A. Choose the best answer.

If you're planning on buying a small pet for your kids or family or are looking for a pet that is cute, friendly and fun, then you should consider a sugar glider (蜜袋鼯). It lives in Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea and Tasmania.

Sugar gliders are known by this name because they are fond of sweet food. Sugar gliders are also known as “pocket pets” because they're small in size and they like being carried in pockets. That is why many sugar glider owners keep these animals in their pockets to carry them wherever they go.

Sugar gliders are covered with the patagium (翼膜),which looks like a parachute (降落伞) when they spread out their hands and feet, making them move in the air. Another attractive feature of sugar gliders is that they have big toes (脚趾) on their back which help make them stay on the tree.

It's known that sugar gliders are extremely lovable and social. This is why these pets get along well with their owners and their families. If you don't spend much time at home, the best idea is to keep another sugar glider pet. Sugar gliders aren't like other pets that can get used to anywhere in the house. They need a special and large area to live. So, you should get a comfortable and big space for your special pet.

The average lifespan(寿命)of sugar gliders is around 12 to 15 years. They' reactive pets that love to jump and glide. But the owner has to give enough care and love to them in order to keep them healthy. Sugar gliders are wonderful pets to keep. They're fun to watch and play with.

1.According to the passage, sugar gliders are named after .

A.their favorite food B.their appearance

C.their living place D.their body size

2.If a sugar glider is carried outside, the best place for it is the .

A.cage B.basket

C.bag D.owner's pocket

3.Sugar gliders patagium works just like .

A.a small raincoat B.a bird's wings

C.a man's clothes D.a tree branch

4.If you can't spend much time with your sugar glider, you'd better .

A.make some toys for it B.prepare more food for it

C.buy another sugar glider D.keep a bird to play with it

5.Which of the following about sugar gliders is TRUE?

A.They can live for 20 years. B.They can be found in America.

C.They love to stay with others. D.They like to live in a small area.

6.The passage probably comes from a ________.

A.news report B.pet magazine C.travel guide D.personal diary

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。每空格限填一词,首字母已给)

Like many lovers of books, Mary and her husband, Richard Goldman, s1. walked past a bookstore without stopping to look inside. They often talked of opening their own store one day.

In o2. to realize their wish, they started by talking to bookstore owners and researching(调查) the industry. One figure caught their attention: they’d read some- where that roughly 20 percent of books sold were mysteries(推理小说), and many buyers spent more than 300 a year on books. Mary and Richard were t3. mystery readers and owned a big collection of such books.

On Halloween 1992, they opened the Mystery Lovers Bookshop and Cafe near their home. With three children in college it was i4. for the couple to spend all the family’s money to start a shop. To cover the whole $100, 000 cost, they drew some of their savings, borrowed from relatives and from a bank.

The store broke even in its first year, with only $120,000 in sales. But Mary was always coming up with new ways to a5. customers. The shop had a coffee bar and it offered gifts to mystery lovers and served dinners for book clubs that met in the store. She also invited dozens of writers to d6. their stories. Today Mystery Lovers make sales of about 420,000 a year. After paying taxes, business costs and the six part-time sales clerks, Richard and Mary together earn about $34,000.

“The job you love may not go hand in hand with a million-dollar income,” says Richard. “This has always been about an e7. life for ourselves, not about making a lot of money.

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