
Never try to work when you are very hungry .If you   36  your homework right after school, you may want to have a snack before getting to work. Always do your homework       37   you get tired.____38____wait until very late in the evening ,or the assignment(功课)will seem much  39  than it really is .Break your time into manageable(易处理的) period .If you have more than  40,give yourself a break after an hour .On the other hand ,don't break it up _41  that you can’t get anything done .You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time  42  .Don't put it off  43   the last minute .If you put off doing your homework ,you will always think of it ,and you won’t enjoy your  44   so much .If you put it off until the end of the week  until right before a test ,you will have too much work to do for the exam .A little bit each night ,enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school ,will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it all .Do your hamework__45  every day .This will help you make it a habit .It will make it easier to do ,and it will make free time more enjoyable as well.

A.decided doingB.decide to doC.have doneD.did
A.one hour workB.an hour work
C.an hour's workD.a work of an hour
A.so muchB.so 1ittleC.so oftenD.so well
A.without stoppingB.with stop
C.stopD.without stop
A.lunchB.free timeC.mealsD.snack
A.at a timeB.at the same time
C.onceD.in the same way


【小题4】因为much 修饰比较级,故选B
【小题5】根据后文内容give yourself a break after an hour,可知答案为C
【小题7】do sth without doing sth,为固定词组搭配,故选A
【小题8】not …until 表示直到…才,符合题意,故选d
【小题10】do sth at the same time,表示与此同时做某事。故选B

What would you do if a stranger gave you some medicine and said it would keep you slim or help you do well in exams? Would you take it?
Students at Shenzhen Luohu Foreign Language Middle School have learned to keep themselves safe by saying “no”. In fact, what those strangers want to give them are drugs(毒品). Drugs are dangerous to your health!
“Because teens don’t know much about drugs, they might want to try them.” said Zhang Dongsheng, the director of Shenzhen Drug Control Office.
Now, many schools arrange(安排)courses or organize some activities to help students know about drugs.
Liang, 16, was a good student before trying drugs. One day, some old friends told him it would be fun. After taking drugs only once, he found it very hard to stop. Liang began to spend all his time and money on drugs. Soon, he stopped going to school and started stealing(偷窃). In the end, he was put in prison.
In China, taking drugs is becoming a big problem for teens. According to a survey, about one million people in China were using illegal(违法)drugs last year, and 72% of them were young people. Worse still, there are about 10,000 drug users under 16 now.
Zhang has some good advice on staying clean. He said, “Drugs are dangerous. Never try them, even if you’re curious! It is the most important for you to keep safe and healthy.”
【小题1】 Which statement is right about drugs?
A.Drugs do harm to your health.B.Drugs help you do well in exams.
C.Drugs keep you slim and lovely.D.Drugs make you stay well.
【小题2】 According to this passage, many schools arrange courses or some activities to __________ now.
A.know more about cigarettes B.relax
C.know about drugs D.learn some Chinese culture
【小题3】 Teens want to try drugs because __________.
A.they are 18 years oldB.they are curious about drugs
C.they have enough moneyD.they know about the harm of drugs
【小题4】 From Liang’s story, we can know that it is not __________ to give up drugs even if one tries only once.
【小题5】What does the phrase staying clean here mean?
A.Being clean and tidy.B.Keeping clothes clean.
C.Wearing clean clothes.D.Staying away from drugs.

People are always afraid of making mistakes. But sometimes it’s not bad to make mistakes, and here is why.

      At first, a mistake is a clear sign that you are trying new things. It’s always good to try new things, because when you are trying new things, you are growing. If you never try new things, how can you improve? How can you create? The simple answer is: “you can’t” Look around you, everything you see is the result of someone trying new things.

     Another good thing about mistakes is this: when you are making mistakes, you are learning. For example, Edison failed 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb. When he was asked how he felt to fail that many times, he said that he hadn’t failed 10,000 times, but rather had learned 10,000 things that didn’t work.

     Finally, when you make a mistake, you are much closer to success. Why? Because you have said what you should say, and you have done what you should do. Every time you make a mistake, you are closer to success. But it doesn’t mean that you can make mistakes without thinking. Instead, when you try new things you have to think them over, so that you can keep away from some unnecessary mistakes. We shouldn’t spend all our time and money on the only one way, but use them correctly, because our time and money are limited(有限的)

     There is an old saying, “if you are not making mistakes, you are not trying hard enough.” So go bravely and make mistakes. And learn, and grow, and succeed.

1.If you are making a mistake, that means__________.

A. you’re careful                          B. you’re kind

C. you’re growing                         D. you know nothing

2.If you never try new things, you can’t___________.

A. improve        B. create          C.  spend           D. A and B

3. After Edison failed 10,000 times, he__________.

A. gave up                                B. invented the light bulb

C. invented the computer                    D. invented 10,000 new things

4.When you make a mistake, you are closer to___________.

A. time          B. money          C. success          D. new things

5. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Never make mistakes               

B. You can make mistakes without thinking

C. Sometimes it’s good to make mistakes  

D. Making mistakes is terrible



Fire is important in our lives but it can also be very dangerous sometimes. Here are some tips for you when a fire happens.

When you smell smoke or see fire,   1.   “Fire!” as loudly as you can. Get help from your parents or call 119.Tell 119  2.  you are and what is on fire. Listen to 119’s instructions. Never try to put out a fire by  3. ,even if it’s a small one.

Get out of the room as   4.   as possible. Don’t try to take anything with you. A fire can become very dangerous in a few seconds. If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep your head and body close   5.  the floor. There is less smoke lower down, so it’s easier to breathe and see where you are going. Test the door   6.  you open it. If it’s too hot, do not open it. Try to find a different way out.  7.   use the lift during a fire. Always use the stairs. A lift may stop working. Don’t go back to the burning house for your pet or anything else you have left behind. The pet animals can often get out of the room on their own before you do.

What if you can’t get out of your room? Close the door and put a quilt (被子) at the foot of the door. It can stop the   8.  from coming in. Open the window and shout for help. Let people know that you are still inside the building. Don’t stay   9.   the bed. It’s hard for others to find you. So stay by the window on the floor. Keep these tips in mind, they will be  10. if you are caught in a fire.


What would you do if a stranger gave you some medicine and said it would keep you slim or help you do well in exams? Would you take it?

Students at Shenzhen Luohu Foreign Language Middle School have learned to keep themselves safe by saying “no”. In fact, what those strangers want to give them are drugs(毒品). Drugs are dangerous to your health!

“Because teens don’t know much about drugs, they might want to try them.” said Zhang Dongsheng, the director of Shenzhen Drug Control Office.

Now, many schools arrange(安排)courses or organize some activities to help students know about drugs.

Liang, 16, was a good student before trying drugs. One day, some old friends told him it would be fun. After taking drugs only once, he found it very hard to stop. Liang began to spend all his time and money on drugs. Soon, he stopped going to school and started stealing(偷窃). In the end, he was put in prison.

In China, taking drugs is becoming a big problem for teens. According to a survey, about one million people in China were using illegal(违法)drugs last year, and 72% of them were young people. Worse still, there are about 10,000 drug users under 16 now.

Zhang has some good advice on staying clean. He said, “Drugs are dangerous. Never try them, even if you’re curious! It is the most important for you to keep safe and healthy.”

1. Which statement is right about drugs?

A.Drugs do harm to your health.

B.Drugs help you do well in exams.

C.Drugs keep you slim and lovely.

D.Drugs make you stay well.

2. According to this passage, many schools arrange courses or some activities to __________ now.

A.know more about cigarettes


C.know about drugs

D.learn some Chinese culture

3. Teens want to try drugs because __________.

A.they are 18 years old

B.they are curious about drugs

C.they have enough money

D.they know about the harm of drugs

4. From Liang’s story, we can know that it is not __________ to give up drugs even if one tries only once.





5.What does the phrase staying clean here mean?

A.Being clean and tidy.

B.Keeping clothes clean.

C.Wearing clean clothes.

D.Staying away from drugs.


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