
Mr. and Mrs. Jones don’t often go out     36  , but last Saturday, Mrs. Jones    37___ to her husband, “There is a good    38   tonight. Can we go and see it?”
Mr. Jones was quite    39   about it, so they went and both of them liked the film very much. They came out of     40   at 11 o’clock, got into their   41   and began to drive home. It was quite dark, then Mrs. Jones said to Mr. Jones, “Look! A woman is running along the road very    42   , and a man is running after her. Can you see them?”
Mr. Jones said, “Yes, I can.” He drove the car slowly near the woman and said to her, “Can we     43    you?” “No, thank you,” the woman said, but she didn’t stop     44    . “My husband and I always run home after the film, and the    45   one does the cleaning at home.”

A.in the morningB.in the eveningC.in the afternoonD.at noon
A.the filmB.TVC.the cinemaD.the shop
A.to runB.runningC.runsD.ran


【小题2】此题考查固定短语say to sb表示给某人说,故选D。
【小题3】此题考查名词,根据下文so they went and both of them liked the film very much.的提示可知选择A。
【小题9】此题考查固定句型结构stop doing sth表示停止做某事,此句的含义是这个女士没有停止跑步,故选B。



Mr. White works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his (1) and now he has near sight(近视).But he wouldn't want (2) to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses. It often (3) him some trouble.

One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business(出差).He (4) a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasn't smooth(平坦).He fell over some times and it (5) his clothes dirty. (6) he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. He was looking for the school while his (7) was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn't get it. He couldn't understand why his hat ran into a house as if(似乎)it had (8) .And he ran into the house, (9) .

A woman stopped him and shouted (10) ,“What are you running after my hen(母鸡)for?”

(1)                          [  ]


(2)                          [  ]

A.anybody else

(3)                          [  ]


(4)                          [  ]

A.took off
B.got off
C.got on
D.came on

(5)                          [  ]


(6)                          [  ]

A.At first
B.At home
C.At times
D.At last

(7)                          [  ]


(8)                          [  ]


(9)                          [  ]


(10)                          [  ]



Mr. Black works in a hospital in a town. He is a good   1  , and people in the town like him very much. He is very     2  to his patients(病人),  3  many people like to ask him for help.

One day, Mr. Black gets to the hospital and 4  a fat(胖) woman in the waiting room. He calls her to his office and asks,“ What’s  5   with you?,madam?”“It’s my birthday today, sir”says the woman.“My husband(丈夫)”  6  me a present(礼物). But I can’t go in it.” “It doesn’t matter, madam,” says Mr. Black. “You 7  lose some weight(减肥)”.Then, you can go in 8   your coat.” “You are   9   ,doctor, says the woman. “He buys me not a coat, but a  10   !

1.                A.doctor         B.nurse          C.office worker  D.teacher


2.                A.friend          B.bad            C.sorry D.kind


3.                A.because        B.before         C.after D.so


4.                A.find            B.looks at         C.listen to  D.sees


5.                A.matter         B.your name      C.wrong    D.doing


6.                A.takes          B.gives           C.goes D.comes


7.                A.like            B.want           C.should   D.would like


8.                A./              B.a              C.an   D.the


9.                A.right           B.wrong          C.easy D.difficult


10.               A.bike           B.car            C.lamp  D.computer



       Mr Li and his wife live in a city.  He  1    hard in his office.  He likes to read something when he's   2  .
And he often watches TV or listens to the   3   at home.  So he knows a lot.
       A few days ago an important   4   was held in Beijing. Mr Li was interested in it. That afternoon, on his way home, he went to the post office and   5    a newspaper. When he got home, he put it on the table and began to   6   .Soon his wife came back, and she began to tidy up the room.
       After   7    Mr Li wanted to read the newspaper, but he could not find it. "What are you   8   ?" asked
his wife. "A newspaper."
       "I   9   it away a moment ago. "
       "Why did you do so?" Mr Li said angrily.
       "It's new. There's   10    in it."
       "I don't think so," .said the woman. "I put some rubbish in it, and threw it away. "
(     )1. A. plays                  
(     )2. A. free                  
(     )3. A. play                  
(     )4. A. message                
(     )5. A. bought                
(     )6. A. rest                  
(     )7. A. breakfast              
(     )8. A. finding                
(     )9. A. dropped                
(     )10.A. important something    
B. works                
B. busy                
B. sound                
B. railway              
B. borrowed            
B. wait                
B. lunch                
B. looking for          
B. fell                
B. something important  
C. talks            
C. asleep            
C. sport            
C. meeting          
C. made              
C. tidy              
C. supper   .        
C. looking at        
C. sold              
C. anything useful   
D. sweeps                
D. at work                
D. radio                  
D. meet                  
D. lent                  
D. cook                  
D. meals                  
D. choosing              
D. threw                  
D. useful anything        
An Idea of Punishing Naughty Students
     In some schools, headmasters and teachers punish (惩罚) students _1_ several ways. The teacher
often writes to or telephones the _2_ parents. Sometimes students have to stay after school for one hour.
If a students behaves(表现)very _3_ in school, the headmaster can stop him or her _4_ classes. The
student can't come to school for one, two or three days.
     Mr. Serious, the headmaster of a middle school in a small town in the United States, did not like to do
this. When the teacher didn't let the student _5_ to school, they were glad. "An unexpected _6_!" they
always thought.
     One day, a boy was in Mr. Serious' office. Of course the student didn't behave well in class. Mr.
Serious called the boy's parents at once. "If you don't come to school with your son, I _7_ him having
classes," said he. The boy's father hurried to school and went to every classroom with his son. _8_
students looked at the father and the son. The boy was embarrassed (不好意思). And after that, he
behaves better. And, of course, other students behave better, too.
     Now headmasters _9_ the USA are trying Mr. Serious' good idea. They all say that students behave
better when _10_ come to school.
(     )1. A. with        
(     )2. A. students    
(     )3. A. bad          
(     )4. A. have        
(     )5. A. come        
(     )6. A. weekday      
(     )7. A. will stop    
(     )8. A. Other        
(     )9. A. over        
(     )10. A. headmasters
B. in          
B. students'  
B. badly      
B. to have    
B. to come    
B. study      
B. stop        
B. The other  
B. all over    
B. they        
C. by          
C. student's  
C. well        
C. has          
C. will come    
C. holiday      
C. stopped      
C. Others      
C. over there  
C. parents      
D. of           
D. students's
D. good        
D. having      
D. came        
D. punishing    
D. have stopped
D. The others  
D. all          
D. father      
     An old man went to a hospital. When the    1  came to see   2   , he said,  "Mr Smith, you are going to have two injections(注射), and then you'll feel much   3   . A nurse will come and give you the first one this evening, and then you'll get    4   on tomorrow morning. "
     In the evening a young _ 5   came to Mr Smith's bed and said to him. "I'm going to give you the first injection now.    6   do you want it?"
     The old man was    7  . He looked at the nurse for seconds and then he said,    8   has ever let me choose __9   before. Are you going to really let me choose now?" "Yes, Mr Smith. " the .nurse answered    10   a smile. "I want it in your left arm, please. "
(     )1. A. worker    
(     )2. A. a doctor  
(     )3. A. fine      
(     )4. A. the other  
(     )5. A. man        
(     )6. A. Where      
(     )7. A. happy      
(     )8. A. Everybody  
(     )9. A. it        
(     )10. A. with      
B. doctor  
B. a nurse
B. good    
B. another
B. doctor  
B. What    
B. afraid  
B. Anybody
B. this    
B. in      
C. teacher  
C. me      
C. well    
C. others  
C. nurse    
C. When    
C. surprised
C. Nobody  
C. one      
C. has      
D. daughter  
D. him      
D. better    
D. other    
D. woman    
D. Why      
D. angry    
D. Nothing  
D. that      
D. have      

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