
词汇运用 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 ( 每空不限一词)。(15分)
【小题1】—What is ___________ (you) name? —I am Jack.
【小题2】—Where ___________ (be) the teachers? —They are in the office now.
【小题3】My brother ___________ (do) homework every day.
【小题4】This boy is a good student. We all like ___________(he).
【小题5】Simon wants ___________ (have) lunch at school.
【小题6】There are many ___________ (tomato) on the desk.
【小题7】Let’s ___________ (fly) kites after school.
【小题8】It is ___________ (sun) today. We can go to the park.
【小题9】Amy likes sports and is good at ___________ (swim).
【小题10】Uncle Wang enjoys ___________ (listen) to music. His favourite singer is Wang Feng.
【小题11】___________ ( not watch)TV. It’s time for lunch.
【小题12】Look at this classroom ___________ (build). It is nice.
【小题13】—What’s your hobby?  —___________ (dance) is my hobby.
【小题14】Why not ___________ (come) to my birthday party?
【小题15】My father and mother come to the ___________ (parent) meeting at three in my school.

【小题5】to have
【小题11】Don’t watch

【小题1】句意:-你叫什么名字?-我叫Jack。your name 你的名字。your 意为:你的,是一个形容词性的物主代词,后面修饰名词。要注意把you 和your 区分开,you 是人称代词,意思是:你;your 是物主代词,意思是:你的。
【小题2】句意:-老师们在哪里?-他们现在在办公室。这句话的主语是the teachers,老师们,是一个复数形式,故be 动词应该用are。be 动词的一般现在时形式有三种,即am, is, are。am 应该用于第一人称I的时候;is 用于主语是单数的时候;are 用于主语是复数的时候。故这里应该填are。
【小题3】句意:我的哥哥每天都做作业。根据句意可知,这里表示的是一个经常性的动作,应该用一般现在时。并且这句话的主语是my brother,我的哥哥,是一个第三人称单数的形式,故谓语动词应该加s,do 的三单形式应该是does。
【小题4】句意:这个男孩是一个好学生,我们都喜欢他。根据句意可知,这里的“他”是句子的宾语,应该用宾格的形式。he 的意思是:他,是一个主格形式;他的宾格形式是him。他们都是人称代词。
【小题5】句意:Simon想要在学校吃午饭。want 意思是:想要,它经常用在句型want to do sth.中,即在want 后面应该跟动词不定式的形式。故这里应该填to have。
【小题6】句意:桌子上有很多西红柿。由本句中的动词are 和空前面的many 可知,这里的名词tomato应该用复数的形式。它的复数应该在其后面加es,即tomatoes。
【小题7】句意:放学后,让我们一起去放风筝吧。Let’s 是let us 的一个缩写,意为:让我们,它的后面应该跟动词的原形,这个句型表示提出建议。故填fly。
【小题8】句意:今天天气晴朗,我们可以去公园。sun 太阳,是一个名词。根据这句话的意思可知,这里应该填一个形容词,表示今天的天气情况。sunny 形容词,晴朗的。
【小题9】句意:Amy喜欢运动,她擅长游泳。be good at 是一个固定短语,意为:擅长,后面应该跟名词或动词的ing形式。swim 游泳,是一个动词,应该把它变成ing形式,双写m 加ing,即swimming。
【小题10】句意:王叔叔喜欢听音乐,他最喜欢的歌手是汪峰。enjoy 喜欢,是一个动词,它的常用句型是enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事。故本空应该用ing形式,即listening。
【小题12】句意:看这个教学楼,它很漂亮。build 是一个动词,建造,建筑的意思;它的名词形式是building,建筑物。classroom building 教学楼。
【小题13】句意:-你的业余爱好是什么?-我的爱好是跳舞。dance 是一个动词,跳舞的意思。但是这句话中需要填的是该句的主语,所以应该把它变成ing 形式,即动名词的形式在句子中做主语。
【小题14】句意:为什么不来参加我的生日聚会呢?why not...为什么不...,表示提建议,后面应该跟上动词的原形。它有一个同义句型,why don’t you,后面也是跟动词的原形。
【小题15】句意:我的爸爸和妈妈三点钟去我的学校开家长会了。parents’ meeting 意思是:家长会。parent 父或母,常用复数形式parents,即父母。这里表达的意思是家长会,应该用它的所有格的形式,故在parents后面加’,家长的。



One day, a student was talking with a professor (教授), who’s kind to those who waited on his  【小题1】 .    
As they went along, they saw a pair of old shoes 【小题2】  on the path (小路), which, they supposed, belonged to a poor man working in a nearby field (田地). He had neatly finished his【小题3】  work.
The student came to a stop, and said to the professor, “Let’s play a hoax on the man: we hide his shoes, hide ourselves and wait to see how 【小题4】 he would be when he finds that his shoes are   【小题5】 .”
“My friend,” answered the professor, “We should never enjoy ourselves while making the poor sad. Now you are rich, why not give yourself a much greater 【小题6】   by helping the poor man? Put a coin into each shoe, hide ourselves and see what will happen to him.”
The student did so, and they both places themselves behind the nearby trees.
After finishing his work, the poor man came across the field to the path. Putting his foot into one of his shoes, he felt something unusual. He took off his shoes and stopped 【小题7】  what it was and he found the coin.
He took out the coin, surprised, and looked at it    【小题8】 for a while. Then he looked around, but   【小题9】was there. Then he started to put on the other shoe. He got much more surprises when he found the other coin.
The poor man then looked up into the sky and shouted “Thank You!” The student stood there with tears (眼泪) in his eyes. “Now,” said the professor, “Aren’t you more pleased than if you had played  【小题10】   planned hoax?”
“You’ve taught me a lesson which I will never forget,” answered the student.

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