
We arrived       Mount Tai in the morning with my parents. That      a beautiful day. We      our trip at 9:00.         in my family took a bag     some food and water.      three hours, we got to the top. I was so tired that I wanted to have a rest.      the city looked wonderful from the top of the hill! Then we had our lunch at 1:00 p.m. .After a while, it      hardly, so everyone put a raincoat on. You       think we would feel sad. No. We       were excited, because we saw       wonderful waterfall in the mountain. It was so beautiful       we forgot about the last 3 hours. At 4 p.m., we came back to the foot of mountain. My father bought         tea for my grandparents. My mother bought a beautiful necklace for          . I didn’t buy anything, because       there was too expensive, and I didn’t have much money.    

1.A. in          B. at          C. on             D. to

2.A. is           B. where       C. are            D. was

3.A. went        B. bought      C. started         D. stopped

4.A. Someone     B. Anyone      C. No one        D. Everyone

5.A. in                B. on          C. with          D. carried

6.A. After         B. On          C. For          D. With

7.A. And         B. So           C. But          D. Then

8.A. rain          B. rains         C. rained        D. raining

9.A. can          B. need          C. must        D. will

10.A. both              B. each          C. too          D. all

11.A. very               B. very much     C. quite a       D. a quite

12.A. that          B. because       C. so           D. then

13.A. many             B. a few         C. some         D. few

14.A. himself          B. herself        C. she          D. her

15.A. everything       B. something     C. nothing       D. anything





















1.考查固定词组。句意:我和我的父母早上到达了泰山。arrive in到达大地方,arrive at到达小地方,固定词组,故选C 。


3.考查动词及语境。句意:我们九点出发。 went去, bought买, started开始,stopped停止。根据语境及at 9:00在9点,可知是出发,故选C。

4.考查代词及语境。句意:家里每个人拿个包,里面装着食物和水。 Someone某人, Anyone任何人, No on没有人, Everyone每个人。 根据语境可知是每个人拿个包,故选 D。

5.考查介词及语境。句意:见6.。in在……里 , on在……上,with带有, carried携带。根据语境可知是带有水和食物的包,故选C。

7.考查介词及语境。句意:三个小时后,我们到达了顶峰。After在……之后,On在……上, For 为, With和。根据语境可知是三个小时后,故选A。

8.考查连词和语境。句意:但是从山顶上看城市的景色太美了!。And并且,So所以,But但是,Then然后。根据I was so tired that I wanted to have a rest.我太累了想休息一下,感觉累的时候却发现从山上看城市景色太美了,根据语境选 C。

9.考查动词。句意:进了一会,下起大雨来,所以所有人都穿上雨衣。根据so everyone put a raincoat on.所以所有人都穿上雨衣,可知是下雨了,故选 C。

10.考查情态动词。句意:你肯定认为我们会感觉难过的。 can能,need需要,must肯定,will将会。根据语境可知是在猜测,故选C。


12.考查副词。句意:见13.。 very很, very much非常, quite相当,其后所接名词若有形容词修饰,顺序只能为; quite  a(an)+adj+单数可数,只有名词时,冠词a/an顺序较为灵活: a quite +单数可数或quite a+单数可数.,可知答案选C。


15.考查形容词。句意:我爸爸给祖父母买了一些茶叶。Many许多, a few一些,some一些,few很少的; many.a few和few修饰可数名数,some可修饰可数与不可数名词,可知答案选C。

16.考查。句意:我妈妈给她自己买了一条漂亮的项链。himself他自己,herself他自己,she 她,her她。根据语境可知是妈妈给自己买项链,可知答案选B。

17.考查。句意:我什么也没有买,因为那儿的东西太贵了,而且我没有很多钱。everything每件东西, something 某样东西,nothing没有东西,anything任何东西。根据语境他什么也没有买,可知他认为所有的东西在那儿都太贵了,故答案选A。




When I was a teenager growing up in Russia, I wanted to leave school and have my own life. The only way I could do this was to work in the local brick factory in my town, or get married. I was nervous when I told my father I wanted to leave school. I thought he would say, " No! You are going to college. " He took me by surprise when he said, "OK. We'll go to the brick factory. "

Two days later, he took me to the factory. I had a very romantic idea of working in a factory. ' I had imagined everyone to be friends working together and having fun. I even imagined there would be music and singing. I guess I had watched too many movies as a teenager.

When we arrived at the factory gates, my father spoke to the guard and one minute later we were inside. My father said, "Take your time. Look around." I walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise. It was horrible. I ran back to my. father and said, "I want to go home. "

He asked me, "What do you think of the factory?"

"It's terrible," I replied.

"And marriage is even worse!" he said.

I went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard so I could get into a good college. I enjoyed studying English so I decided to major in languages at college. Thanks to my father and our trip to the brick factory, I now work at the United Nations and my father is very proud of me. I married a very good man and my life is much better than it would have been working in the factory!


1. The writer lived in_________ when she was a teenager.

A. Russia B. Japan C. China

2.At first she thought life in the factory would be _        _ than in school.

A. more careful B. more colorful C. more beautiful

3.When she told her father that she wanted to leave school, he expressed his disagreement________.

A. by doing nothing    B. in a special way C. by saying nothing

4. After they visited the factory, the girl________.

A. decided to work there        B. decided to get married        C. changed her mind

5.The underlined word "horrible" means "_     _" in Chinese.

A. 糟糕的    B. 紧张的    C. 浪漫的


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