
  Olympia, a beautiful small town in the south of Greece, is well-known all over the world for its first holding Olympic Games in 776 BC.

  At first, the Games were said to be national, and then it became international. Those except women who took part in the first Olympic Games held the games once every four years. This custom(习俗)lasted for about 1170 years, but stopped with the rules of. Rome in 394 AD.

  In order to renew the spirit and thoughts shown in the ancient Greek Olympic Games, a Frenchman Gowbertin managed(设法)to start the games again. So the modern Olympic Games were held in 1896 to promote(促进)the international understanding through players. Nine nations took part in the Games. But this time they were held not in Olympia, but in Athens, Greece.

  Since then the Olympia, have grown steadily(稳定地)with more and more nations and sportsmen and sportswomen taking part in the Games. Nowadays, the Games are held in different countries in turn. But because of the world wars the Games were not held in 1916, nor in the year 1940. They had been regularly(规则地)held ever since then.

(1) ________ can take part in the first Olympic Games.

[  ]

A.Only men.
B.Only women
C.Both men and women
D.Only the young

(2) How many years did the old Olympic Games last?

[  ]


(3) Where and when did the first modern Olympic Games take place?

[  ]

A.776 BC in Olympia.
B.2008 in Beijing
C.394 AD in Rome.
D.1896 in Athen.

(4) How many Olympic Games have been held since 1896?

[  ]



How the olympic flame came to be

  The Olympic flame was lit on March 24 in Olympia.in southwestrn Greece.In the ritual(仪式), the high priestess uded a mirror to light the flame.The ritual tells us about Olympic and Greek traditions.

  1.The priestesses

  The priestesses were responsible for lighting the torch, and also for dancing in the ceremony.They were played by Greek dancers.The high priestess was played by actress Maria Nafpliotou.She also said a prayer(颂词)in the language of the ancient Greeks to the sun god during the ceremony.

  2.The first torchbearer

  He was Greek taekwondo(跆拳道)athlete Alexandros Nikolaidis.

  According to tradition, the first bearer(火炬手)has to be a male athlete.He knelt down when the high priestess lit his torch.She asked him in ancient Greek to tell others the Olympics are coming.

  3.The mirror

  The traditional way to light the torch is through sunlight reflected(反射的)onto a mirror.It is to make sure of the light's purity(纯洁).

  4.Bowl of the Olympic Flame

  The flame is kept in a bowl after it is lit.The bowl is used if the torch goes out(熄灭)during the Games.There is olive oil in the bowl for purity.

1.What do the high priestess use to light the flame?


2.What do the priestesses do?


3.Is the first bearer a male?


4.Why do they use a mirror?


5.When do they use the bowl?


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