .Susie knocked on her door. Mrs Smith answered the knock with a "Hi, Susie.”

    From her sad look, Susie noticed that Mrs Smith must   82    for a long time. "What can I do for you, Susie?" asked Mrs Smith.

    "My mommy says that you lost your daughter and your heart is broken." Susie held her hand out shyly. In it was a Band-Aid(创可帖). "This is for your broken heart.” Mrs Smith burst into tears.    83    her tears she said, "Thank you, darling girl, this will help a lot."

    Mrs Smith accepted Susie’s   84   and she put Susie's Band-Aid in a small picture frame(相框). She feels a little   85   every time she sees it. She wisely knows that healing takes time and support.


Homesick is a compound(复合的) word made up of HOME and SICK. You know what each   46    means on its own, of course. But do you know the meaning    47    they are used together? The definition(定义) of homesick is SICK FOR HOME. It means you miss your home.

    Now think for a minute   48  SEASICK. If you change the word HOME in the definition to the word SEA, would the definition   49  SEASICK? Does seasick mean SICK FOR SEA? It means something quite   50  . Seasick means SICK BY THE MOVEMENT ON THE SEA. When you are     51    ,the only place you want to be is at home. When you are seasick,    52    you want to be is at sea.

   Have you ever   53    a person being heartsick? Heartsick doesn’t mean that something is wrong with a person’s heart. People are heartsick when they are    54   deep inside as if their hearts are broken.

   And we also have other compound words, such as handshake and    55   . Perhaps you may write definitions for them. It must be helpful to know some thing like this in your English study.

1.A.word            B. phrase      C. sentence          D. passage

2.A. how            B. why              C. when             D. where

3.A. for            B. from             C. about            D. like

4.A. get            B. fit              C. read             D. have

5.A. right          B. wrong            C. same             D. different

6.A. homesick       B. heartsick        C. seasick          D. earsick

7.A. the first place  B the last place C. the only place    D. the safe place                                                                                                     

8.A. thought over  B. thought out          C. heard from       D. heard of

9.A. hurt           B. hit              C. loved            D. moved

10.A. hobby         B. height           C. heaven           D. handbag


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