In every school there is “top” crowd that sets the pace, while the others follow their lead. For example, if the crowd decides that it is smart to wear bright red sweaters, then very soon everybody is wearing bright red sweaters.
There is nothing wrong with that, except the fact that for some people bright red sweater is really unsuitable.
The situation can even become dangerous, if the top crowd decides that it is smart to drink and to drive cars at seventy miles an hour. Then the people who follow the lead are endangering their lives. They are like the sheep being led to the slaughter(屠杀).
Now it’s possible that you have come across situations like these more than once in your life. In fact you probably did something you knew to be wrong one time or another. You may have excused yourself by saying, “ Gee, the crowd does it.” Well, let the crowd do it, but don’t do it yourself. Learn to say “No”.
Develop your own standards(标准)and your own judgment. If you know the crowd is planning something you disagree to, you’d better take the courage to bow out in a polite way. You’ll have the satisfaction of standing on your own two feet.
【小题1】The main idea of the passage is that _____________ . every school there is a “top” crowd that sets the pace’s a mistake to follow the “top” crowd blindly
C.people who follow the “top” crowd are endangering their lives probably did something wrong more than once in your life
【小题2】The author(作者)doesn’t think it good wearing red sweaters if _______.
A.the crowd is wearing them can't afford them don't look good in red is against school rules
【小题3】The writer encourages the readers to ___________ .
A.respect his or her parents
B.find excuses when he or she is wrong
C.learn to stand on their own two feet
D.take the advice of his or her elders
【小题4】What does the underlined phrase “bow out in the passage probably mean?
【小题5】The best title for this passage is __________ .
A.Follow the LeaderB.The “Top” Crowd
C.Being YourselfD.Rules for Teens

Did you visit the Shanghai World Expo last summer? What impressed (给……留下印象)  you? 21st Century Kids invites four kids to talk about their experiences. They are back from the Expo. What did they bring us? Let’s see what they have to say.

I went to the SAIC-GM Pavilion (上汽集团通用汽车馆). I found my dream car there. It is a green car. Its name is “Leaf”. Chinese engineers made the car. Its roof is in the shape of a leaf. The roof takes in CO2 and changes it into electricity for the car.

The Japan Pavilion is full of high technology. The “Wonder Camera” is cool. It can find a smiling face in a crowd. When you’re smiling, it takes a photo of you. I want to invent something like that in the future.

My favorite pavilion is the Germany Pavilion. I watched the Energy Source show. Visitors made a ball swing back and forth (来回摇摆) by using only their voices. It’s amazing! Although we had waited for quite a long time before we entered the hall, I think it is well worth seeing with your own eyes.

I like painting, so my parents took me to the France Pavilion to see the famous paintings. But the French cooks caught my eye. I saw them cook. My mom told me that they are some of the best cooks in the world. The dish they cooked looked like a painting. So, being a cook is my second dream job.

1. The 21st Century Kids seems to be _____.

   A. a travel service                                     B. a newspaper 

   C. a group of tourists                D. four children

2. What does the underlined word “electricity” mean in the passage?

   A. 电            B. 汽油             C. 灯光            D. 指示

3. What activity did the writer experience in the France Pavilion?

   A. Using the “Wonder Camera”        B. Driving the green car “Leaf”.

   C. To have delicious French dishes.   D. To see cooks painting.

4. What made the ball in the Germany Pavilion swing?

   A. Visitors’ smiling faces           B. CO2 from cars

   C. Some secret power                  D. Noise made by visitors

5. The trip to the Shanghai World Expo made the four kids _____.

   A. hardworking and polite             B. amazed and frightened

   C. patient and cheerful  D. excited and curious


1. There are                    (nineteen) floors in the building, and I live on the                  (twelve) floor.
2. Do you know how                                     (ask) for information politely?
3. Would you please                    (lend) me some                   (write) paper?
4. We need                     (speak) more English every day to improve our                  (speak) English.
5. We should be careful when                      (cross) the street.
6. The old should be spoken to                    (polite).  We must be                      (polite) to the old.
7. Have you made a                    (decide) to help your friend?
8. My parents have decided                     (take) a vacation with me in Hainan Island this summer.  
Why not                   (join) us?
9. On weekdays the mall is                     (crowd) but on weekends it's                    (crowd), so I often 
go to the mall on weekdays.
10. I've                     (forget) to tell you I went to                     (Uncle Bob) yesterday morning.

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