My daughter is a single parent, whose life is very hard because she has three young sons. She plans her money carefully and manages to get something expensive that many people can buy easily.

When her eldest son, David wanted a bicycle so that he could do an after-school job, the family saved up and soon he was the proud owner of a good second-hand bicycle. One afternoon my daughter asked David to go shopping. He rode his bicycle, but carelessly left it outside the shop without putting on the lock. When David came out of the shop, it was gone. He walked home in tears and then, together with his angry mother, went to the local police station to report the theft.

Imagine their joy when they arrived at the station, a car parked out front had David’s bike in the boot (后备箱). The driver told my daughter how he’d seen a group of kids go for the bike once my grandson had gone inside the shop. The driver had called out to them to leave the bike alone. Instead, one of the kids in the group had jumped on the bicycle and ridden it away while the others followed.

The driver got in his car, drove after them and brought the stolen bike back. He was happy to be able to return it to my grandson together with a lesson about the mistake of failing to use the bike lock. Then, in all the excitement, he drove away without even giving his name or telephone number.

1.How is the writer’s daughter’s life?

A.Very busy. B.Very hard. C.Very simple. D.Very hopeless.

2.David lost his bike because ________.

A.many people stole things B.the lock was broken

C.bikes were needed by all D.he was too careless

3.Who helped David find his lost bike?

A.His mother. B.A driver. C.His grandmother. D.A policeman.

According to a recent study by scientists in the US, people are best at doing different things at different ages. They studied many people aged 10 to 90 years old, who were asked to take part in different memory test. The following is what they have got from the tests.

“Different from what most people have believed, it seems that some of our skills become stronger as we grow old,” Syrion Goodman, one of the scientists, said, “We also find an interesting fact. That is those who do sports regularly seem to do better in our test than those who don’t.”

1.According to the study, at what age do people remember new faces easily?

A.When they are 18 years old. B.When they are 22 years old.

C.When they are 32 years old. D.When they are 43 years old.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.You can pay full attention to one thing at the age of 34.

B.Your vocabulary skills are at their highest when you are 22.

C.It will be difficult for you to accept failure at the age of 43.

D.It’s easy for you to understand others’ feelings at the age of 18.

3.How many tests did the scientists do at least?

A.Four. B.Five. C.Six. D.Seven.

4.According to Syrion Goodman, we can infer(推断) that __________.

A.our skills will always become stronger and stronger as we grow old

B.doing sports may probably help us improve some skills as we grow old

C.most people may believe our skills become weaker when we grow old

D.we can live a much better life if we can do sports regularly in our daily life

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