
Some years ago, Chinese high school students would show their new schoolbags , new clothes or new pens to their classmates when the new term started . Today, however , all have      . If you still come back to school      only these things , you are falling out-of-date(过时的) . Students in big cities like to bring the latest high-tech things to school, and feel happy and      to show off these things to      . Mobile phones, MP3 players , CD players , electronic dictionaries , the list is endless .
Young people think that , living in the 21st century , they must keep up with the      . They don't want to fall      . Besides, they think      they need to keep in touch with their classmates , so they need mobile phones . They also like to      the pop music , so they need CD players . They explain that,      like electronic dictionaries , these can be      in their study ,      . They think that their parents should understand      they want these things .
Foreign students will also bring some latest high-tech things when they      to school at the beginning of a new term.      , they often use the money which they made by themselves during the holiday to      these high-tech things that they want .
A.changedB.comeC.joined D.stopped
A.toB.from C.of D.with
A.right B.lucky C.nice D.pleased
A.other B.the other C.others D.the others
A.times B.days C.years D.date
A.down B.offC.behind D.back
A.that B.howC.if D.which
A.hear B.listen to C.read D.play
A.look B.just C.feelD.something
A.new B.modern C.latest D.useful
A.also B.tooC.either D.then
A.whereB.which C.what D.why
A.return B.return backC.reach D.arrive
A.But B.HoweverC.So D.Still
A.borrow B.buyC.lend D.take


小题4:考查代词与语境理解。句意:他们很高兴向别人展示。Other其他的,表单数;the other两者中的另外一个;others其他人,表复数;the others其余的(一定范围内的其他全部),结合题意选C。
小题5:考查名词与语境理解。句意:他们想跟上时代。Keep up with times与时俱进,跟上时代。
小题6:考查副词与语境理解。句意:他们不想落伍。Fall behind落伍。
小题7:考查连接词与预警理解。句意:他们认为他们需要和同学保持联系。Think后接的是宾语从句,that 引导宾语从句,不在从句中做任何成分,符合题意,选A。
小题8:考查动词与语境理解。句意:他们也喜欢听流行音乐。 Listen to music听音乐,故选B。
小题9:考查代词与语境理解。从后面的like electronic dictionaries例如电子词典,指的是物,所以用something,故选D。
小题11:考查副词与语境理解。这句话跟前面的内容是保持一致的,都是讲他们需要的东西,所以用too, 也,选B。also也,但不放在句尾。
小题13:考查动词与语境理解。句意:外国学生在学期开始回校时也会带这些新科技产品。Return to回到,故选A。
The United States is full of automobiles (机动车). There are still many families without cars. But some families have two or     more cars. However, cars are used for more than pleasure. They are a     part of life.
Cars are used for     . They are driven to offices and factories by workers who have no other way to      their jobs. When salesmen are sent to      parts of the city, they have to drive in order to       their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to shop for necessities.
Sometimes, small children must be driven to      . In some cities, school buses are used only when children       more than a mile from the school. When the children are too     to walk that far, their parents take      driving them to school. One       drives on Mondays, taking her children and the neighbors' children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays and so on. This is       forming a car pool (拼车). Working people also form car pools, with three or four people taking turns driving to the place     they work.
More car pools should be formed in order to put       cars on the road and to use less oil.      is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities. Too many cars are being driven. Something should be done about the use of cars.
A.evenB.much C.littleD.such
A.great B.necessary C.properD.poss ible
A.families B.business C.educationD.farms
A.get toB.look for C.find out D.use up
A.catch B.create C.cover D.carry
A.citiesB.schoolsC.parks D.gardens
A.move B.study C.live D.work
A.moneyB.time C.pride D.turns
A.parent B.child C.way D.car
A.callB.callingC.to callD.called
A.whereB.that C.which D.when
A.more B.fewer C.many D.less
A.DrivingB.Running C.ParkingD.Forming
When I crossed a small road on my first day in Kolkata, I was surprised because I heard a bell-not a horn (喇叭). It was a tiny man pulling a rickshaw(人力黄包车).He stopped and picked up two children from the front door of their house and pulled them to school. For many people, the rickshaw in Kolkata has many advantages. When the traffic is bad, rickshaws find a way through the traffic. If your miss your bus and there aren't any taxis, you can always find a rickshaw in Kolkata. Rickshaws are from your house to the market and waits for you. Then he loads (装载)all your things, drops you off outside your home and helps you unload. No other type of public transport offers this kind of service.
From June to September, Kolkata gets heavy rain. Sometimes it rains for 48 hours without a break. In some parts of the city, the roads flood (水淹), and anything with an engine(发动机) is useless. But the rickshaw drivers never stop working, even with water all around them.
But not everyone thinks rickshaws are a good thing. The local government want to ban rickshaws. They believe it is wrong for one man to pull another person when there is modern transport in the city. However, there is a problemwith this plan. Many of the rickshaw drivers come from the countryside. The only job they can find in Kolkata is pulling a rickshaw. If the city bans rickshaws, these men won't have a job. So for the moment, the people of Kolkata still go by rickshaw.
小题1:What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?
A.The rickshaw drivers carry things for local people in Kolkata.
B.Parents need rickshaws for taking children to school in Kolkata.
C.Rickshaws can find a way through the bad traffic in Kolkata.
D.Rickshaws are very useful for the people's daily life in Kolkata.
小题2:Which type of transport may you take when the roads flood in Kolkata?
A.A bus.B.A taxi.C.A car.D.A rickshaw.
小题3:What does the underlined word "ban" mean?
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The rickshaws in Kolkata have loud horns.
B.The rickshaw is still a part of public transport in Kolkata.
C.The local government offer many other jobs to the rickshaw driven.
D.The people in Kolkata are supposed to take rickshaws instead of cars.
Beijing—No Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France on September 22, 1998. It was started to protect the environment. By now, more than 1,000 cities around the world have had a No Car Day.
The first No Car Day in China was in Chengdu in 2001. Other cities, including Beijing, Taipei, Shanghai and Wuhan also support the day.
In Beijing, more and more people are joining in the activity. It asks drivers to leave their cars for one day each week and walk, take a bus or subway or ride a bike to work. The slogan(口号)for the activity is,“If we drive for one less day, we can have one more nice day.” Beijing is trying to have 238 blue sky days this year. In the first quarter of this year Beijing only have 52 blue sky days. This was 11 days less than the number for the same period last year. Car exhaust(汽车尾气) is one of the most important reasons of the pollution. We must do more for No Car Day.
So far, more than 200,000 drivers have shown their support. “We can’t control the weather, but we can choose not to drive.” said Wu Zonghua, a car club chairman.
小题1:There are_______ cities in China that support No Car Day according to the passage.
小题2:The activity of No Car Day encourages Beijing drivers          .?
A.not to work on No Car Day
B.to enjoy having a one-day holiday
C.to leave their cars at home to repair
D.to take a bus, or subway, ride a bike or walk instead of driving to work?
小题3:According to the passage there were           blue sky days in the first quarter of last year in Beijing..
小题4:The air pollution in Beijing is mainly caused(导致)by           according to the passage.?
小题5:We can know from the passage that        .?
A.more and more people in Beijing are joining car clubs?
B.drivers should leave their cars for one day each month
C.more than 1,000 cities around the world have a No Car Day.
D.more people in the world won’t drive any more
At present, more and more people are crazy about travelling. Why do people travel?  “To see more of the world,” many people would say. But travelling abroad now means much more than that for the growing number of Chinese tourists. Of course it offers us good opportunities to meet people from other countries, learn about their culture and customs.
According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), more than 1 billion people travelled to another country in 2012. In 2012, Chinese people travelled abroad 30 percent more than in 2011. The prosperity (繁荣) of the tourism industry can also bring both our country and foreign countries great economic benefits (经济利益). Chinese people usually join large tourist groups and visit several countries in one trip.
Chinese people don’t just travel for sightseeing. The China International Travel Service Company said that all their tour trips sold out a month before Christmas Day. Stores offered discounts (打折) during that time, so shopping in Europe and the United States is popular among Chinese travellers.
In December, China is going through a very cold winter. So many people like to go to some countries in Southeast Asia because the weather there is quite pleasant.
The improvement of living standards means more Chinese can travel abroad. But many of them don’t have a sense of public manners. A report by Living Social website in March 2012 even listed Chinese as the world’s second worst tourists.
If you want to change that bad name, remember to avoid the following: littering, spitting, snatching bus seats, line-jumping, taking off shoes in public, talking loudly and smoking in non-smoking areas. Besides, we should learn some necessary manners of foreign countries.
小题1:Chinese people travel abroad not to _________.
A.go shoppingB.see more of the world
C.go sightseeingD.make money
小题2:According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, ________.
A.30% of the people who travelled abroad are Chinese
B.the number of people who travelled abroad rose by 30%
C.more than 1 billion people travelled abroad in 2012
D.more than 1 billion Chinese people travelled abroad in 2012
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true about Chinese people? _________
A.Chinese people like joining large tourist groups.
B.Many Chinese like to go to Southeast Asia in winter for sightseeing.
C.More and more Chinese people can travel abroad now.
D.Chinese are the second worst tourists in the world.
小题4:As a good tourist, you should ________.
A.litter and spit here and there
B.jump the line and take off the shoes in public
C.have a sense of public manners
D.speak loudly and smoke as you like
小题5:What’s the best title of the passage? __________
A.TravellingB.Travelling abroad
C.Chinese touristsD.Chinese people like travelling
Every month, junior high schools in China choose one hero of the month. This person is a hero because he or she has done something to help protect animals in danger. Huang Jing decided to write a letter to the President of China.

Dear Mr. President,
I have been doing a project at school recently about animals in danger. I think the situation all over the world is really terrible. I am writing to you to suggest what China should do to help protect animals more.
I know that there are nearly 2,000 nature reserves in China, which is good. I live in Beijing and there are about 30 reserves outside the city. We visited one of them last month to see for ourselves.
I feel so sorry for the giant panda. It’s one of the most popular animals in the world and a real symbol of China. We learned that pandas mainly live on bamboo, and that a panda can eat half its body weight of bamboo in 24 hours! That’s a lot of bamboo. I think we should try to do more to stop cutting down forests. Pandas are already a rare animal and it would be so sad if they became extinct (灭绝) forever.
The other animal we should try to protect more is the Chinese alligator (扬子鳄). These creatures live in some parts of eastern China. These beautiful animals live in freshwater rivers and lakes but the water in some places isn’t clean enough for them to live in. It’s really dirty in fact. The government should stop factories polluting the lakes and rivers.
If we protect these beautiful animals in China, more foreigners may wish to visit China to see them. They could be an important tourist attraction. It would be good if more people came to visit our beautiful country, especially to see the quieter areas in the country. Now most visitors just see the cities.
I hope you will encourage more people to think about such an important subject.
Sincerely yours,
Huang Jing
小题1:What’s Huang Jing’s project at school about?
小题2:What animals did Huang Jing talk about in his letter?
小题3:How much bamboo can a panda eat in 24 hours?
小题4:Why is the water in some places too dirty for alligators to live in?
小题5:If you are a hero of the month like Huang Jing, what else will you possibly do to help protect the animals in danger?   (请自拟一句话回答)
Cooperation(合作) and competition are 1  important. They’re necessary for a person to achieve success in life.
Learn to be cooperate with others. No one likes a selfish(自私的) or greedy(贪婪的)person. However, everyone likes a cooperative and friendly person. Everything we do today,   2  in doing business or making friends, depends on our ability to  3 with one another. In our society, most tasks(任务) need the cooperation of many people  4 they can be finished successfully. So we must try to be cooperative. Each person   5 a small part of a machine . If only one part is out of order, the machine can’t be running  well.  6 , transportation and communication systems are developing quickly and people all over the world can keep in line with each other _7 . It’s hard for a person who is away from the society to have a deep understanding of the world he 8 . Cooperation is becoming more and more important for a person to get a good life.
Being competitive(竞争的) also has a place in life. If you want to get more success and be better than others, you must work harder and study more carefully. The desire(愿望) to succeed and do better than others   9 us to work harder. If there were no competitions, a sports meeting would never be   10 and successful, and we could never have champions(冠军).
We cooperate with others to be more competitive, we compete to get a better environment for cooperation leads(带领) us to realize our goals and meet our needs.
小题1:A. all                B. both                    C. neither
小题2:A. if                 B. weather                 C. whether
小题3:A. get along          B. get off                 C. get back
小题4:A. in order           B. in order to             C. so that
小题5:A. likes              B. is like                 C. looks like
小题6:A. Except             B. Besides                 C. But
小题7:A. easier             B. much better             C. more easily
小题8:A. lives in           B. lives on                C. lives
小题9:A. encourage          B. encourages              C. encouraged
小题10:A. excited            B. interested              C. exciting

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