Mary is a shy and quiet girl.One day she wanted to learn swimming with her father.Before she stepped into the cool,moving water,she held out a life buoy(救生圈)in front of her.She looked worried because she had never swum in a river before.

“Let me hold your life buoy when you swim,” said her father.He smiled at her.“There's not a cloud in the sky.It's a great day to swim in the river,isn't it?”

Mary looked out across the water.People were floating(漂浮)by on the life buoy.Some talked and laughed as they were swimming.None of them looked worried.“We'll stay together,” said Mary's father.

“Will we go fast?” Mary asked.

“No,” said her dad.“We'll move slowly for a while,and then it will get a little fast.Don't worry,Mary.You'll be fine.”

Mary looked at her life buoy.It stayed in the water quietly.She saw a girl in her age swim by.The girl looked happy.Suddenly Mary's worries went away.

“Hold it hard so that it won't move,Dad,” she said.“I'm ready to climb on and swim.”

1.This story takes place ________.

A.on a river Mary's house a city pool a lake

2.What is Mary's problem in this story?

A.She doesn't like to be in cool water. B.She is worried that she will get hurt.

C.She is afraid to try something new. D.She is afraid to swim with her father.

3.You can tell from the story that Mary ________.

A.loves to read B.loves to swim C.believes in her father D.likes her father's jokes

4.We can infer that ________ in the end from the passage.

A.Mary pushed her life buoy B.Mary saw a girl in her own age

C.Mary swam happily with her father D.Mary returned home alone

5.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Mary's Swim B.Mary's Trip C.Mary's Visit D.Mary's Camp

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