¸ù¾ÝÖÐÎÄÒâ˼ºÍÓ¢ÎÄÌáʾ´ÊÓï, д³öÒâ˼Á¬¹á, ·ûºÏÂß¼µÄÓ¢ÎÄÎĶÎ. Ëù¸øÓ¢ÎÄÌáʾ´ÊÓï±ØÐ붼ÓÃÉÏ, ÖÐÎÄÌáʾÄÚÈݲ»±ØÖð¾ä·Òë, ÿ×éÓ¢ÎÄÌáʾËùд³öµÄ¾äÊý²»ÏÞ.
½ñÌìÊÇ6ÔÂ23ÈÕÐÇÆÚÈÕ, ÌìÆøÇçÀÊ. ÄãºÍÄãµÄͬѧÕźê²Î¹ÛÁËÎ÷°²Êж¯ÎïÔ°. ÄÇÀïµÄ¶¯ÎïÊ®·ÖÓÐȤ, È˼ûÈË°®. µ±Äã¿´µ½ÓÐλÓοÍÔÚÏòºï×ÓͶιʳÎïʱ, ¾ÍÉÏÇ°×èÖ¹²¢Ëµ¡¡
ÇëÄãÓÃÓ¢ÎÄдһƪÈÕ¼Ç,¼ÇÊö½ñÌìµÄ¾Àú. (Çë×¢ÒâÈռǸñʽ)
1. fine day, sun, bright
2. visit, Beijing Zoo
3. animal, so interesting, people, love
4. see, visitor, throw¡
½ñÌìÊÇ6ÔÂ23ÈÕÐÇÆÚÈÕ, ÌìÆøÇçÀÊ. ÄãºÍÄãµÄͬѧÕźê²Î¹ÛÁËÎ÷°²Êж¯ÎïÔ°. ÄÇÀïµÄ¶¯ÎïÊ®·ÖÓÐȤ, È˼ûÈË°®. µ±Äã¿´µ½ÓÐλÓοÍÔÚÏòºï×ÓͶιʳÎïʱ, ¾ÍÉÏÇ°×èÖ¹²¢Ëµ¡¡
ÇëÄãÓÃÓ¢ÎÄдһƪÈÕ¼Ç,¼ÇÊö½ñÌìµÄ¾Àú. (Çë×¢ÒâÈռǸñʽ)
1. fine day, sun, bright
2. visit, Beijing Zoo
3. animal, so interesting, people, love
4. see, visitor, throw¡
Sunday June 23rd
It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Xi'an Zoo with my classmate, Zhang Hong.
The animals there were so interesting that all the people loved them. When I saw a visitor throwing food
to the monkeys, I went/ran to stop him/her and said, "Animals are our friends and we must take good
care of them."
It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Xi'an Zoo with my classmate, Zhang Hong.
The animals there were so interesting that all the people loved them. When I saw a visitor throwing food
to the monkeys, I went/ran to stop him/her and said, "Animals are our friends and we must take good
care of them."

¸ù¾ÝÒÔÏÂÓйØLeoµÄ¸öÈËÇé¿ö½éÉÜ£¬ÒÔLeo Smith ΪÌ⣬дһƪ½éÉÜËûµÄ¶ÌÎÄ¡£
ÒªÇó£ºÓõÚÈýÈ˳Æ;ÓôÊÔÚ60~80 Ö®¼ä;Ëù¸øÐÅÏ¢±ØÐëÈ«²¿ÓÃÉÏ¡£
Name: Leo Smith |
Age: 15 |
Address: 69 Park Road |
New YorkNationality: American |
Occupation£¨Ö°Òµ£©: student |
Favourite subjects: art and P.E. |
Weekday activities: swimming and working |
Usual Saturday activity: having parties |
Usual Sunday activity: watching TV |