
"How are you?" is a nice question.It's a friendly way that people in the U.S.A greet each other.But "How are you?" is also a very unusual question.It's a question that often doesn't need an answer.The person who asks "How are you?" hopes to hear the answer "Fine", even if the person's friend isn't fine.The reason is that "How are you?" isn't really a question and "Fine" isn't really an answer.They are simply other ways of saying "Hello" or "Hi".

Sometimes, people also don't say exactly what they mean.For example, when someone asks "Do you agree?", the other person might think, "No, I disagree.I think you're wrong ..." But it isn't very polite to disagree so strongly, so the other person might say "I'm not sure." It's a nicer way to say that you don't agree with someone.

People also don't say exactly what they are thinking when they finish talking with other people.For example, many talks over the phone finish when one person says "I've to go now." Often, the person who wants to hang up gives an excuse."Someone's at the door." "Something is burning on the stove (炉灶)." The excuses might be real, or not.Perhaps the person who wants to hang up simply doesn't want to talk any more, but it isn't polite to say that.The excuse is more polite, and it doesn't hurt the other person.

When they are greeting each other, talking about an idea, or finishing a talk, people don't say exactly what they are thinking.It's an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and it's part of the game of language.

1.When a person in America asks" How are you? ", he or she wants to hear        .

A.How are you?                                              B.Hello.

C.I don't know.                                            D.Fine.

2.When a person disagree with someone, it is polite to say "        "

A.You are wrong.I disagree.                        B.I'm not sure.

C.I'm sure I disagree.                             D.No, I disagree.

3.A polite way to finish a talk is to say "        "

A.You have to go now.                                  B.I want to hang up.

C.I have to go now.                                      D.I don't want to talk any more.

4.When a person says " I've to go now.Someone's at the door.", the person may be        

A.giving an excuse                                    B.hurting someone's feeling

C.ill                                                         D.asking you a question

5.The rule of the game of language is probably        

A." Always say what you mean."

B."Don't disagree with people."

C."Never say exactly what you're thinking."

D. "Be polite."


Tom walked into a shop . It had a sign outside : "Second-hand (旧的) clothes bought and sold . "He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop, "How much will you give me for these?" The man looked at them and then said: "Two dollars."

  "What !" said Tom. "I had guessed they were worth at least five dollars."

  "No," said the man, "they aren't worth a cent more than two dollars."

  "Well," said Tom, taking two dollars out of his pocket. "Here's your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price (标价)of them was six dollars and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth."

  Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the shop owner could think of anything to say .

1.At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom __________.

A. wanted to steal the trousers      B. wanted to sell the trousers

C. wanted to fool him         D. wanted to buy the trousers 

2.The owner of the shop_______  for the old trousers.

A. would give Tom two dollars   

B. would pay three dollars

C. would pay five dollars        

D. would give Tom six dollars and a half 

3.The shop owner insisted(坚持) that the trousers were worth only two dollars because ____.

A. he wanted to sell them cheaply     

B. he wanted to buy them cheaply

C. he didn't like the trousers       

D. they were old and dirty 

4.In fact, the trousers _________.

A. were hanging inside the shop      

B. were stolen by Tom from the shop

C. had been the shop owner's      

D. had been Tom's 

5.From the story we know that _________ cheaper than the list price.

A. the owner sold the trousers two dollars

B. Tom sold the trousers one dollar and a half

C. the owner bought the trousers three dollars

D. Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a half


One day a rich man wanted to sell some goods in another town and buy some things there. He     to take ten servants(仆人) with him. They would carry the goods and also some      to eat on their way. The rich man said to     of his servants, "Ali, you are the     and the weakest one. You may     the lightest load(担子) to carry." Ali thanked him and chose the      load. It was their food-bread. The rich man said, "How foolish you are! That's the heaviest one. " But Ali was     to lift it up. And so they set off. Four hours     , they stopped for a rest. They all     some of the bread. Then there was     bread for Ali to carry. Each time they ate some, the load became smaller and lighter. At last the clever servant had nothing to carry.

1.A. agreed                      B. liked        C. decided                       D. refused

2.A. food                 B. goods       C. water                  D. meat

3.A. all                               B. both        C. none                   D. one

4.A. tallest               B. smallest     C. busiest                D. fastest

5.A. find             B. give        C. choose                  D. carry

6.A. lightest                      B. smallest     C. best                         D. biggest

7.A. glad                  B. worry       C. sorry                   D. tired

8.A. early                B.later       C.past             D.last

9.A. loved               B.put        C.called          D.ate

10.A. more                       B.little       C.less            D.no


An Englishman was showing a foreign visitor around London. "What's that strange building?" asked the visitor. "That's the Tower of London." "I see. How long did it take to build it?” “About 500 years." "In my country we can build it in five months." said the visitor. A short time after that, they come to St. Paul's Cathedral (大教堂)."Very interesting, "said the visitor, "How long did it take to build it?  Nearly forty years." said the Englishman. "In my country we can finish it in forty days." said the visitor. This went on all day. They visited most of the best known buildings in the city. Every time they saw a new one, the visitor asked what it was and how long it took to build it. Then he said that they could do the same things much faster in his country. At last the Englishman got angry with the visitor though he tried not to show it. A few days later they came to the House of Parliament(议会大厦) and the visitor asked his usual question. "What's that?” The Englishman answered, "I've no idea. It wasn't there last night."

1.The Englishman showed the foreign visitor around____________.

A.the Tower of London

B.St. Paul's Cathedral

C.some famous buildings in London

D.the whole city of London

2.The visitor said that in his country it would take them ____________to build St. Paul's Cathedral.

A.less than half a year

B.more than a month

C.five hundred years

D.forty years

3.The Englishman was very angry by the end of the day, but he______________

A.tried not to let the visitor know it

B.tried not to show the visitor around the city

C.had no time to tell the visitor

D.didn't want to say anything

4.The Englishman's last answer showed he______________.

A.was sorry that he hadn't seen the building before

B.could say nothing because he didn't know anything about it

C.was not happy and decided to give him a surprising answer

D.didn't know how to tell the visitor the name of the building

5.The best title (标题) for this passage is_______________.

A.English history

B.Around London

C.What's that strange building?

D.How long did it take to build it?



“Everything happens for the best," my grandmother said whenever things weren't going my way. "Don't worry, one day your luck 1._______(change). "

Grandmother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college. I had decided to be sports announcer (广播员) in a radio station, so I 2._______ ( go) to Shanghai and knocked on the door of every station. But I got refused every time.

In one station, a kind lady said my problem was short of experience. " Get some work with a small station and 3._______(work) your way up ," she said.

I couldn't get a job there, either. Then my dad told me a businessman had opened a company and needed someone 4._______ ( manage) the sports center. But again, I didn't get the job.

I felt really down. "Your luck will change," Granny reminded me. I tried another radio station in Beijing. But the owner, a nice man, told me he already had someone.

As I left his office, I asked, " How can someone be a sports announcer if he 5._______(not, get) a job in a radio station?"

I 6._______( wait) for the elevator when I heard the man call, " What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?" I 7._______(put) in front of a microphone and asked to imagine I was commenting (评论) on a football game. "Now you 8._______ (watch) the football game between Lu Neng and Shen Hua. . . "

On my way home, Granny's words came back to me, " One day your luck will change, boy. And when it 9. _______( happen) , it'll feel twice as good because of all the disappointment (失望) you 10._______ ( have) . " At that moment I knew just what she meant.


It was very late at night. An old man came to a small town. He found an inn (小旅馆) and Wanted to slay there for the night. After he went to his room, the owner said to his 41   ."Look at his bag. There must be much money in it. Let's take it away when he's 42 , shall we? '

"Oh, no," said the woman. "He must 43 his bag when he wakes up tomorrow morning. If he can't find it, he'll telephone the police."

They thought for a few minutes. Then the woman had an 44 . "We have forgetful grass. Why not put some forgetful grass into his food? If he 45 the food, he will forget lo take his bag away."

The old man ate the food 46 the forgetful grass and went to bed. The next morning when the owner got up, he found the door 47 and the old man had gone away with his bag. He woke his wife up and said to her angrily, "How foolish you are! Your forgetful grass isn't 48 at all."

"No, I don't think so. He must forget_49__," his wife said.

"Oh! I remember now! He forgot to 50 for the night," cried out the man suddenly. Then they looked at each other without saying a word.

1.A. sister B. friend C. aunt D. wife

2. A. asleep B. awake C. alive D. alone

3.A. set off B. give up C. look for D. take off

4.A. idea B. advice C. instruction D. excuse

5. A. eats B. receives C. likes D. refuses

6.A. onto B. for C. with D. into

7. A. open B. opens C. opening D. lo open

8.A. interesting B. important C. delicious D. useful

9.A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything

10.A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay


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