
【小题1】那个战士献身于挽救这位老人的生命。(give one’s life to)
【小题2】在老师的帮助下,我按时完成了作业。( with the help of )
【小题3】我们好长时间没有收到他的来信了。(hear from)
【小题4】因为大雨,Tony上学迟到了。( because of )

【小题1】The soldier gave his life to saving the old man.
【小题2】With the help of our teacher, I finised my homework on time.
【小题3】We haven’t heard from him for a long time.
【小题4】Because of the heavy rain, Tony was late for school.

解析【小题1】考查固定短语。give one’s life to sth/doing sth“献身于......”。故翻译为The soldier gave his life to saving the old man.。
【小题2】考查固定短语。with the help of sb="with" one’s help“在某人的帮助下”。故翻译为With the help of our teacher, I finised my homework on time.。
【小题3】考查固定短语。hear from sb="receive" a letter from sb“收到某人的来信”。故翻译为We haven’t heard from him for a long time.。
【小题4】考查固定短语。because of“因为”,后跟名词或动名词。故翻译为Because of the heavy rain, Tony was late for school.。


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