
I was lost in a strange country. And what's worse, the only word I knew of the language was the name of the hotel, but I pronounced(发音) it badly.

    I stopped and asked a friendly-looking newspaper seller. He smiled and handed me a paper. I shook my head (摇头) and said the name of the hotel again and he put the paper into my hands. I had to give him some money and went on my way.

    Then I met a policeman. I asked him at once. The policeman listened to me carefully, smiled and took me by the arm. He pointed left and right and left again. I thanked him and began walking on.

     About an hour later I arrived at a strange town. The only thing left for me to do was to find the nearest(最近) bus station.

1. The newspaper seller          

A. didn't know the way.                B. thought the writer wanted a paper.

    C. helped the writer find the hotel               D. was in fact very bad

2. The policeman      

A. wouldn't like to tell the writer the way    B. told the writer to take a bus

C. couldn't understand the writer                D. didn't know the hotel at all


4. Why did the writer lose the way to the hotel?

5. Did the writer go back to the hotel on foot?

1 - 2  BC


4. Because he was in a strange country and he couldn't speak the (local) language.

5. No, he didn't.


One day when I was 9 years old, I was lost when I went shopping with my parents.
I walked and looked for my parents. I did not know what to do. When I wanted to cry, I remembered my father’s words that I was now "a big girl" and then I walked bravely (勇敢地).
I went to the bookstore on the first floor. My father wanted to get some books just now, but my parents were not there. Then, I went to the shoe shop on the second floor. My mother went to buy a pair of shoes. I did not find them there. "Did they go home? How could I get home then? "I was very worried (焦虑的).
Then an idea came up. I ran to the Information Counter (信息台). I told the clerk that I was lost. The news went out over the loud speakers of the shopping center.
My parents arrived at the counter later. They looked worried, too, but I was happy for finding them.
【小题1】Where did the girl get lost in this article?
A. In a bookstore.       B. In a shopping center.     C. In a shoe shop.
【小题2】What did the girl do when she was lost?
A. She stayed there and cried. B. She went home by herself. C. She looked for her parents.
【小题3】How did the girl’s parents look when they found her?
A. They looked worried.   B. They looked surprised.   C. They looked unfriendly.
【小题4】The words "loud speakers" mean _____ in Chinese.
A. 讲演者           B. 收银员            C. 扬声器
【小题5】What do you know about the girl in the article?
A. She is kind but not clever.
B. She is beautiful and funny.
C. She is brave and smart.


One day when I was 9 years old, I was lost when I went shopping with my parents.

I walked and looked for my parents. I did not know what to do. When I wanted to cry, I remembered my father’s words that I was now "a big girl" and then I walked bravely (勇敢地).

I went to the bookstore on the first floor. My father wanted to get some books just now, but my parents were not there. Then, I went to the shoe shop on the second floor. My mother went to buy a pair of shoes. I did not find them there. "Did they go home? How could I get home then? "I was very worried (焦虑的).

Then an idea came up. I ran to the Information Counter (信息台). I told the clerk that I was lost. The news went out over the loud speakers of the shopping center.

My parents arrived at the counter later. They looked worried, too, but I was happy for finding them.

1.Where did the girl get lost in this article?

A. In a bookstore.       B. In a shopping center.     C. In a shoe shop.

2.What did the girl do when she was lost?

A. She stayed there and cried. B. She went home by herself. C. She looked for her parents.

3.How did the girl’s parents look when they found her?

A. They looked worried.   B. They looked surprised.   C. They looked unfriendly.

4.The words "loud speakers" mean _____ in Chinese.

A. 讲演者           B. 收银员            C. 扬声器

5.What do you know about the girl in the article?

A. She is kind but not clever.

B. She is beautiful and funny.

C. She is brave and smart.


       Each morning, I walked past a security guard(保安)。He  everyone that walked by him. I 2    how he knew so many people by their first names. The first few times I saw him. I didn’t say hello back to him 3    he greeted me. I was lost in my own world. On Monday he asked, “How was your  ?” I told him about my visit to my sick, elderly mother. He told me how 5  he was for my mother’s sickness. As I walked away, I realized I did not even know his 6   . The following day, I asked, “What’s your name?” He answered, “Gary.” I said, “I’m Deborah.” After that, we talked a couple of times a week. We 7    stories about our weekends, our dreams, and our families. Gary got offered a new job and moved 8    . It has been years since I last spoke to him, yet the memory feels like yesterday.

       I look back at what became a friendship of sharing stories from the heart. When you say 9  to a stranger(陌生人) you become a pebble(鹅卵石)thrown into a lake. With each ripple(涟漪)you create, you spread 10   that continues to give.

1. A. watched                 B. believed               C. thanked          D. greeted

2. A. complained               B. admired               C. expected        D. forgot

3. A. when                   B. until                  C. before          D. and

4. A. visit                    B. weekend              C. mother                  D. sickness

5. A. afraid                   B. glad                  C. sorry            D. surprised

6. A. age                     B. job                   C. name            D. family

7. A. wrote                  B. heard                 C. read             D. shared

8. A. away                   B. over                        C. on              D. in

9. A. yes                     B. hello                 C. no              D. goodbye

10. A. news                 B. virus                 C. love             D. sadness

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