
—Who taught her French?
     ! She learned it by herself.



解析试题分析:本题中的四个选项都是复合不定代词。A.Nobody 没有人;B.Anybody 任何人;C.Somebody 某人 ;D.Everybody 每个人。题目的答语中说She learned it by herself.(她自学的),所以应该没人教她。所以本题选A。
点评:本题的关键在于She learned it by herself.

     Summer holidays came.Little Thomas was very    1   .His father said he was going to    2   him and his
sister and his mother to China.The boy had been to many    3   and taken photos there.He often   4   them
to his friends.But he saw the Great Wall,the Palace Museum and Summer Palace only on    5   . So he
borrowed some geography books.He tried to find China's Beijing and Shanghai in the   6   .He studied
carefully what foods were    7   in those cities.He hoped to have a good time there.
    The boy    8   much time on that and couldn't listen to his teachers carefully in classes.
    Sometimes he    9   he was travelling in Beijing.He had no time to go over his lessons.So he fell   10  
others and failed in the exams.Mrs Smith who taugh him maths called him in her    11   and told him to be
a good student.He promised(许诺),but soon he   12   it.The woman had to tell his mother about it on the
telephone this morning.
    "Aren't you   13   of yourself,Thomas?You're the worst pupil in your   14   ."said the mother.
    "What does it have to do with me?The worst one was yesterday transferred(转学)to   15    school."he answered.
(     )1.  A. sad      
(     )2.  A. carry    
(     )3.  A. villages
(     )4.  A. sent    
(     )5.  A. pictures
(     )6.  A. TV      
(     )7.  A. color    
(     )8.  A. spent    
(     )9.  A. went    
(     )10. A. behind  
(     )11. A. bedroom  
(     )12. A. copied  
(     )13. A. glad    
(     )14. A. class    
(     )15. A. a better
B. sorry    
B. take      
B. mountains  
B. showed    
B. maps      
B. maps      
B. expensive  
B. paid      
B. stopped    
B. off        
B. office    
B. found      
B. interested
B. family    
B. the other  
C. happy    
C. send      
C. forests    
C. told      
C. photos    
C. cheap      
C. saved      
C. dreamed    
C. over      
C. kitchen    
C .remembered
C. shy        
C. team      
C. another    
D. worried    
D. drive      
D. countries  
D. gave      
D. stamps    
D. radio                           
D. delicious  
D. waited    
D. continued  
D. around    
D. library    
D. forgot    
D. afraid    
D. row        
D. a higher  

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