It was Friday. Andy Barton was in a bad mood . At six o’clock his __1__ programme, “Travel with us”, was on TV. Andy liked to get home in ___2___ for that. But then, just as he was leaving his office a little earlier , a customer (顾客) rang up with a few complaints for the next fif­teen minutes. “I can ___3__ get home in time if I hurry,” Andy told himself as he___4___out of the office. As he drove off in his car, he ___5___ that he was almost out of petrol(汽油). “I’ll have to stop at Fenton’s”, Andy thought. He ___6___Fenton’s because it was a self-service petrol station. “You do all the work yourself, but you pay___7____for the petrol,” he used to complain. At Fenton’s, the pump (泵) was not working properly and it ___8__ much time to get petrol. So when Andy got home, it was already two minutes past six. Just then the phone rang. “Shall I answer it?” Andy thought. He tried to___9__ his attention on the programme and forget the phone. But it kept ringing and finally he picked it up.
“Mr Barton?”__10__said. “Fenton’s Ga­rage here.”“Fenton’s?” Andy said. “Why, I was at your place only a few minutes ago, getting some petrol. Did I _11_ something behind or what?” “No, you didn’t, Mr Bar­ton.” And the voice went on. “That’s just the __12__ ! You went off without paying for your petrol, you __13___! Now normally, when that happens, we ring up the police. But Luckily I knew you and I know it was a _14__.” “I’m really very sorry,” Andy said. “Oh, that’s all right, Mr Barton. But could you __15__round now and pay for your petrol? And please hurry! We close at half past six!”

A.a littleB.the sameC.a lotD.the bill
A.a womanB.a manC.a recorderD.a voice

In the tenth grade, I began volunteering at a vet hospital in order to get experience for what I thought would be my future job. As it turned out, the experience I got at the hospital taught me the opposite: my future was not in vet medicine. However, there is one particular Saturday morning that taught me something maybe more important.
The hospital was in the middle of one of the poorer sections of the city and we often had people come in who could just only pay for the most basic treatments. This Saturday a man and his young son, who was probably about 7 years old, walked in with a small cat in a cardboard box. I remember the cat had an eye infection (感染) but the man could not afford to pay for the cost of the medicine in addition to the exam. When he asked where the nearest the animal shelter(庇护所) was, his son cried and started to argue with his father. Out of the blue, an older woman who was sitting in the waiting room stood up, walked up to the counter, and told the man that she would pay for anything that he could not afford. The man thanked her and the son got to keep a healthy cat.
I had always thought it was the right thing to help out a needy person, but it was only seen on TV or in movies. The woman in the vet’s office taught me that these things do happen in real life, and should happen more often. When I am hesitant (犹豫) to help someone who is in need, I remember that woman, and have the courage to do it. Sometimes other people follow.
【小题1】Why did the writer work at the vet hospital?

A.He thought he would work there in the future.
B.He wanted to get some skills of treating animals.
C.He wanted to get some money for his schooling.
D.He wanted to get some experience for his future work.
【小题2】What is the most important according to the writer?
A.How to be a kind person who helps others.
B.The practical experience of the vet job.
C.How to deal with the owners of pets.
D.The knowledge of vet medicine.
【小题3】What does the underlined phrase “out of the blue”?
A.Out of order.B.All of a sudden .C.Now and then.D.First of all.
【小题4】________ made the writer have the courage to help someone in need.
A.The officerB.The boyC.The womanD.The father

It was 12:45 pm on January 2, 2007. 50-year-old Wesley Autrey was waiting for the train at a subway station in New York. His two daughters, aged four and six, were with him.
Suddenly, a sick man fell down on the platform (站台). The man, 20-year-old Cameron Hollopeter, got up, but then fell again—this time, onto the track between the two rails (道轨). A train was coming into the station. It was a frightening moment.
But Mr Autrey wasn’t frightened. He looked at the man and the space that the man was in. It was about half a meter deep. And he thought, “The train is going to travel over this man. If he tries to get up, the train will kill him. But if he lies on the ground and doesn’t move, he’ll be OK.” So he got an idea.
He jumped down and kept Mr Hollopeter down on the ground. The train driver saw them. He was terrified, but he couldn’t stop in time. The train traveled over the two men before it stopped.
The people on the platform were surprised. When Mr Autrey heard them screaming, he shouted, “We’re OK down here, but I’ve got two daughters up there. Let them know their father is OK.”
In an interview on a TV show, Mr Autrey said, “The only thing that happened to me was my blue hat got dirty.”
【小题1】Why did Mr Hollopeter fall on the platform and then the track?

A.Because he was ill.B.Because he walked so fast.
C.Because he was too old.D.Because the subway station was so crowed.
【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE?
A.Mr Autrey was so frightened when he saw what had happened.
B.Mr Autrey thought the space that the man was in was about one meter deep.
C.The train driver saw the two men but he couldn’t stop the train in time.
D.Mr Autrey and Mr Hollopeter were both taken to a hospital.
【小题3】Mr Autrey was worried about         when the train stopped.
A.his two daughtersB.Mr HollopeterC.his blue hatD.the train driver
【小题4】Mr Autrey lay on top of Mr Hollopeter in order to        .
A.keep him calmB.keep him down
C.keep him warmD.keep him awake
【小题5】What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A Sick ManB.Save One’s Life
C.Mr Autrey and Mr HollopeterD.The Subway Hero

I’m Jack, and I am a middle school student. Yesterday? was the most exciting day in my life. I was on TV! This is my first time on TV. In the evening, Mum, Dad and I were watching a TV programme in the sitting room and there I was! This is how it happened.

I was playing soccer in the park with my friends when a man and a woman came to us. The man had a camera. The woman had a microphone. “I’m from Channel 9,” she said. “Do you know the programme Kid’s Speak Out?” I did know it. I watched it often. It’s a weekly programme where kids say what they think about different things.

“Would you like to be on it?” the woman asked me.

I wanted to be on it and I thought my friends might also want to be on it, so I asked, “Can my friends be on it too?”

“Sorry, only one of you can,” the woman said. “You can talk about it and decide which of you is going to be on the programme.”

I asked my friends if they wanted to be on the programme. They didn’t, so I went on? it. The woman asked me a lot of questions. I thought carefully and tried to give sensible answers. When she finished, she said I was one of the best kids she’d spoken to! I felt very proud of myself. My mum and dad were proud of me too!

1.Jack was excited yesterday because he?????????? .

A. watched a TV programme with his parents????

B. was on TV for the first time

C. played soccer in the park with his friends????

D. saw the hosts of the programme Kid’s Speak Out

2.How did the thing happen?

Jack asked his friends if they wanted to be on the programme.

The woman asked Jack if he’d like to be on the programme.

The woman asked Jack a lot of questions.

Jack played soccer in the park with friends.

Jack thought carefully and tried to give answers.

A. ④①③②⑤? B.④②①③⑤?? C. ④③②①⑤? D. ④⑤③①②

3.What does the word sensible mean in the passage?

A. 明智的???? B. 可能的??? C. 合理的??? D. 正确的

4.What can we know about Jack from the passage?

A. Jack’s parents were proud of him.

B. Jack was the top student at school.

C. Jack was afraid to be on the programme.

D. Jack never watched the programme Kid’s Speak Out.



I dreamed of going to the USA when I was a middle school student. When I was in high school, I made up my   1  to go to America.

I wanted to study English and American culture. And I didn’t want to study in college in Japan at all. In Japan, it is very   2  to enter a famous college or university but easy to graduate, so students don’t study hard after they enter the college or university. This was one of the reasons why I came to America.

I came to America last September. I have been here for eight months. When I first came here, I was very surprised. There are many differences   3  Japan and America. I felt it was very strange and interesting.

I was also very upset because I heard English   4 . Whenever I watched TV, went shopping, or even   5  a walk, I heard only English. Everything was very hard for me because I could hardly understand English. Now I am used to hearing English and I can talk with Americans more easily,   6  things are getting better.

After I came here, I realized how much I love my family, how difficult it is to live by   7 , how exciting it is to live in another country, and how important it is to do   8  I want to do. If I didn’t come here, maybe I didn’t realize these things. This is the most important experience in my life. I’m going to stay here for about three years. I’ll never forget the life in the USA.


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