
                                                                 Accident report
       Daisy witnessed (目睹) a road accident. She went to the police station with her mother to make a
  statement.This is what she said.
       At about 8 :30 A.M. I was walking along Ocean Road towards the school. A boy on a bike passed
  me, going in the same direction. He was riding his bike properly and keeping close to the sidewalk. The
  street was empty.
       Suddenly a car came along the street. It passecl me, then as it passed the boy on the bike it hit him.
  He fell off his bike onto the road. The car did not stop, but continued on its way. I believe the driver
  knew he'd hit the boy because I saw him look back.
       The car was quite old. It was red. I think it was a Ford Escort. I did not get its number because the
  license plate was covered with dirt. The driver was a man. He had long hair. He wasn't an old man but I
  can't guess his age.
       I ran to the boy. He was badly hurt so I ran to a nearby shop and called the paramedics. They
  amvecl with a police car. I told a police officer what I had seen. She asked me to make this statement at
  the police station.
                                                                                                                                    Daisy Jones          
1. Where did the accident happen?
A. At Daisy's school.
B. On Ocean Road.
C. Outside Daisy's house.
D. Outside the police station.
2. When did Daisy first see the boy on the bike?
A. When he was hit by a car.
B. When she got to school.
C. When he passed her on his bike.
D. When a car came along the street.
3. Why couldn't Daisy give the police the car's number?
A. Because there was no number at all on the license plate.
B. Because the car drove off too quickly.
C. Because there was something dirty on the license plate.
D. Because Ford Escort had no license plate.


  AC Milan star Kaka says a foot injury(受伤)is still stopping him from returning to football.He has not played for 32 days.Kaka says he is in a lot of pain.“I hurt myself in an area that we always put pressure(压力)on.”Kaka once played for a year with a knee injury, but the 26-year-old said this is much worse.

  British actress Emma used to spend more time filming than at school.But today she is ready to pay more attention to her studies.This 19-year-old girl will start at the Yale University in the autumn.“I always loved school.I just want to go back and find what else there is,”she said.

  Chinese 25-year-old sports star Liu Xiang returned to Shanghai in March.He had a successful foot operation(手术)in December in Houston, and spent the next three months there for recovery(康复)and basic training.It is said that a group of doctors are ready to help with Liu’s recovery.

  Russian great tennis player Sharapova will not be playing in the MPS Group Championships, which begins in the US on Monday.Sharapova was missing the Sony Ericsson Open the week before last in Miami.She may continue training for the WTA Rome event at the beginning of May.


Liu Xiang’s foot operation was successfully done in December in ________.

[  ]










How long has Kaka not played football because of his foot injury?

[  ]


More than a month.


About a year.


Two weeks.


Three months.


Which of the following is RIGHT?

[  ]


Emma started school at the age of 19.


Sharapova may play in the WTA Rome evernt.


Kaka was hurt by other players.


Liu Xiang returned to Shanghai for an ad.


Among the four persons, ________ isn’t a sports star.

[  ]




Liu Xiang





     On October 8th, when I cooked breakfast for my children, my house started shaking (摇动). It
was an earthquake (地震).
     My children were with me. Ali, who was 5 years old, came to me and asked for breakfast. He ate
a slice of bread when the earthquake came. When we tried to run out, something struck (撞击) Ali.
Humna and I ran out of the house safely.
     Soon Ali's father came and helped us, but we couldn't find Ali and my other daughter, Ayesha. We,
with other people, looked for them everywhere. Finally we found Ayesha's dead (死的) body from
her room. We found Ali six hours later. We could hear him cry at that time. The people said to him,
"We have a bike for you. Don't cry." He was very happy after hearing it because he wanted a bike
very much. He asked for his bike when he came out, but we had nothing for him except (除……之外)
the dead body of his sister Ayesha.
1. What did Ali do when the earthquake came?
A. He ran into the house.    
B. He played in the yard.
C. He ate a slice of bread.  
D. He helped his mum cook.
2. How many children were there in the family before the earthquake?
A. Two.    
B. Three.    
C. Four.  
D. Five.
3. They spent more than _____ hours looking for Ali.
A. 3    
B. 4  
C. 5  
D. 6
4. Which of the following is NOT true ac-cording to the passage?
A. Ali was 5 years old.
B. Ayesha was dead.
C. The writer bought a bike for Ali.
D. The earthquake came in the morning.
5. The passage is about ________.
A. a bad trip                
B. a clever child
C. a great mother            
D. a terrible earthquake  
    ● AC Milan star Kaka says a foot injury (受伤) is still stopping him from returning to football. He has
not played for 32 days. Kaka says he is in a lot of pain. "I hurt myself in an area that we always put pressure
(压力) on." Kaka once played for a year with a knee injury, but the 26-year-old said this is much worse.
   ● British actress Emma used to spend more time filming than at school. But today she is ready to pay
more attention to her studies. This 19-year-old girl will start at the Yale University in the autumn. "I always
loved school. I just want to go back and find what else there is," she said.
   ● Chinese 25-year-old sports star Liu Xiang returned to Shanghai in March. He had a successful foot
operation (手术) in December in Houston, and spent the next three months there for recovery (康复) and
basic training. It is said that a group of doctors are ready to help with Liu's recovery.
   ● Russian great tennis player Sharapova will not be playing in the MPS Group Championships, which
begins in the US on Monday. Sharapova was missing the Sony Ericsson Open the week before last in Miami.
She may continue training for the WTA Rome event at the beginning of May.
1. Liu Xiang's foot operation was successfully done in December in            .
[     ]
A. Miami
B. Rome
C. Houston
D. Shanghai
2. How long has Kaka not played football because of his foot injury?
[     ]
A. More than a month.
B. About a year.
C. Two weeks.
D. Three months.
3. Which of the following is RIGHT?
[     ]
A. Emma started school at the age of 19.
B. Sharapova may play in the WTA Rome evernt.
C. Kaka was hurt by other players.
D. Liu Xiang returned to Shanghai for an ad.
4. Among the four persons,             isn't a sports star.
[     ]
A. Sharapova
B. Liu Xiang
C. Emma
D. Kaka

     To prepare Chinese students for the world, and international students for China Our
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1. One can choose all of the following programs in the "IMBA program" EXCEPT ________.
A. Full-time MBA (Chinese)
B. Part-time MBA (Chinese)
C. International MBA (English)
D. Human Resource
2. If John wants to prepare for his A-Levels, when can he start his study at Castle College Nottingham?
A. Either September or January.
B. September.
C. January.
D. Any time when he is free.
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Students all over the world can choose to study the IMBA program.
B. A student from Britain can enter Castle College Nottingham to study a foreign language.
C. Li Ming, who will have a month's vacation, can choose to study English at Castle College Nottingham.
D. The MBA program is the earliest in China.
4. Mr. Wu has the experience of management in a large company in China, so he can choose ________
to learn some theories.
A. English as a Foreign Language
B. Pre-Programme at Castle College Nottingham
C. The IMBA programme at Renmin University of China, School of Business
D. Castle College Nottingham
5. As a Chinese, if you want to study abroad, you can email to ________ to get more information.
A. www. castlecollege. ac. uk / international
B. minhha. nguyen@ castlecollege. ac. uk
C. www. rbs. org. cn / mfea / en
D. imba@ rue. edu. cn
     In our country every school has a library. You have read many interesting books. You borrow them
from the school library. Sometimes you get books from your parents or friends as presents. If you like
reading and want to learn knowledge (知识), I'm sure that you'll buy books yourself.
     Have you ever thought of how books are made? Well, after draft (草稿) of a book is written, it passes
through the hands of many people
. Everyone of them has to work carefully for there must not be any
mistakes in the book. It's checked (校阅) many times by the different people before it is printed (印刷).
     Millions (百万) and millions of books come out in our country every year. So people have a lot of things
to read. Let's take good care of our books.
1. Where can the students borrow books? From _____.
[     ]
A. workers
B. parent
C. libraries
D. shops
2. If you like reading, _____.
[     ]
A. you may borrow any book from any library every day.
B. you may ask your friends to buy some books for you as presents.
C. you had better buy books yourselves.
D. you should get books from your parents as presents.
3. The underlined sentence (画线句子) means that _____.
[     ]
A. everyone wants to read the draft.
B. one passes the draft to another.
C. it needs a lot of hard work to get perfect (完美).
D. none of them can decide (决定) how to make books.
4. In which order (顺序)are books made?
a. Bookshops sell books.
b. Workers print books.
c. Different people check books.
d. Some people write drafts.
e. Books come out of the factory.
f. People think over how to write a book.
[     ]

A. d-f-c-e-b-a
B. f-d-c-b-e-a
C. d-f-b-c-e-a
D. f-b-c-d-e-a 
5. Which is the best title (标题) for the passage (短文)?
[     ]
A. About Books
B. How to Make Books
C. Where to Get Books
D. Take Good Care of Books

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