
Dolphins are mammals, not fish. Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can’t talk as human beings do, but they talk with sounds. They show their   16   with sounds.

Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a “school”. They don’t   __ 17___ like school children, but they travel together.

Dolphins talk to each other in the school. They give out different   18  . They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid. They say “  19  ” when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk when they play. They can even make   20   sounds above water. However, they make many more sounds under water. People   21   hear these sounds because the sounds are very, very high.   22   make tapes of the sounds and study them.

Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium (水族馆). People can watch the dolphins in a   23  . Dolphins don’t like to be in an aquarium away from the sea. They are sad and lonely.

Dolphins are very friendly animals. Maybe you have heard some   24   that people are saved by dolphins at sea. Dolphin meat is good,   25   people don’t like to kill them. They say that dolphins bring good luck.

(   ) 16. A. ideas                 B. feelings             C. interests                   D. activities

(   ) 17. A. study                B. play                  C. hunt                         D. talk

(   ) 18. A. help                  B. signs                 C. information        D. words

(   ) 19. A. Morning            B. Good-bye          C. Congratulations  D. Welcome

(   ) 20. A. not any             B. a few                C. few                         D. all

(   ) 21. A. won’t        B. don’t                 C. mustn’t                    D. can’t

(   ) 22. A. Engineers   B. Directors           C. Scientists                 D. Zookeepers

(   ) 23. A. show                B. programme C. movie               D. school

(   ) 24. A. researches  B. secrets              C. accidents                  D. stories

(   ) 25. A. so                     B. but                    C. though                     D. unless



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