

Last month, I had a bad stomachache, so my mom took me to the1..The doctor asked me to take an X-ray.The X-ray showed that there was something2. with my stomach and I needed an operation(手术).The doctors got everything ready3.the operation.You can guess how nervous I was at that time.One of the doctors told me not to be4.(worry) about it.The smile 5.his face made me relaxed.The operation started on the morning of July6. (twelve).After two hours, the doctor said, It's over now.You may7.[ri't??n] home in a week if everything goes well." I hoped everything would go well.But it was8.['difik?lt] for me to get over the first two days because I couldn't eat anything.I felt very tired and only wanted to sleep. Two days later, I felt much 9. and I could eat some food, After I went home, I took exercise every day and now I am healthy.I have learned to take good care of10. (1).


Here are some important events in August in Britain, Read them and answer the following questions.

Great British Beer Festival

Tuesday. 3 Aug — Saturday. 7 Aug


Drink, music and other entertainments. This is held at Earls Court.


Edinburgh (爱丁堡) International Festival

Friday. 13 Aug.— Sunday. 5 Sep.


A festival of classical music, operas and dances in Edinburgh


Bristol International Balloon Festival (布里斯托儿国际气球节)

Thursday. 12 Aug.-Sunday. 15 Aug.

Europe's largest hot-air balloon festival, with over 100 balloons taking part


Summer Bank Holiday

Monday 30 Aug.

A public holiday in England, Wales and Northern Ireland People take trips or short vacations during the holiday.

For more: Travel/Transport

1.Where is the Great British Beer Festival held?

A.In Bristol. B.In Wales. C.In Edinburgh. D.At Earls Court.

2.How long does Edinburgh International Festival last?

A.13 days. B.24 days. C.33 days. D.43 days.

3.If you are in the UK at the beginning of August, you can probably take part in________.

A.the Summer Bank Holiday B.the Great British Beer Festival

C.the Edinburgh International Festival D.the Bristol International Balloon Festival

4.What is the Edinburgh International Festival about________.

A.Food. B.Clothes. C.Art. D.Vacations.

5.If you want to know more about Bristol International Balloon Festival, you can click ________.

A.http://www.eif.co.uk B.http://www.travel/ transport

C.http://www.gbbf.org D.http://www.bristolfiesta.co.uk

We’re sitting too much and it’s dangerous. Most Americans spend more than seven hours sitting every day, and the more you sit, the weaker your body will be.

Fortunately, there are simple changes you can make during the day — anywhere, even at the workplace — to improve your health.

Park a few blocks away from the office each morning and walk to work.

This allows you to start off your mornings actively and be ready to take on the work. If you take the bus, get off one stop earlier to take some light exercise before 8 a.m.

Stand up and move around the office once every 60 — 90 minutes.

When you’re busy with work, it’s easy to forget the time. Set the alarm to remind(提醒) you to stand up and take a walk around the office. You can use this time to fill up your water bottle or go to the bathroom.

Ask questions and discuss questions face to face.

Go to your co-worker’s office to discuss questions face to face, rather than send an e-mail every time you have a question. This gives you a good excuse to move.

Use your lunch break to move around outside.

So many Americans today work during their lunch break. When possible, take advantage of(利用) this time to walk outside and enjoy the nice weather. Fresh air can make you keep a clear mind.

1.The underlined word “Fortunately” in Paragraph 2 means __________.

A.unluckily B.luckily C.surprisingly D.possibly

2.Every morning, we can park a few blocks away from the office to __________.

A.save some money B.find a good place to park

C.take some light exercise D.take a walk in the park

3.What can we do when we stand up to walk around the office?

A.Play games with our co-workers. B.Enjoy the nice weather.

C.Fill up the water bottle. D.Walk to work.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.We should discuss questions face to face during the lunch break.

B.We should send an e-mail every time we have a question.

C.Few Americans spend more than seven hours sitting every day.

D.We should move our bodies every 60 — 90 minutes during the work.

5.The passage mainly tells us __________ during the workday.

A.ways to take some light exercise B.it’s dangerous to sit too much

C.the importance of taking exercise D.ways to get along with co-workers

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