


7.Sam likes collecting kites.

8.Sam has collected 130 kites.

9.Sam usually flies kites at school.

10.Sam would like to start a kite collectors’ club.



11.Where are the two people?

A.At a restaurant

B.At school

C.At a party

12.What did the man order?

A.a bowl of noodles

B.some fruit salad

C.a bowl of noodles and some fruit salad


13.How many places are they talking about?




14.Why doesn’t the woman want to go to the Water Park?

A.Because she is too busy.

B.Because she can’t swim.

C.Because she has never been there.

15.Where do they plan to go at last?

A.The Space Museum.

B.The aquarium.

C.The Water Park.



  答案:一、1~6 BCABDA

  二、7~10 ABBA

  三、11~15 ACCBA


  17.going to talk about/interested in/good at


  19.the first

  20.what to do/activities in the English corner



  1.M:Hi, Sally, how do you go to school?

  W:I go to school by bus.

  2.M:Gina, would you like to go to the movies with me?

  W:I’d love to, but I have to baby-sit my little brother.

  3.M:What’s Bob doing?

  W:He’s doing his homework.

  4.M:How long have you been skating?

  W:I’ve been skating for 2 hours.

  5.M:What does your father do?

  W:He’s a painter.He likes drawing.

  6.M:What does John usually do in the evening?

  W:He usually watches TV.


  My name is Sam.My hobby is collecting kites.I have been collecting them for five years, and now I have 135 of them.I often fly my kites in the park when it’s windy.My mom says I have to stop, because we’ve run out of room to store them.They are all around our apartment.I got my first kite on my tenth birthday.It looks like a big beautiful butterfly.I love kites with animals very much.If you know anyone who collects kites, please tell me.I’d like to start a kite collectors’ club.



  M:Excuse me.


  M:I ordered a bowl of noodles and some fruit salad half an hour ago, but I only got the noodles.Would you mind bringing me the fruit salad?

  W:I’m so sorry.I’ll bring you the fruit salad right away.

  M:Thank you.


  M:Let’s go to Water Park tomorrow.

  W:Well, that sounds like fun, but I can’t swim.

  M:Really?I didn’t know that.Well, how about going to the aquarium?

  W:I’ve been to the aquarium a lot of times.

  M:Me, too.And I went there on our last school trip.

  W:I know.Let’s go to the Space Museum.I have never been there.

  M:That’s a good idea.I went here last year, but I’d like to go there again.


  Boys and girls, boys and girls.May I have your attention please.My name is Arthur Granger, and I’m going to chair this morning’s discussion.It’s my pleasure to welcome you from different schools to our English corner.Our main speakers this morning are Wang Pingping from No.6 Middle School, Liu Siqi from No.11 Middle School and Li Lei from Zhi Hong Middle School.Wang Pingping is going to talk about her ways of practicing speaking English.Liu Siqi is going to give a grammar lesson in his way.He is interested in simple sentences.Li Lei is going to introduce his way of writing good English stories.After they finish their talk, we will have a 20-minute break.Then you go to different rooms for discussion.If you are interested in spoken English, go to the first room on the right on the second floor.If you are interested in story writing, go to the second room on the right on the second floor.If you would like to discuss about English grammar, go to Room 103 on this floor.The speakers will answer your questions and you can practice in small groups.We’ll finish at about 11∶30.So let’s start.










6.A.Yes, there are.

B.Yes, I think so.

C.No, there aren't.

7.A.Yes, you should.

B.No, you shouldn't.

C.You should say you're sorry.

8.A.You were in my barber shop.

B.I was cutting your hair.

C.No, I don't know.

9.What did the teacher say?

A.He said I was hard-working.

B.He said you are hard-working.

C.Yes, you are hard-working.

10.What will happen if you wear your new jeans to the party? ________

A.The teacher will let you in.

B.The teacher won't let you in.

C.The teacher will take you away.


11.A.Yes, she think so.

B.No, she doesn't think so.

C.There will be less pollution.

12.A.His clothes are not in style.

B.He should buy some new clothes.

C.His clothes are in style.

13.A:She was eating ice-cream.

B.She was standing in front of the Center Store.

C.She was in the UFO.




15.A.On Saturday.

B.On Friday.

C.On Monday.


16.Li Lei went to school yesterday.

17.He saw a young woman standing at the cinema.

18.The woman wanted to see her husband in hospital.

19.Li Lei didn't know the way to the hospital, either.

20.The hospital was very far.The woman had better take a bus there.




1._________ 2._________ 3._________


4._________ 5._________ 6._________


7.A.Behind the sofa

B.Under the sofa

C.on the box

D.In the box

8.A.This Tuesday

B.Next Monday

C.This Friday

D.Next Thursday

9.A.Her mother

B.Her cousin

C.Her friend

D.Her teacher





11.A.Library rules

B.Family rules

C.Traffic rules

D.School rules

12.A.Every day

B.Four times a week

C.Twice a week

D.Once a week

13.A.Because the pencil doesn’t work.

B.Because the pencil is too expensive.

C.Because the sharpener doesn’t work.

D.Because the sharpener is too expensive.

14.A.She hasn’t bought the street map.

B.She hasn’t packed the camera

C.She hasn’t locked the windows

D.She hasn’t watered the plants


15.Danny had a car accident while he was walking to school.

16.The doctors didn’t know when Danny would wake up.

17.One day when Danny’s father said “Sam”, Danny moved his arm.

18.Danny’s parents wanted to bring Sam to the hospital, but the nurse didn’t agree

19.One day, Sam jumped on Danny’s bed and Danny said his first words “Bad cat!”

20.After seven weeks Danny was well, so he left the hospital and went home

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