Inventions make the world better, smarter and a little more fun.

The folding bike helmet (头盔)

People hate to wear a helmet because it's thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made from plastics. It is just as strong as the traditional ones, but flexible(灵活的) enough to fold almost totally flat. Also it is much easier to carry.

Shoes that tie themselves

After we see the movie Back to the Future, almost everyone wants a pair of self-tying shoes. Now, thanks to Nike, the shoe dream comes true. When you press a button, the shoes can tie themselves.

The smart alarm clock-Hello Sense

An alarm clock, called Hello Sense, can improve your sleep. It can control the temperature, light and even air quality in your bedroom to help you have a perfect sleep environment. And it can record your sleep cycles.

Sweet potatoes that could save lives

The lack (缺乏) of vitamin A can cause blindness and many other illnesses for illnesses. In sub-Saharan Africa, plant experts are helping them grow a kind of new sweet potatoes. These potatoes can help them fight against some illnesses.

1.What is Morpher like ?

A.It is made from plastics B.It can tie itself.

C.It can control the temperature D.It can cause blindness

2.What do you want to do after seeing the movie Back to the Future?

A.To wear a helmet B.To buy a pair of self- tying shoes.

C.To go to sleep earlier. D.To grow a new kind of sweet potatoes.

3.The smart alarm clock can NOT?

A.improve your sleep B.record your sleep cycles

C.make your dream come true D.control the temperature in the bedroom

4.______ can help people fight against some illnesses.

A.The folding bike helmet B.Sweet potatoes

C.The smart alarm clock D.Shoes that tie themselves

Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)

Quite a few people believe that the phases of the moon(月相) affect the behavior of human and other creatures. That is known as the lunar(月亮) effect. The lunar effect has been around for many centuries. The power of the moon is often used to explain wide range of events, such as human insanity(精神错乱), and increases in violent crimes and traffic accidents.

According to some traditions, for example, before the coming of modern techniques, surgeons would refuse to operate on the full moon nights because of the in- creased risk of death of the patient through blood loss. The idea behind the lunar effect has even found its way into the news. For example, it has been said that the full moon may have influenced voters’ behavior in the 2000 U. S. presidential election.

Does the moon affect our behavior at all? Some people say it does. They say the moon causes the tides, so surely that the moon has an effect on people and we our- selves are full of water, too. But scientists point out that the moon only affects unrestrained(不受控制的) waters, such as oceans. The water in our bodies isn’t even comparable. And over fifty years of research has shown nothing to prove the existence of a causative link(因果联系) between the moon and areas such as mental illness birth rates, crime, or accidents.

There is an explanation for why people link the full moon to unusual human behavior. The reason is that people have selective memories. When something unusual happens and there is a full moon, people might notice the moon and think it is to be blamed.

1.What do quite few people believe?


2.What is used to explain wide range of events?


3.Why would surgeons refuse to operate on the full moon nights?


4.Scientists hardly agree that the moon affect people’s’ behavior, do they?


5.How long has the research on the lunar effect been done?


6.Why do people link the full moon to unusual human behavior?


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