I'm Billy. My favourite day is Sunday. My father doesn't go to work on Sundays. We often do some interesting things. Sometimes we go to the countryside to see my grandfather. My mother often makes some vegetable hamburgers and asks us to take them to my grandfather. The vegetable hamburgers are very nice. My grandfather likes them very much.

Sometimes we go to museums. In the museums we can see many kinds of interesting things and learn about science and history. We usually go there in the morning. We went to the Hong Kong Space Museum last Sunday. And we had a happy morning there.

Sometimes my father and I take my dog Frank to play in the park. I like Frank very much. He is a clever dog. My father helps me t rain him. Now he can play soccer and dance.

Sometimes we go on trips. Last month my father drove my mother and me to Beijing. We climbed the Great Wall and took photos of stone animals. We ate Beijing Roast Duck and bought some gifts for my grandfather. Finally, I visited the Palace Museum with my parents. We had a great time there.

1.Billy's favourite day is Sunday because ____________

A.his father doesn't go to work on Sundays.

B.they can do some interesting things.

C.he can make some vegetable hamburgers.

D.Both A and B.

2.They went to the Hong Kong Space Museum_________.

A.last Sunday B.this Sunday C.last month D.this month

3.The underlined word “train” means “_____” in Chinese.

A.火车 B.训练 C.行列 D.修整

4.______went to Beijing last month.

A.Billy B.Billy and his father C.Billy's parents D.Billy and his parents

5.The best title for the passage can be________.

A.Billy's favourite day is Sunday B.Billy's father

C.Billy's grandfather D.Billy's trips

Psychologists(心理学家) know that children learn important life lessons when they join in sports. Some research even _________ the things children learn in a team sport will directly influence how they behave in the future. What do children learn when they take part in a team sport? One of the skills is how to find a __________ between competing and team work. All sports are competitions and there is always going to be a winner and a loser. But in order to win, kids shouldn’t just care about what they want for themselves. They should do _________ they are needed to do for the team. Many kids understand that winning isn’t everything. A U.S. study of 26,000 children found that winning was only the tenth most important reason for playing on a team. More important reasons were feeling the _________ of playing the game, being part of the team, and developing skills. Having fun was the _________ reason.

The parents of kids should understand that there is _________ more important than winning. Sports psychologists suggest using the idea of succeeding rather than winning. Succeeding means doing your __________. Doing your best is not the same as winning. An important part of “doing your best” means trying to do better than _________. Bettering your own time and trying to get to your “personal best” are what everyone can enjoy. Psychologists say that excellent athletes don't talk about winning. They talk about how they love the sport instead. Canadian Lloyd Eisner, an Olympic skater, is a good _________. He remembers, when he was a kid, his parents would never __________ him to go to the ice rink (溜冰场) to practice. “Their opinion was, if I didn't want to, I didn’t have to. The result was that when I did go, I knew it was my choice. I went because I loved it.”

1.A.means B.shows C.notices D.mentions

2.A.standard B.balance C.purpose D.point

3.A.how B.when C.where D.what

4.A.excitement B.development C.agreement D.movement

5.A.valuable B.top C.perfect D.big

6.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

7.A.best B.least C.most D.fastest

8.A.later B.first C.before D.next

9.A.player B.father C.boy D.example

10.A.encourage B.invite C.force D.allow


I had a summer camp with my classmates last year.Early in the morning,we gathered at the bus station.After saying goodbye to our parents,we got on the buses.It took us more than two hours to arrive at the campground.We got off the buses cheerfully.Laughing and shouting,we jumped and ran all over the place.It was the first time for us to be away from our parents.Some of us started to feel homesick(想家的).However,when the night party and dances began,the homesickness was gone.The next day,everybody rushed to the boating class,hoping to be at the head of the others.At first,my friends and I worked hard,but the boat wouldn't listen to us and kept going round and round.Then the teacher taught us how to work together.After many tries,we did much better.Swimming class was my favorite.It was about the hottest time of a day and the best time to stay in the cool water.The swimming teacher was a funny man,and during the class he often made us laugh happily.During the week I learned a lot of new things and made many new friends.I also learned how to take care of myself.

1.They got to the campground ______.

A.on foot B.by bike C.by bus D.by plane

2.Why was swimming class the writer's favorite?

A.Because it was good to stay in the cool water when the weather was hot.

B.Because the writer felt quite relaxed during the class.

C.Because the swimming teacher was interesting.

D.Because of all the above.

3.Which statement is NOT true?

A.The children were happy to be away from Dad and Mom.

B.Their homesickness lasted for long.

C.It was teamwork to boat.

D.They camped for a week.

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A.I Learnt a Lot B.Boating and Swimming

C.On the Campground D.My First Summer Camp

Humans have four basic blood types: A, B , AB and O. Before doing blood transfusions(输血), we have to check a person’s blood type and find out which kind it is. That is the most important step before a blood transfusion. But do you know that just like humans, animals also have blood types?

Dogs have eight basic blood types, though as many an twelve may exist. And a dog can receive any other dog’s blood for a transfusion if it is the first time. After the first time, it becomes important to check the blood type to prevent any risks.

Cats have three basic blood types, named A , B and AB. Of these three types, the A blood type is the most common. Almost 94 percent of the cats in theU.S.A have that blood type. And AB is a rare blood type.

Horse blood types are divided into eight major blood systems, namely A, C, D, K, P, Q, U and T. Cattle have eleven blood types and sheep have seven.

And surprisingly, plants seem to have blood types as well. A Japanese policeman accidently discovered this when he found an extra blood type at a crime scene. Certain proteins in plants are similar to those in human blood. Therefore, plants can also be divided into different groups according to their sap(汁液). But scientists’ understanding of the blood types in plants is still at an early stage.

1.How many animals are mentioned in the article?


2.What do we have to do before a blood transfusion?


3.Can a dog receive any other dog’s blood transfusion after the first time?


4.Among all the animal mentioned in the article, what has the greatest number of basic blood types?


5.How many cats in theU.S.A have the A blood type?


任务型阅读 阅读下面短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词, 每个空格只填1个单词。

Sure, it's good to get along well with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.

And yes, it's good to get along well with your teacher because, in general, it's smart to learn how to get along well with the different types of people you'll meet throughout your life.

In fact, kids who get along well with their teachers not only learn more, but they're more comfortable about asking questions and getting extra help. This makes it easier for them to understand new materials and do their best on tests.

Here is a question: what if you don't get along well with your teachers? In fact, teachers want to get along well with you and enjoy seeing you learn. But teachers and students sometimes have personality clashes (冲突), which can happen between any two people. If you show your teacher that you want to make the situation better, he or she will probably do everything possible to make that happen. By dealing with a problem like this, you learn something about how to get along with people who are different from you.

However, if a certain teacher isn't your favourite, you can still have a successful relationship with him or her. Here are some of those responsibilities:

Attend class and be ready to learn.

Be prepared for class with the right pencils and books.

Listen when your teacher is talking.

Do your best whether it's homework or a test.

Topic: The 1. between teachers and students

2.is it good to get along well with teachers?

Because it makes the time you spend in the class more 3..

Because it's smart to 4. how to get along well with the different types of people you'll meet throughout your life.

If kids get along well with teachers, they not only learn more, but

they're more 5. to ask questions and get extra help. It's

easier for them to understand new materials and do their best on tests.

How can you

6.with the

problem if you don't

get along well with teachers?

Teachers who are

different from you.

Show your teacher that you want to

7. the situation. 8. he or she will do everything possible to make that


Teachers who aren't

your 9..

?Attend class ready to learn.

?Get the right pencils and books 10.

for class.

?Listen when your teacher is talking.

?Do your best whether it's homework or a test.

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