

A Cat and a Parrot(鹦鹉)

  A French writer tells a story about a cat and a parrot.A friend of his came to visit him one day.The friend said,“I’m going away for a short time.Will you please look after my parrot for me?”The writer said he would do that,and his friend brought the parrot to his house.?

  The cat saw the parrot and wanted to know if it was a bird or not.If so,it would be nice to eat.Very slowly the cat came nearer and nearer.It was thinking it would be nice to have this animal for its meal.The poor parrot was very much afraid.It didn’t know what to do at first.It kept quiet and didn’t move till the cat was near enough to jump on it.Then,suddenly, the parrot asked,“Haven’t you had your breakfast?”?

  The cat was afraid.It ran away as fast as it could.Maybe it was saying to itself,“That thing can speak.It can’t be a bird.It must be a man.”


One day,a friend asked the writer to ________.

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look after his cat


take care of his parrot


bring the parrot to the house


tell him a story about a cat and a parrot


The cat wanted to ________.

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make friend with the French writer


say “Hello” to the parrot


play with the parrot


eat the parrot very much


The parrot was so afraid that he ________.

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asked the cat not to eat him


spoke to the cat like a man


told the man to drive the cat off


ran away as fast as he could


Why didn’t the cat dare to(敢)eat the parrot? Because ________.

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the parrot was much stronger than the cat


the cat didn’t talk with the parrot


he thought the parrot was a man


the writer was on the side of the parrot


In the story, the cat and the parrot ________.

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were afraid of each other


were pleased with the writer


fought about the meat


became good friends

       My cat's name is Lucy. She is a very pretty cat. Her hair is black and yellow. She has four children.
She is very happy with her young babies.
       The four children are not all like Lucy very much. The biggest (最大的) child is black. It is black
with white feet and white ears. Two children are like their mother. They are black. My daughter says,
"Aren't they pretty? Can't I have the black and white one? Isn't he a tomcat (雄猫)?" I say, "I don't
know, but I know the yellow and black ones are female (雌性的)." "Are they? How do you know?"
"For (因为) they are yellow and black, but tomcats never (从不) have that. I'll tell you something
about that. Listen…"
1. Lucy is a   _____  .  
A. cat          
B. student        
C. boy          
D. girl
2. The writer (作者) has   _____   cats:    ____   baby cats and     ____ mother cat.
A. four, five, one    
B. five, four, one      
C. one, three, a      
D. two, a, four
3. 文中划线单词"black and yellow"的意思是:
A. 又黑又黄        
B. 不黑不黄        
C. 黑黄不分        
D. 黑黄相间
4. The biggest baby is    ____  with _____   feet and     ____ ears.
A. black, white, yellow                  
B. black, yellow, white  
C. black, black and yellow, red            
D. black, white, white
5. The story tells us the female cat's hair is _____   .
A. yellow and black              
B. white and yellow  
C. black and white              
D. yellow with one white ear

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