Foolish(silly) Freddie lived in a small village. The people of the village laughed at him. They liked to show visitors how silly Freddie was. They thought this was a funny thing to do.
One day, a visitor came to the village.
"Watch this", a villager said, and called to Freddie. "Come and play a game, Freddie, " he shouted. Freddie walked slowly towards him, a silly smile on his face.
"Look! Freddie, "the villager said, "I've got something for you." He showed Freddie a dollar coin and a much larger 50-cent coin."Which would you like?" he asked Freddie.
Freddie took the 50-cent coin at once.
The villager laughed."See how foolish he is," he said."He always does that. He's too silly to learn anything." He walked away, leaving Freddie with the visitor.
The visitor felt sorry for Freddie and said to him, "Although the 50-cent coin is bigger than the$1 coin, the$1 coin is worth(值) much more.Two times as much."
"I know that," Freddie said."But once I take the$1coin, they'll stop playing the game."
【小题1】People laughed at Freddie because__________.
A.he often made up jokesB.he didn't like money
C.he looked very funnyD.they thought he was a fool
【小题2】The villagers wanted to show the visitors___________. silly Freddie clever Freddie was
C.How kind people were to FreddieD.that Freddie had much money
【小题3】The visitor felt sorry for Freddie because he though_________.
A.Freddie did not know money was useful
B.the villager was not kind enough to the boy
C.Freddie did not get along well with the villagers
D.Freddie did not know the dollar coin was worth more
【小题4】From the story we know that Freddie was__________.
【小题5】The best title for the passage should be __________.
A.Clever VillagersB."Foolish" Freddie
C.Freddie and a VisitorD.A Visitor and the Villagers

Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read about dogs. I have friend. He has a big police dog with the name Jack. Police dogs are very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes jack for along walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much. One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became much worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention to Jack. He went on talking. At last Jack got angry. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he took the visitor’s cap in his mouth.
【小题1】 The young visitor stayed a long time in my friend’s house, didn’t he?

A.Yes, he was.B.Yes, he did.C.No, he wasn’t. D.No, he didn’t.
【小题2】Jack became worried because _______ .
A.he wanted to go out for a walk
B.he wanted to play with him
C.he didn’t know the young man
D.he wanted to eat something
【小题3】Jack sat down in front of the visitor because he wanted _____.
A.the visitor to talk with him join the talk show the visitor how clever he was
D.the visitor to leave the house soon
【小题4】The visitor went on talking and ______.
A.he didn’t like Jack
B.he paid no attention to his cap
C.he didn’t know that his cap was taken away by Jack
D.he paid no attention to Jack
【小题5】At last Jack took ______ in his mouth.
A.foodB.nothingC.the visitor’s capD.the visitor’s bag


???? Mr and Mrs Jackson bought a big farm and they were always busy working on it .They had a good harvest every year.One of their sons Victor studied at a high school.The boy studied hard and did well in his lessons.It made them happy.

????? Last month Victor finished high school and passed the university entrance examination.Mrs Jackson was very happy and told almost all her friends about it .

????? Yesterday morning she went to the town to buy something for her son.On the bus she met one of her friends and they hadnt seen each other for fifteen years.She told her friend how clever her son was.She spoke very loudly.All the people on the bus could hear her.

?????? Which university will your son study in?a man next to her asked.

?????? Oxford University,said Mrs Jackson happily.

?????? Most of the people on the bus looked at her.Some of them said to her, Congratulations!

?????? A woman sitting opposite her said, Im sure hell meet Jim White.

?????? Whos Jim White?

?????? Hes my son,said the woman with smile.

?????? Does he study in the same university?

?????? No.He is one of the professors(教授).

1.The underlined word harvestprobably means _______in Chinese.

A.? 庄稼????????????? B.? 收成??????????? C.? 成就??????

2.Mr and Mrs Jackson were happy because________.

A.their son did well in his lessons

B.they bought a big farm

C.they had a good time on the farm

3.Mrs Jackson wanted everyone to know_________.

A.her som finished high school

B.her son was brave

C.her son was going to study in a famous university

4.Mrs Jackson spoke so loudly on the bus that________.

A.her friend could hear her

B.all the people could hear her

C.all the people looked at her

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Mrs Jackson met some of her friends on the bus.

B.The woman was Mrs Jacksons friend.

C.The woman wanted to stop Mrs Jackson from talking about her son.


Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read about dogs. I have friend. He has a big police dog with the name Jack. Police dogs are very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes jack for along walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much. One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became much worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention to Jack. He went on talking. At last Jack got angry. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he took the visitor’s cap in his mouth.

1. The young visitor stayed a long time in my friend’s house, didn’t he?

A.Yes, he was.

B.Yes, he did.

C.No, he wasn’t.

D.No, he didn’t.

2.Jack became worried because _______ .

A.he wanted to go out for a walk

B.he wanted to play with him

C.he didn’t know the young man

D.he wanted to eat something

3.Jack sat down in front of the visitor because he wanted _____.

A.the visitor to talk with him join the talk show the visitor how clever he was

D.the visitor to leave the house soon

4.The visitor went on talking and ______.

A.he didn’t like Jack

B.he paid no attention to his cap

C.he didn’t know that his cap was taken away by Jack

D.he paid no attention to Jack

5.At last Jack took ______ in his mouth.


C.the visitor’s cap

D.the visitor’s bag


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