
I was now five, and still I showed no much interest in things except with my toes(脚趾). I could not look after myself,   35  my father took care of me. I used to lie on my back all the time in the kitchen. I was   36 , imprisoned(监禁) in a world of my own, unable to communicate with others.
Then, suddenly, it happened on the afternoon of a cold December day. All the family were gathered round the big kitchen fire. Mona and Paddy were drawing funny animals, using a bright piece of yellow chalk. It was the chalk that   37  me so much. I had never seen anything like it before.
Suddenly, I wanted to do what my sister was doing. Then without thinking or knowing exactly what I was doing, I   38  out and took the chalk out of my sister’s hand, with my left foot. It is a puzzle(迷惑)to many people as well as to   39 . I held the chalk tightly between my toes and made a wild scribble(乱涂)with it on the board. Next moment I stopped, not knowing what to do with the chalk next, hardly knowing how it   40  there. Then I looked up and realized that everyone was looking at me   41 . My mother came in. Her eyes looked from my face down to my   42 , then she took another piece of chalk from Mona, and drew the single letter “A” on the floor in front of me. “Copy that, Christy.” She said. I tried to do the same action, but I   43 . “Try again, Chris.” she whispered in my ear. I tried another two more times. I drew one side of the letter, then the other. It looked ugly, but I   44  to make it finally. I had done it! True! I couldn’t speak with my mouth, but now I would speak through something more   45  than spoken words. That one letter was my   46  to a new world, my key to mental freedom.
A.dropped B.setC.checkedD.reached
A.angrily B.sadlyC.silentlyD.carefully
A.dreamB.tool C.gift D.road


小题4:reach out固定短语伸出的意思。
小题10:manage to表示设法完成之意。
小题12:the road to…表示…的路。

In Britain you’re allowed to drive a car when you’re seventeen. You have to get a special two-year driving license before you can start. When you’re learning, someone with a full license always has to be in the car with you because you aren’t allowed to drive the car on the road alone. You don’t have to go to a driving school --- a friend can teach you. The person with you isn’t allowed to take money for the lesson unless he’s got a teacher’s license.
Before you’re allowed to have a full license, you have to take a driving test. You can take a test in your own car, but it has to be fit for the road. In the test you have to drive round for about half an hour and then answer a few questions. If you don’t pass the test, you’re allowed to take it again a few weeks later if you want to. In 1970 a woman passed her fortieth test after 212 driving lessons! When you’ve passed your test, you don’t have to take it again, and you’re allowed to go on driving as long as you like. Britain’s oldest driver was a man who drove in 1974 at the age of 100.
Before 1904 everyone was allowed to drive, even children. Then from 1904 car drivers had to have a license. But they didn’t have to take a test until 1935. On the early days of car driving, before 1878, cars weren’t allowed to go faster than four miles an hour, and someone had to lead the car with a red flag.
小题1:A person can’t take money for driving lessons unless he __________.
A.has learnt to drive in a driving school
B.has a full driving license
C.has a full license and a teacher’s license
D.is given a special two-year driving license
小题2:In the driving test, one _______________________.
A.mustn’t drive his car, even though the car is fit for the road
B.is usually asked to drive on roads for some time
C.has to be examined only in car driving skills
D.must drive around for more than an hour
小题3:When can I take the driving test again if I don’t pass it?
A.a few years later
B.right after the first test
C.a few weeks later
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.There is no limit (限制)to the age of an old man who drives a car.
B.One can take a driving test again and again until he passes it.
C.There was a speed limit to cars before 1878.
D.A car driver didn’t have to get a limit license until 1935.
小题5:The best title for the passage is _____________.
A.Driving Licenses in Britain
B.Tests for Britain People
C.Driving Cars
D.Young Men’s Driving Licenses

Sleep is very important. A person who does not sleep dies faster than a person who does not eat. We spend about a third()of our lives in sleep. That’s about 121 days a year!
How much sleep do we need? We are all different. A baby needs 16 hours of sleep every day. Children of 6 to 12 years of age need an average(平均)of 10 to 12 hours of sleep. Teenagers need 9 to 10 hours of sleep. An adult needs an average of 7 to 8 hours a day. There are some people who need only 3 hours of sleep; others need 10 hours of sleep. After the age of 50, the average sleep time goes down to 6.5 hours a day. We need less sleep as we get older.
About one in three Americans has a problem with sleep. Many of these people cannot fall asleep. The name for this problem is insomnia. Some people say, “I didn’t sleep all night.” But that’s not really true. They may sleep lightly and wake up several times. In the morning, they only remember the time they were awake, so they think they were awake all night.
This is not a new problem. Many famous people in history had insomnia. Some of these people had special ideas to make themselves sleep. Benjamin Franklin had four beds. He moved from one to the other to fall asleep. Mark Twain had a different way. He lay on his side across the end of the bed!
小题1:How long do we spend in sleep a year?
A.Less than three months.B.More than five months.
C.About four months.D.Less than 2000 hours.
小题2:If you are thirteen years old, you need at least __________ hours of sleep.
A.16 B.12 C.9 D.7
小题3:What does the underlined word “insomnia” mean in this passage?
A.No sleep.B.Fast sleep.C.Slow sleep.D.Sleep with many dreams.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.We will die soon if we don’t sleep well.
B.The older we get, the less sleep we need.
C.We can tell a person’s age from his sleep time.
D.Famous people move from one bed to the other to fall asleep.
小题5:Which would be the best title for this passage?
A.Sleep less B.Go to sleep
C.Age and sleep time D.Famous people and sleep
Liu Yun, 13, pretty and smart. She is a good student. But many students try to stay from her because Liu Yun’s mum has AIDS(爱滋病) and her father has died of AIDS. Luckily, Liu Yun didn’t get it.
AIDS means fear for most people. Nobody wants to play games with her. Even a teacher who used to like her turns his back on her now. The biggest problem is how other people look at her. She sometimes wants todrop out of schoolbecause she can no longer face others’ indifference(冷漠)。
It is said if a person has AIDS, it’s still safe to eat and play with him. So I think Liu Yun’s classmates and teachers are afraid of AIDS because they don’t know much about AIDS. And Liu Yun needs their love and understanding. Even a friendly smile means a lot to her.
小题1:Why isn’t Liu Yun popular with the students and the teachers?
A. She has AIDS.                  B. Her mother has AIDS.
C. Her father has died of AIDS.       D. Both B and C.
小题2:What will you do when you best friend has AIDS?
A.I’ll stay away from him.
B.I won’t have meals with him.
C.I won’t talk with him.
D.I should be more friendly to him than before.
小题3:What’s the meaning of the underlined words “drop out of school”?
小题4:Can we have meals with the people that have AIDS?
A.Yes, we can.B.No, we can’t.
C.No, we shouldn’t.D.We don’t know.
小题5:Which of the following is TURE?
A.Though Liu Yun’s mother has AIDS, every teacher still love her.
B.None of teachers love her after her mother has AIDS .
C.Most of teachers love her after her mother has AIDS.
D.Only a few teacher love her when her mother has AIDS.

You are going to high school , aren’t you ? Maybe you don’t know what to do . Here is a list of the top six things to do when you are in high school . These things will give you ideas of what  your high school life could be like . Here you go !
①Find your passion (激情)and what kind of person you are : Whether it’s dance ,basketball ,or drawing ,the important thing is that you have found something you are interested in .
② Talk to people you wouldn’t usually talk to : Meet new people ,find new friends and even talk to the people you don’t like. It will show what a great person you are . You never know what will happen after high school.
③Take part in at least one contest: This will give you tears of laughter, happiness and memories .
④Get a job : This will help you see what it’s like to have responsibility(责任 ) . It can also help you make a little money to spend on yourself .
⑤Take a trip with your friends :It doesn’t matter where you go or what you do , the memories will happen on the way and go on till the final place .
⑥Do your best at school : Don’t ever get lazy . Working hard now will help you in the future.
小题1:The writer mainly tells you six things you should do         .
A.in your high school years
B.at the beginning of your high school years
C.before your high school begins
D.after you finish your high school
小题2:Which of the following you’d better not do according to the passage?
A.find your interest.
B.get a job
C.take a trip with your friends
D.get lazy
小题3:What’s the main idea of the passage ?
A.Have a happy school life.
B.How to get along with your school mates.
C.Ideas of successful high school life .
D.Make your school life easy .

Mrs Green had a young dog which was very clever. It often helped her buy a newspaper. One winter evening, the dog went out to play. It was snowing heavily. Soon the ground became white.
“ The dog never loses his way. Where is he now?” Mrs Green thought. She shouted his name.
But still the dog didn’t come back. So she telephoned the police and told them a lot about her dog.
“ My dog is very clever. He always goes out and comes back soon. Sometimes he plays with his friend, Mickey. He can buy a newspaper. He almost talks.”
The policeman was tired and said, “ I think you’d better put your telephone down. Maybe he is trying to telephone you now.”
小题1:The story happened ______
A.in summerB.in winterC.in autumnD.in spring
小题2:The  ground became white because ___________.
A.some painted whiteB.There are some paper on it
C.It snowed heavily.D.It is really very clean.
小题3:The dog didn’t come back because _______.
A.he lost his way.B.someone bought it.
C.it was too clever.D.it went to the police.
小题4:When Mrs Green telephoned the police, “He almost talks” She meant that ________
A.his dog was silly.B.The dog is good at talking.
C.The dog is as clever as a man.D.The dog sometimes talks.
小题5:From what the policeman said“I think you’d better put your telephone down. Maybe he is trying to telephone you now.” Who do you think “he” means?
A.Mr Green’s husband.B.The thief who took the dog away.
C.The lost dog.D.the policeman.

Four girls were at the same school. They were good friends, so they often studied and played together. They went to school every day by taxi.
One day one of the girls said, “There is a test this morning. Let’s go to school late. Then we won’t have to take the test.” “What can we tell the teacher?” One of the girls said. “He’ll be angry. We’ll need a good excuse.”
The girls thought for several moments, then one of them said, “Let’s tell him that our taxi had a flat tire(爆胎).” “That’s a good idea,” the other girls said. “We’ll tell him that.”
They arrived at school an hour later. The test was finished.
“Why are you late?” the teacher asked. “You miss the test.” “Our taxi had a flat tire,” one of the girls said.
The teacher thought for a moment, then he said, “Sit down, one of you in each corner of the room.” The four girls did this. Then the teacher said, “Write the answer to this question on a piece of paper: Which tire was flat?”
小题1:The four girls went to school every day by ________.
小题2: One day the four girls got to school late because they ________.
A.didn’t like their teacherB.got up late in the morning
C.didn’t want to take the testD.had an accident on the road
小题3:What’s the meaning of the word “excuse” in Chinese?
小题4: The teacher asked the four girls to sit down like Picture ________.


小题5:The passage implies(暗示) that ________.
A.the teacher was always angry with his students
B.the teacher would get the same answer to the question from the four girls
C.the four girls always have good ideas
D.the teacher was strict with his students