
Tina woke up at midnight .She looked out of her window and saw a yellow light in the sky. It suddenly flew towards the ground. She heard a noise and saw a red light.

The next morning, Tina told it to her brother Tom. "I'm sure something landed in the forest near the mountains as I heard a loud noise last night," she said. "Let's find out after school."

At 6 p.m. Tina and his brother reached the forest. They heard some voices speaking a strange language, so they hid behind some little trees and kept quiet then they saw an alien(外星人) It was tall, with a round head and a shining grey-white colored body. It was standing next to a long spaceship. There was something wrong with the spaceship.

The children were scared .Suddenly, another alien appeared from the little trees in front of them. It found them and made terrible noise!

The next morning Tina and Tom told their parents about what they saw yesterday. "They were very ugly. They had some hair, but they didn't have any feathers (羽毛)," said Tina.

“There was something written on the spaceship,” said Tom. “It looked like this .I wonder what it means.” He drew something on a piece of paper.

But dad said, "Since no one else saw these aliens, I refuse to believe you .Now go to school!”

The children opened their wings ( 翅膀) and flew to school together.

Dad looked at the piece of paper with the strange word on it. “It looks strange.” he said, as he looked at the word “EARTH”.

1.According to the passage, ______first found that the aliens landed in the forest.

A.Tom B.Tina's friend C.Tina D.Tina's father

2.Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage?

A.The children were afraid when they saw the aliens.

B.The aliens came from the earth.

C.Tina, Tom and their parents lived on the earth.

D.The children had wings and they could fly.

3.What does the underlined word they in Paragraph 5 refer to (指的是)?

A.Aliens. B.Tina and his brother. C.Tina's parents. D.The children.

4.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Don't Lie to Your Parents B.A Happy Family and Aliens

C.Aliens Fought Humans D.Aliens Arrived


Zhong Nanshan, an 84-year-old doctor who became a household name 17 years ago for “daring to speak” in the fight against SARS, is the public face of China’s effort to control a new strain of coronavirus(冠状病毒).

The new coronavirus pneumonia from Wuhan affects the hearts of people all over the

country. Despite his advanced age, Zhong took an active part in fighting against the new virus, which has disturbed millions of Chinese during the long Lunar New Year holiday. His announcement on Monday that the virus could spread between humans added up worries about the outbreak. He said “The number is rising now and the rising trend will continue for some time, but I'm sure it won't be long.” The prevention and control work in communities is very important. People living in a community can keep an eye on each other on many issues, including wearing masks. Some are in a hurry to leave their hometown, some are busy reuniting, and some are rushing to the front. So in this critical moment, what we have to do is to ensure our own health, ensure the health of our families, stay indoors and make the greatest contribution to the society.

Come on, Wuhan! People all over the country come on! All the hard work will not be in vain, I believe we can win this war without smoke of gunpowder!


1.Zhong Nanshan is an 84-year-old specialist who fought against SARS and coronavirus.

2.Millions of Chinese were badly influenced by the virus during the Double Ninth Festival.

3.People across the country are making an effort to ensure the safety and health.

4.Zhong Nanshan had to afford some help because of his advanced age.

5.From the passage, we know that we shouldn’t lose hope when we are in a bad situation.

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