
David Moore taught science at the City School.He needed some expensive books,so he bought them.He put the books in his car in a quiet street.Then he went to other shops to buy something else.At six he carne back to the car.One door was open—and the books were not there.David drove home.   
That night he wrote a letter to a newspaper.The next day he went to the police station.
On Friday people read this in the newspaper:
Books:Have you any old books? I buy old and modern books.
Open all day on Saturday.Dauid Moore.26 Fry Road.   
David stayed at home on Saturday.The first mall came at eight.David took him to the kitchen.At half past nine another man arrived.He had a bag under his arm.
“Mr.Moore?”the man asked.
“That’s right,”David said.“Can I help you?”
“I’ve got some good books.You buy books,don’t you?”
“Yes.Bring them in。Let me have a look.”
Soon the books were on the dining-table.“Come in now.”David called,“and bring the list.”
A policeman came into the dining-room.He read the names on the books and the names on the list in his hand.They were the same.
“Come with me.Sir.”the policeman said to the man.
小题1:What happened to David Moore one day?
A.He lost his way in the city.B.He couldn’t find his car.
C.Someone stole his books.D.Many people read his letter.
小题2:The first man to David’s home was a_________.
小题3:From the story,we know the second man_______.
A.is one of David’s friendsB.wants to return the books to David
C.wants to show the books to DavidD.reads the newspaper
小题4:Which of the following shows the right order of what happened to David?
a.He left his car in a quiet street.        b.He went to the police station.
c.He wrote a letter to a newspaper.      d.He bought some dear books.
e.He bought something else at other shops.
小题5:David probably bought the books on________.

Americans like traveling on vacations. Today more and more travelers in the United States are spending nights at small houses or inns instead of(而不是) hotels. They get a room for the night and breakfast for the next morning.
Rooms for the night in private homes with the breakfast have been popular with travelers in Europe for many years.
In the past five to ten years, these bed-and-breakfast places have become popular in the United States. Many of these America’s bed-and-breakfast inns are old historic buildings. Some bed-and-breakfast inns have only a few rooms. Others are much larger. Some inns do not provide(提供) telephones or televisions in the rooms while others do.
Staying at a bed-and-breakfast inn is much different from staying at a hotel. Usually the cost is much less. Staying at an inn is almost like visiting someone’s home. The owners are glad to tell about the area and the interesting places to visit. Many people who take such vocations say they enjoy the chance to meet local families.
小题1:Americans like _______ on their vacations every year.
A.to stay at homeB.traveling
C.to sleep at homeD.watching TV
小题2:More and more travelers in the United States are spending nights _______.
A.at hotelsB.at small houses or inns
C.in their carsD.in the open air
小题3:The bed-and-breakfast places have been popular in the USA _______.
A.for less than five yearsB.for one year
C.for over ten yearsD.for a few years
小题4:American travelers like staying at bed-and- breakfast inns because _______.
A.these inns are cheap.
B.these inns are small and quiet.
C.they can meet and talk with local people
D.both A and C
In 1961 Obama was born in Hawaii, US. His father is an African and his mother is a white American. He grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii.
When Obama was 10 years old, he was one of only three black students at his school in Hawaii. He felt very different from most other students. White girls wanted to touch his hair. A white boy even asked him what his father was.
“I lied to them that my father was a Kenyan prince(王子). But I kept asking myself who I am,” said Obama.
However, 37 years later, the boy made history. Obama became the first black president(总统) in US history.
This unusual background(背景) made him wonder who he was. He once turned to alcohol (酒) to help forget this question.
With the help of his friends, Obama finally turned his life around at college. His hard work made him a star at Harvard. Later, he became only the third black senator (参议员) in US history.
“Obama’s success has made Martin Luther King’s dream come true. That is: A man should not be judged (判断)by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character,” wrote ABC news.
小题1:Obama was born in _______________.
A Britain      B America      C Kenya        D Indonesia
小题2:There was/were _______black students besides Obama at the school where he studied when he was ten.
A no           B one              C two          D three
小题3:Obama became the first black president in US history when he was ______.
A 37            B 40               C 47           D 50
小题4:Which of the following is true?
A Obama’s father was a Kenyan prince.
B Obama once forgot who his father was with the help of alcohol.
C Obama was so dishonest when he was young that nobody believed him.
D Obama changed his college life because of his friends’ help and his hard work
小题5:From the passage we can see that____________.
A.we could judge a person by the colour of his skin
B.we could not judge a person by the content of his character
C.we should not judge a person by the color of his skin
D.we should judge a person by what he did when he was young
Tom saw an advertisement in a newspaper for a beautiful bicycle. It cost 55 pounds. So he went to the shop and asked to see one of the wonderful bicycles.
The owner of the shop was harpy to show one to Tom. Tom examined(检查)it carefully, and turned to the owner and said, "There isn’t a lamp on this bicycle. hut there was one on the bicycle in your advertisement."
"Yes, Sir, "answered the man." But the lamp isn’t included(包含)in the price of bicycle."
"Not included in the price of bicycle?" Tom said angrily. "But that’s not honest. If the lamp is in the advertisement, it should be included in the price.”“Well, Sir,” answered the shop owner coldly. "There is also a girl on the bicycle in the advertisement. but we cannot give you a girl with the bicycle, either."
小题1:In the advertisement, there was a ______ and a ______ on the bicycle.
A.lamp; manB.picture; lamp
C.lamp; girlD.newspaper; shop owner
小题2: After he read the advertisement, Tom decided to ______.
A.see and buy the lampB.examine the bicycle
C.see and buy the bikeD.ask the shop owner
小题3:Tom ______ after he looked at the bike carefully.
A.returned the bike to the shop ownerB.didn’t find a lamp on the bicycle
C.showed the bike to the shop ownerD.bought the bicycle at once
小题4: Tom thought it was ______ for the shop owner to sell the bike without a lamp while there was one in the advertisement.
小题5: The text gives us a lesson that ______.
A.sometimes we can’t completely (完全地) believe an advertisement.
B.we must read the newspaper carefully
C.The price of something is often changed
D.we should examine bicycles carefully before we buy them
Mr Smith was ill and he went to see a doctor. The doctor asked  him to put out his tongue(舌头), and then he said, “OK, You can put your tongue back now. There’s nothing wrong with you, but I’m afraid you have a problem. You hardly ever take exercise.”
  “But, doctor,” Mr Smith said, “I don’t think so.”
  “Don’t tell me what you think,” the doctor said, “I know    what you need. I see a lot of people like you. None of them goes  any exercise. They sit in offices all day and in front of the        television in the evening. You must walk quickly for at least(至少)20 minutes a day.”
  “I don’t want to hear any excuse(借口),” the doctor said. “You must find time for exercise. If you don’t, you will get fat and have health problems.”
  “But I walk every day,” Mr Smith said.
  “Oh, yes, and I know what kind of walking that is. You walk a few meters to the bus stop from your house, a few more meters from  the bus stop to your office, and a few more meters from your office  to your dining–room for lunch and back. That’s not a real walk.  I’m talking about a walk in the park or by the lake for twenty      minutes every day.”
  “Would you please listen to me, doctor? Mr Smith said, getting a little angry with his doctor.
  “I’m a postman,” Mr Smith went on, “and I walk for nearly(几乎)seven hours every day.”
  For a moment the doctor was silent(沉默的), then he said      quietly, “Put out your tongue again, will you?”
小题1: Where did Mr Smith work?
小题2:How did the doctor look over Mr Smith?
小题3: What did the doctor ask Mr Smith to do?
小题4:Did Mr Smith take enough exercise every day?
小题5:What do you think of the doctor?
Four men who would become fathers were in a hospital waiting room while their wives were in labor (分娩). The nurse arrived and proudly said to the first man, “Congratulations, sir. You’re the father of twins!”
“What a coincidence (巧合)! I work for the Minnesota Twins Baseball teams!”
Later the nurse returned and congratulated the second father on the birth of his triplets (三胞胎).
“Wow! That’s unbelievable! I work for the 3M Company.”
An hour later, the nurse returned to congratulate the third man on the birth of his quadruplets (四胞胎). Surprised, he only could answer, “I don’t believe it! I work for the Four Seasons Hotel!”
  After this, everyone turned to the fourth man who had just fainted (晕). The nurse ran fast to his side. As he slowly came to himself, they could hear him speak in a very low voice over and over, “I should never have taken that job at 7-Eleven. I should never have taken that job at 7-Eleven. I should never have taken that job at 7-Eleven.”
小题1:Why were the fathers there?
A.They were waiting for their wives.  
B.They were seeing doctors.
C.They were waiting for their babies to be born.  
D.They were working at men nurses there.
小题2:Which of the following is true about the third man?
A.He thought the nurse made a mistake. 
B.He was very surprised at the nurse’s words.
C.He didn’t want to have these babies.  
D.He should never have worked at 7-Eleven.
小题3:Why did the fourth man faint when he heard what the nurse told the third man?
A.Hew was afraid of having so many babies.  
B.He was seriously ill.
C.He was too excited.
D.He was very glad to have 7 babies.
小题4:At least how many babies would be born according to the story?
It was Molly’s job to hand her father his paper lunch bag each morning before he went to work. .One morning,besides his usual lunch bag,Molly __26__ him a second paper bag. This one didn’t look so good. It was __27__ and was held together with tape(胶带).
Her father kissed Molly and started off to work with the __28__ bags.
On his lunch break,while he was eating,he looked __29__ the second old bag:two small dolls,three small stones and some coins. The busy father smiled,finished eating and __30__ away the bags,dolls and stones.
That __31__ when they were having supper,Molly asked,“Where’s my bag,Daddy?”
“What bag?”
“The one I gave __32__ this morning.”
“I left it at the office. __33__?”
“I forgot to put this note in it,” she said. “Those are the __34__ I really love. I thought you might like to __35__ with them. You didn’t lose the bag,did you,Daddy?”
“Oh,no,”he said,lying (说谎).“I __36__ forgot to bring it home. I’ll bring it tomorrow.”
When Molly put her arms around her father’s neck,he opened the __37__ that read:“I love you,Daddy.”
Molly had given him her treasures(财富),__38__ he had thrown them into the trash can(垃圾箱). So when he went back to the __39__,he went straight to the trash can and __40__ all of Molly’s things. He put the treasures inside the bag and carried it home.
A.turned upB.used upC.gave upD.picked up

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