
On February 14th,2000,my class went on a field trip to the beach. I had so much fun. When we returned to school,my teacher told me to go to the headmaster‘s office. When I got into the office,I saw a police officer. Suddenly I realized something was wrong. The police officer told me what had happened and we went to pick my sister up. After that,we went to the hospital and waited. Time went slowly. Finally,we got to see our mother. It was terrible.

On the next day,the headmaster came and told my two teachers what had happened. I was taking a rest that day. I knew it had something to do with my mother. I kept thinking that she either died or had gotten better. How I wished that she had gotten better. When my teacher took me outside,my sister ran up to me. She started crying,“She‘s gone. Teresa,mommy’s gone.

She‘s dead.” I couldn’t believe it. We jumped into the car and drove straight to the hospital. Most of my family were there. The silence was terrible. I knew I had to say goodbye.

Today when I look back,I still miss my mother very much,but I know that I will live. My mother was a strong mother,who had the biggest heart. My mother was an angel walking on the earth. I will always remember her as living. When someone is asked who their hero (英雄) is,they usually say someone famous,like Michael Jordan or Britney Spears. When someone asks me who my hero is,I tell them,my mother. My mother lives every day. That is what makes her a true hero.

1.Where was the writer when she learned her mother was very ill?

A. On the beach.       B. At the hospital.   C. At school.         D. At home.

2.Who brought the writer the bad news that her mother was ill?

A. Her sister.       B. The headmaster.  C. Her teacher.           D. The police officer.

3.What did the headmaster tell the two teachers on the next day?

A. Her mother had been very ill.   B. Her mother had been dead.

C. Her mother had gotten better.   D. Her sister came to see her.

4.From the last paragraph of the passage we know that _______.

A. the writer is afraid of her mother      

B. the writer is proud of her mother

C. the writer feels sad about her mother   

D. the writer feels sorry for her mother

5.The writer must think her mother is a _______ woman.

A. famous            B. free      C. rich                  D. great











1. C 细节理解题。根据第一段When we returned to school,my teacher told me to go to the headmaster‘s office,当我们返回学校时,老师把我们叫到校长办公室。故得出C项。

2. D 细节理解题。根据第一段The police officer told me what had happened and we went to pick my sister up,警察告诉我发生的事,所以选D项。

3. B  细节理解题。根据第二段On the next day,the headmaster came and told my two teachers what had happened,第二天,校长过来告诉我的两个老师所发生的事 根据When my teacher took me outside,my sister ran up to me. She started crying,“She‘s gone. Teresa,mommy’s gone.得知母亲去世。故选B项。

4.B  细节推断题。根据最后一段When someone asks me who my hero is,I tell them,my mother. My mother lives every day. That is what makes her a true hero B项。

5.D  细节理解题。根据最后一段When someone asks me who my hero is,I tell them,my mother,母亲是个伟大的人,故选D项。




Have you heard of Chen Binqiang in Zhejiang Province? Over the past six years, he has taken care of his mother who got Alzheimer’s disease.

Chen’s mother, 64-year-old Chen Yueguang, has been ill since 2007. The illness became very serious quickly and she has lost the ability to speak and can not look after herself. None of Chen’s other family members, however, could take care of their sick mother. Chen’s father died in a traffic accident when he was eight, his two sisters married far away and his wife has a 92-year-old grandmother to look after. 

Chen taught Chinese in Central School of Lengshui town, which is about 30 kilometers away from his home in Pan’an. So he spent five days at school and only went home on weekends. When he said he would take his mother to work, even his wife was doubtful and worried. She really doesn’t think it is a good idea for him to take care of his mother in school. She worries what if he lost his job because of this.

But Chen has made the decision. Soon he was putting a safety hat onto his mother’s head and helping her sit on his electric bike’s back seat. He thinks that his mother used to take him around and now he should take her.

These days, things got a little easier for him. With the help of Pan’an government, Chen got a new job in Pan’an Middle School in October 2012. The new school is only five minutes’ ride from his home, which means he can take care of his mother more conveniently.

Chen feels happiest when his mother is looking at him. She must have forgotten who he is, and she even can’t call his name. But she surely knows that Chen is kind to her. He feels that is enough.

On February 19th, 2013, Chen got the prize for Touching China, held by China Central Television to honor those whose performances have moved the people.

1. What does Chen Binqiang do? He is ___________,

A.a farmer          B.a driver           C.a postman         D.a teacher

2.The word “doubtful” in Paragraph 3 means ________.

A.疑惑             B.明白             C.预料             D.支持

3. How did Chen take her mother to his school?

A.In his car.                             B.In a taxi.

C.By electric bike.                        D.On foot.

4. The passage mainly tells us _______.

A.people will live a very hard life if our parents become seriously ill

B.it should be allowed to take care of our mothers at work places

C.a man who shows loving care for his mother and his great spirit

D.Touching China honors people whose performances move us


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