

提示词语:Chinese traditional culture, custom, festival, tea art, papercut art, website, plan

提示问题: ①What is the online course about?

②What do you need to do to complete the course?

③What would you like to share with Peter about preparing for the course

Dear Peter,

I'm glad to receive your email.

If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know.


Li Hua


Every year, many inventions are introduced to the world. Some help us solve problems. Others make life easier, or more fun. Here are four of last year's best inventions.

LUMI was designed for music lovers. “We hope that LUMI can help people who have just started learning how to play music,” says the inventor Will MacNamara. The small Eumi keyboard lights up, allowing users to know which keys to press. And with the LUMI app, users can learn their favorite songs.

Millions of people around the world have to face the problem of unsafe food. Marc Oshima says his indoor farming technology can help. Instead of growing in dirt, crops grow in reusable cloth. The plants are watered with mist. This requires 95% less water than field farming.

For people who are blind, the ORCAM MYEYE 2 could be a game changer. It might also prove useful for people with reading difficulties. Described as “talking glasses”, it can read text aloud. Amnon Shashua invented the technology.

Christine Schindler is an engineer. She wanted to help stop the spread of foodborne illnesses, so she created PATHSPOT. It uses light to scan(扫描)a person's hands for harmful germs. Restaurant workers hold their hands under the scanner. Then the scanner decides whether they should be rewashed.

1.LUMI was designed for________.

A.indoor farmers B.music lovers

C.blind people D.restaurant workers

2.Who is the inventor of the ORCAM MYEYE 2?

A.Will MacNamara. B.Marc Oshima.

C.Amnon Shashua. D.Christine Schindler.

3.Where can we probably read this passage?

A.A medical website. B.A travel guide.

C.A school notice. D.A science magazine.

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