

  Dear Aunt Mary,

  Jane and I were very sorry to hear that Uncle John died last Thursday. Mother and father stayed' with us on Saturday and Sunday, and they told us the sad news. We know that Uncle John was not well, of course, and the cold weather that we have had for the past few weeks has not helped him to get better, but the news came as a very unpleasant surprise, all the same.

  We were most unhappy that we could not come and see you both ten days ago on Uncle John's birthday. Mother tells me that he was his old self(和过去一模一样) laughing, and full of life. This is how, I am sure, Jane and I shall always remember him. He was a good man, who was never too busy to read to us, play with us and listen to the stories about all the silly things we did when we were young. He was the kind of uncle every child loves to have.

  We shall be at the church(教堂) on Friday, and of course we hope to see you again on Christmas with all the rest of the family.

  With love and best wishes.


Robert and Jane

1.Robert is writing to Aunt Mary to________.

[  ]

A.hope his uncle get well soon

B.tell her about his parents

C.say that he was sad about his uncle's death

D.hope to visit her

2.Robert heard the news about his uncle from________.

[  ]

A.his wife Jane

B.his aunt Mary

C.his uncle John

D.his mother and father

3.The cold weather of the past weeks________.

[  ]

A.was better for Uncle John

B.did not help Uncle John get well

C.was sad news for Robert's family

D.made everyone unhappy

4.Robert and Jane will remember Uncle John as________.

[  ]

A.a funny old man

B.an old man as he was on his birthday

C.a man who was always laughing and full of life

D.a man who was unhappy and unwell

5.The best title should be________.

[  ]

A.He Was A Good Man

B.A Piece Of Sad News

C.A Sad Letter

D.The Death Of Uncle John




  Bicycles are very popular around the world today.People ride their bicycles for exercise and enjoyment.In some places, people use a bicycle to get to work.In other places, bicycle riding is a very popular exercise to people who live in cities.But who invented the first bicycle?In 1791, a Frenchman named Comte de Sivrac invented and owned the first bicycle.Mrs.Sivrac rode(骑)the bicycle in Paris.The handles(把手)and the seat were wooden.This bicycle was very difficult to move.A rider even had to pick up the front wheel to change direction.Finally, the bicycle had no brakes for stopping or pedals for the feet!Riding a bicycle was a great risk.

  In 1817, a German named Baron von Drais de Sauerbrun made the first bicycle better.The seat became more comfortable.The wheel could now change direction.His ride in the forest took only one hour instead of three hours on foot, which surprised people at that time.

  Sauerbrun brought this kind of bicycle from Germany to France.Then Denis Johnson, an Englishman, made a bicycle for women.It had space for their dresses to hang down.But these bicycles still had no brakes or pedals, and riders often got hurt.These bicycles and the people who rode them were not very popular.

  It took another forty-five years for the bicycle to become popular.More than 100 years later, bicycle riding is more popular than ever.In fact, in India and China, there are still many more bicycles than ears.


Which of the following best describes the first bicycle?

[  ]


Very popular.


Easy to carry.




Difficult to ride.


Why was it a risk to ride the first bicycle?

[  ]


Because it had no pedals for the feet.


Because it was difficult to control(控制).


Because people would laugh at you.


Because handles and the seat were wooden.


Which of the following was not improved by Sauerbrun to the first bicycle?

[  ]


Brakes were added to it.


It was made to go faster.


The wheel could now change direction.


The seat was made more comfortable.


What’s the major difference between Denis Johnson’s bicycle and the earlier ones 7

[  ]


It was more comfortable.


It was faster and safer.


It had space for the rider's dress.


It had metal handles and seat.


The best title(题目)for the passage would be ________.

[  ]


Bicycles Around the World


How to Ride a Bicycle


The Greatest Invention


The First Bicycle


  My Year Abroad

  This month in Travelers Corner there are three teenagers’ experiences in year-abroad programmes.

  Mariko Okada-Tokyo

  My year abroad in the United States was a fantastic experience.I'm not a shy person, and I was very comfortable speaking to everyone.So I got lots of speaking practice.I also learned lots of interesting things about American culture.When I got home, my friends all said that I had improved so much! I hope to go back again in the future.

  Carla Fonseca – Rio de Janeiro

  I spent last year studying English in London.I'm from a small town, and London is a very big city.Sometimes I felt it was too big.There were so many people to talk to, but I always felt bad about my English.I missed my family, and I really missed my two cats.My roommate was always using our telephone, so I hardly had the chance for a nice long talk with my parents.I think it was a good experience for me, but I'm glad to be home!

  Alvin Chen – Hong Kong

  Studying in New Zealand was a fun experience for me, but it was also lots of hard work! I had English classes six hours a day, five days a week——with lots of homework.I also kept a diary of my experience.I like to write, and I wrote two or three pages in my diary every day.On Saturdays, my homestay family took me to lots of interesting places and showed me so many wonderful things about the culture.I'm really glad I went!


All the three teenagers went abroad ________.

[  ]


to study English


to visit friends


to have a holiday


to find a job


Who didn't really enjoy the stay in a foreign country very much?

[  ]








None of them.


Travelers Corner is most probably ________.

[  ]


a sports club newsletter


a science documentary


a travel magazine


a news website


  Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, U. S. A., is in the central part of the state, on the Santa Fe River, which flows into the Rio Grande 35 kilometers west of the city. More than two thousand meters above sea level, it lies in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains with the Ortiz Mountains to the southeast.

  Santa Fe was founded in 1609 by the Spanish on an old Indian village. In 1680 the Indians seized the place but only held it for twelve years before the Spanish retook it. The city remained under Spanish rule until Mexico won its independence in 1821. From then on it was a Mexican city until 1846 when it was taken over by American troops.

  With a population of 48 953, Santa Fe is now the second largest city in the state. Because of its sunny weather, rich history and surrounding mountains, it is a good place for holiday makers. Besides hunting and skating in the mountains people enjoy shopping in the Indian and Spanish shops, which brings a large income to the city every year. In summer there is an international opera season when operas are shown in a partly-roofed, open-air theatre daily for people from all over the world.

1.Which of the drawings below gives an idea of what Santa Fe is like?

RG=the Rio Grande SFR=the Santa Fe River OM=the Ortiz Mountains

[  ]


2.Santa Fe was under the rule of the Mexicans in ________.

[  ]


3.The people who held Santa Fe for the longest period in history were the ________.

[  ]


4.What is of special interest to people who visit Santa Fe in summer?

[  ]

C.Watching operas.
D.Doing shopping.

5.Santa Fe is best described as a ________.

[  ]

A.trade center
B.holiday center
C.home for all nations
D.seaport city

6.One of the reasons for visitors to come to Santa Fe is that it ________.

[  ]

A.has fine weather

B.is the state capital

C.has historical monuments

D.is on the Santa Fe River

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