
     Once there were several scientists in a forest.They were trying to _1 the rarest animal in the world.No one had seen it ,so everyone was _ 2  and wanted to be the first one to photograph and study it.
The animal only came out at night, _3   the scientists did some other studies in the day. _4   them,there was a famous scientist named Walter. Every day,he would spend an hour sitting at the desk and putting all his equipment(设备)in the _5   place.He did this carefully.But other scientists laughed at him because they thought Walter was just wasting _6 .
One night,the animal appeared _7  The scientists heard its call.But the call didn't last long.The animal was frightened by the _ made by the scientists while they were scrabbling(忙乱地找)for their cameras and notebooks.
On the next morning,the scientist _9     their fingings.Some had tried to record its call,others had noted down how it moved,and the luckiest one had even photographed parts of its tail and legs.They all congratulated each other on what they had found.However,when they saw what Walter had,they were very surprised.

_10  had taken several complete(完整的)photos,the record of the animal's cry and notes about the animal.
They ran to congratulate Walter.They now understood the importance of keeping things in order.Because of that,Walter could find everything quickly in the dark.
1 A.feed B.study C.catch D.kill
2 A.relaxed B.tired C.excited D.surprised
3 A.but B.or C.and D.so
4 A.Among B.Beside C.Against D.Except
5 A.clean B.right C.safe D.public
6 A.space B.money C.food D.time
7 A.angrily B.immediately C.suddenly D.quickly
8 A.plans B.noises C.records D.mistakes
9 A.compared B.counted C.sorted D.kept
10A.They B.It C.He D.You

1B  2C  3D  4A  5B  6D  7C  8B  9A  10C

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
I stood in the doorway, watching my elder brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally   36   that I was there, Rocky turned towards me with a sad smile.
“I’m   37   tomorrow,” he said.
“I know.” My __38____ was almost a whisper. I was   39   at myself for being so weak, but I wasn’t about to cry.
“My   40   is early, so there is still   41   time to come to the airport,” he said. Seeing the   42   look on my face, he quickly added, “I promise I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”
I tried to say   43   , but didn’t. It’s always   44   to keep quiet if you’re about to cry. “You promised you wouldn’t cry,” he said to me, thinking that I was close to   45  .
I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike.   46   I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from   47  . I was happy with this, but he knew he couldn’t hold me up all my life. He told me that one day he would have to let go.
His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say   48   to the person who taught me everything?
The next morning I   49   , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left 50  ago. We never even said goodbye.
Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was only an answer in his heart.
A.arriving B.living C.coming D.leaving
A.voiceB.sound C.noiseD.word
A.glad B.moved C.angry D.pleased
A.ship B.flight C.train D.bus
A.enough B.little C.no D.busy
A.surprised B.excited C.sadD.happy
A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing
A.stranger B.better C.worse D.easier
A.tearsB.smiles C.words D.sadness
A.At last B.Since C.At first D.So far
A.riding B.runningC.walkingD.falling
A.goodbye B.hello C.yesD.sorry
A.gave up B.stood upC.looked up D.woke up
A.minutes B.hours C.days D.weeks

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
I stood in the doorway, watching my elder brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally   36   that I was there, Rocky turned towards me with a sad smile.
“I’m   37   tomorrow,” he said.
“I know.” My __38____ was almost a whisper. I was   39   at myself for being so weak, but I wasn’t about to cry.
“My   40   is early, so there is still   41   time to come to the airport,” he said. Seeing the   42   look on my face, he quickly added, “I promise I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”
I tried to say   43   , but didn’t. It’s always   44   to keep quiet if you’re about to cry. “You promised you wouldn’t cry,” he said to me, thinking that I was close to   45  .
I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike.   46   I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from   47  . I was happy with this, but he knew he couldn’t hold me up all my life. He told me that one day he would have to let go.
His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say   48   to the person who taught me everything?
The next morning I   49   , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left 50  ago. We never even said goodbye.
Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was only an answer in his heart.

A.arriving B.living C.coming D.leaving
A.voiceB.sound C.noiseD.word
A.glad B.moved C.angry D.pleased
A.ship B.flight C.train D.bus
A.enough B.little C.no D.busy
A.surprised B.excited C.sadD.happy
A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing
A.stranger B.better C.worse D.easier
A.tearsB.smiles C.words D.sadness
A.At last B.Since C.At first D.So far
A.riding B.runningC.walkingD.falling
A.goodbye B.hello C.yesD.sorry
A.gave up B.stood upC.looked up D.woke up
A.minutes B.hours C.days D.weeks

完形填空  阅读下面短文,从每题ABCD四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。

Mr. and Mrs. Bell are very  56 . For example, Mr. Bell sometimes goes to his office for work on Sunday morning, for he thinks it is Monday. And Mrs. Bell sometimes forgets to cook supper for the family.

One summer they planned to  57  to New York for their holidays. They got to the airport only ten minutes before the plane took   58  . So time was short. But suddenly Mrs. Bell said  59  must tell their daughter not to forget  to lock the front door  60  she went to school. As Alice was then at school, they couldn’t   61   her about it by telephone. So they hurried to the __62  . Mrs. Bell wrote a short   63   to Alice while Mr. Bell bought a stamp and an envelope. Soon the note was ready. They put the stamp on the envelope in a hurry and dropped it in the letter box,   64   suddenly Mrs. Bell began to cry. The short note was   65   in her hand. She had put the plane tickets in the envelope.

1.A. careful        B. friendly        C. forgetful           D. hard-working

2. A. drive          B. fly            C. walk              D. ride

3. A. off            B. away          C. out               D. place

4. A. I              B. you           C. he                D. she 

5. A. when          B. until           C. since              D. while

6. A. show          B. tell            C. ask                D. take

7.A. hospital     B. police station   C. bookstore           D. post office

8. A. story          B. note            C. book              D. play

9. A. so            B. or              C. but               D. though

10. A. ever           B. even            C. still              D. also



阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

I stood in the doorway, watching my elder brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally   36   that I was there, Rocky turned towards me with a sad smile.

“I’m   37   tomorrow,” he said.

“I know.” My __38____ was almost a whisper. I was   39   at myself for being so weak, but I wasn’t about to cry.

“My   40   is early, so there is still   41   time to come to the airport,” he said. Seeing the   42   look on my face, he quickly added, “I promise I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”

I tried to say   43   , but didn’t. It’s always   44   to keep quiet if you’re about to cry. “You promised you wouldn’t cry,” he said to me, thinking that I was close to   45  .

I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike.   46   I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from   47  . I was happy with this, but he knew he couldn’t hold me up all my life. He told me that one day he would have to let go.

His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say   48   to the person who taught me everything?

The next morning I   49   , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left 50  ago. We never even said goodbye.

Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was only an answer in his heart.

1.A. forgetting         B. realizing            C. watching         D. learning

2.A. arriving          B. living          C. coming          D. leaving

3. A. voice             B. sound           C. noise                D. word

4.A. glad              B. moved           C. angry           D. pleased

5. A. ship                 B. flight          C. train               D. bus

6.A. enough            B. little          C. no              D. busy

7. A. surprised            B. excited             C. sad              D. happy

8. A. anything             B. everything      C. something       D. nothing

9.A. stranger          B. better          C. worse           D. easier

10.A. tears             B. smiles          C. words           D. sadness

11. A. At last             B. Since           C. At first            D. So far

12. A. riding          B. running          C. walking          D. falling

13.A. goodbye          B. hello           C. yes              D. sorry

14. A. gave up             B. stood up         C. looked up       D. woke up

15.A. minutes          B. hours           C. days            D. weeks



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