
Music plays an important part in many people’s lives. It has changed through the years. 1..

Pop is a simple form of music, with melodies and rhythms ( 旋律和节奏) that are easy to follow and remember. 2. The lyrics are often about feelings, usually love. Songs by The Beatles are examples of pop songs.

Rock music is usually loud, with strong beats from drums and two or more electric guitars. One guitar (the bass) usually makes very low, deep sounds, while the other (the lead) makes high, quick sounds. 3. The Rolling Stones was one of the early rock bands.

Hip hop is a style of music that has a DJ making electronic instrumental sounds, while a singer raps ( 说 唱 ). The lyrics are considered to be the most important part of hip hop. They usually tell a story about the singer, and sometimes use a lot of strong or bad language. 4.

Rhythm and Blues (often just called R&B) has a strong beat and rhythm, with sounds from guitars, keyboards and vocals. 5. Mariah Carey and Jennifer Lopez are two singers who mix styles to create new musical sounds.

A.Rock songs can be fast or slow, with strong vocals (声乐部分) and lyrics.

B.Today there are several different styles of music.

C.These days R&B is often mixed with pop or hip hop.

D.An example of a well-known hip hop singer is Eminem.

E.Pop songs are often short three-minute songs and people like them right away when they first hear them.


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